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Joined 1 years ago

Lemmy Shitpost != Facebook

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I stopped going to church when I realized how hypocritical the people who attended churches are. "Love thy neighbor, except those gays, brown people, liberals, pro-choicers( except when I need, or my teenage daughter needs an abortion), anyone who lives on the west coast, drives a Tesla, eats an avocado, believes in vaccines, voted for Biden, didn't vote for Trump, wants raise minimum wage, oh and definitely those climate change believers. They can all go rot in hell. 'Merica!!!! Fuckin Yeehaww!! Pew pew pew!!!"

This guys a pastor and I figured this out when I was 15...I'm 41.

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What the fuck is in the water over at the Reddit HQ, lead?

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No, that is literally solving the problem. You can't make it clean. What exactly would we need to protect out in space or say the moon? The space whales, or moon frogs? You're protecting nothing but the vacuum of space and some rocks.

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And it was so valuable and useful because we, the former redditors, made it that way. They're ruining the hard (and free) work people did over those 15 years to make it useful. The good thing is it's been shown to be entirely replaceable, and made better by taking control out of corporate hands.

The special (and valuable) thing about Reddit was its passionate users. Take that away and what's left?

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Because selling the notion of "trickle down" economics is extremely profitable for those at the top. It keeps stringing people along believing that if we just give more money to and ask for less from our corporate benefactors, eventually we'll all benefit somehow by them expanding their businesses and creating more slave wage jobs.

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They'll just make a fee for having to list their fees, and make the consumer pay for it.

All this talk of state-sponsored/subsidized news/media gives me the wiggins, at least as someone who lives in the US. I'm sure people smarter than myself could come up with a bullet proof system to prevent abuse, but really, I would have little faith it would stand the test of time. I feel like any protections you put in place would be eroded eventually. All it takes is one "emergency" or "disaster". Maybe I'm wrong. It just feels so 1984ish.

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You're not wrong.

There were still bugs. You just learned how to deal with them or work around them.

Now that's a thought. An unwitting corrupt politician honey pot.

No one give a shit about iMessage. I've watched my kids exclusively communicate with their friends via Snapchat and discord.

Writing this from Memmy right now. Can't recommend it enough.

This is who will get replaced first, and they don't want to see it. They're the most important, valuable part of the company in their own mind, yet that was the one thing the AI got right, the management part. It still needed the creative mind of a human programmer to do the code properly, or think outside the box.

That can change, and already has begun. What made Reddit special was exactly what we're doing now, discussion. All it's going to take is for fediverse content to be searchable (if it's not already searchable) and it's game over for Reddit.

I'd rather not. You'll have people farming the garbage and selling accounts a la gallowshill.

MAGA Republicans I like this term.

Same. I've seen multiple people say this here and I've yet to experience it. Makes me wonder if the particular podcasters they're listening to have opted in to some sort of ad revenue thing from Spotify.

Fuck it, I'm moving over to Seamonkey.

I've also been a subscriber for the last 4 years or so and seeing all of this is making me wonder if I'm subscribed to the same Spotify they are. I've had none of these issues.

There's a joke in there somewhere. I just can't put my finger on it.

It's never to early for ice-cream (or to late for that matter).

I did the same a few months ago and was extremely nervous. I have a 4 node cluster running 30 VMs in production. After migrating the VMS off of one node I quickly realized what a pleasure it was to do it. No muss no fuss. Migrated the VMs back and continued on with the other 3.

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This is awesome!

Sorry for the late reply. Using ZFS and replicating the VM first makes it really quick. Less than 5 minutes of downtime.


Tax write off perhaps?

Chop one head off...

I don't think you quite grasp how enormously big space is.

We need to handle this carefully. I feel martyr vibes coming from all of this bullshit if he is found guilty. Maybe it's the part of the US I live in, and the political slant of the people therein, but I see him and his supporters using this to do something even more epically stupid than trying to invade the capital.