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Joined 1 years ago

Don’t blame tech, blame the bait-and-switch business model of loss leading products.

Uber never made money because they chose to undercut prices of all competitors and bleed them out.

I’d argue that newer streaming companies (those founded by studios, such as Disney +) did the same thing by roping in customers before jacking up prices.

It may be the “fault” of capitalism, but consider it was capitalism that birthed streaming in the first place. In the long term, the expectation would be a better solution will surface in reference to streaming.. the same way streaming was a solution to cable. Thus is the business cycle.

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So basically,

  1. Banks will repossess vehicles to try and minimise losses

  2. Banks will not be able to sell those repossessed vehicles, resulting in losses

  3. Banks may become insolvent as they are unable to liquidate the vehicles

  4. Government steps in to bail them out

New vehicle prices are not in line with their actual value, so banks are making loans that aren’t covered by the collateral. This is shit management by the banking industry. If it’s impossible to get an auto loan then vehicle prices will eventually fall as supply stacks up. Banks are feeding this cycle by being unrealistic in these loan assessments.

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My tastes have definitely changed.

I’m old and I’m busy. I don’t have time for fetch quests that are uninspired time sinks. I don’t have time to play through a game with janky mechanics just for a few bright spots. I don’t have time to farm repetitive shit just so I can do X thing.

I’ve found that most AAA games care more about the time you spend playing rather than whether the game is fun or not. Diablo IVs rapid fall from grace is a prime example of this. This will not stop; it is the end point of the business model. A fun game that people sink 40 hours into and drop is much less profitable than a mid-game that demands a perpetual 10 hours per week.

Others have already hit on it, but my best gaming experiences in recent years have been games that I didn’t buy on release and only found through online word of mouth and hype.

I’m just tired man.

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This is a great example of why completely de-regulated markets don’t work. It’s the government’s job to ensure that consumers have choices and prevent both regional and outright monopolies.

Provision of choice allows consumers to vote with their wallets unless firms collude to fix prices.

Either way, this is the fault of government regulators.

I do believe market economies are still the most efficient means of managing resources, but there have to be guardrails. Free Market implies that consumers are free to choose, but that choice shouldn’t come down to Option A or Nothing.

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Slow down your thinking and consider this: why would any practical person fully develop something without getting market feedback and understanding demand?

This is by the book “Preto-typing”. You can frame it as lying, but the reality is Apple had faith that all of the “faked” features in the demonstration would be fully developed before launch.

IBM did something similar before voice-to-text existed. They faked the technology during market research and discovered that people didn’t enjoy speaking to their computer as much as initially thought. It showed them that they could better invest that money elsewhere.

It would make zero sense and be a foolish use of capital to fully develop a product that complex and expensive without understanding market preferences.

This is a non-story, rage-bait headline.

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We send each other a squirrel emoji via text

My take is that Excel is great for people to throw together quick and efficient tools for their own use. The problem is when these get distributed and then everyone uses something that has no version control or QA/QC.

I see this a lot because an engineer gets annoyed with IT or existing software restrictions and learns enough VBA to be dangerous. (Spoiler, it me.)

Feel like I have the same argument at work everyday. Some things just take a definitive time. 20 cooks won’t make a cake faster. Cooking that cake at 1000 degrees won’t make it faster. It will take the time it takes.

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I literally got my Masters degree because I got pissed off at work 2 years ago.

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Anyone that bought when rates were still 2-3% isn’t selling unless they’re being forced. Why would they, considering their real interest rate is negative at this point.

This is a non-headline because it’s reporting on something that was expected to happen when interest rates rose.

That being said, this does suck for those who have yet to purchase their first home. Property investors buying with cash have no incentive to stop buying. This is where government should step in and regulate. Those conversations should be headlining instead.

Value is subjective, and some people value convenience more than the cost of delivery.

I regularly talk to myself when I drive to and from work. Obviously, I drive in alone.

It’s not a self conversation, it’s more like verbalizing my own thought processes. It helps me work through problems and make decisions.

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Yeah you’re not wrong.

I feel like I can’t get ahead. Always running. Hell, I even do well for myself, good job and income. There’s always “just one more [X]”. And then we die.

I would love if they would just roll out an iMessage app to android. Ideally free.

I could realistically see them roll out an apple subscription pack to android eventually. Give users a way to access Apple Music, Fitness, etc. May even allow android users make use of Apple Watch.

I’m not an Apple fan boy, but this seems like a decent compromise from a business perspective. This meets a need and I don’t think there’s a decent enough argument that it would cannibalize iPhone sales (flagship models anyway)

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Everything like this just means now I have to spend more of my billable hours fighting through automated bullshit.

It looks like savings on paper, but the true cost is hidden when every other employee now spends more of their time not doing their actual job.

Everyone suffers. Now that work has ramped back up post pandemic, it is very apparent how our talent pools have been impacted.

It’s the worst kind of problem: hard to fix and slow to show fairly significant consequences.

I encourage everyone to read Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell.

Excellent book that covers this topic with examples ranging from successful businessmen to why most professional Canadian Hockey players are born around the same time of year.

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Anyone that takes time to do the little things that make us civilised: picking up someone else’s trash, putting away someone else’s shopping cart, etc. Just shows they give a fuck

Keltner’s The Power Paradox covers this phenomenon. As we rise in power and influence, it is very easy to lose those same qualities that allowed us to gain power in the first place.

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Didn’t Teddy Roosevelt implement wealth taxes via the Estate Tax and Capital Gains Tax?

These aren’t exactly new ideas. We’ve just slowly dismantled them over the past decades.

Sneeze every time you go down

I’m skeptical of a 1000 person survey, especially when overall home sales are still down.

That being said, some people may be getting tired of waiting and willing to gamble on refinancing with favorable interest rates in the future.

LASIK Good quality gym wear (Lululemon circa 2015) Investing in mental health via a psychiatrist

lol you act like posting on Facebook does something. Narcissistic assholes the lot

Red Rising would be a phenomenal TV show.

Mistborn and Stormlight Archive from Sanderson would also be incredible.

Buffalo testicals

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My summary of his book is that people rise to power by contributing to the greater good. They empathise with those around them and are likeable. Power is thus given to them by others.

The paradox is that it’s been suggested by several studies that those that gain power (or those that feel powerful) tend to be less empathetic and focus more on themselves.

He does not prescribe to the Lord of the Flies world view.

Exactly. Consequences are necessary to curb reckless behaviour. That’s why the leaders of these entities should be punished separately.

This is the best answer.

Source: American, but I’ve spent the past 6 years living across Asia and Europe.

That’s a bit myopic. VC is just a fancy word for large financial backer.

You can basically credit the entire age of discovery (America, Australia, etc.) to “VC” in the form of kings and wealthy elite financing voyages.

I think modern VC goes awry when they become defacto decision makers for the venture in question.

I don’t believe historic models can accurately account for today’s level of globalisation.

Why does every American feel the need to take a stance and vomit their opinions? It’s ok to just be quiet and observe.

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The Spider-Man games on PS5 have great storytelling.

Cyberpunk 2077

God of War and God or War Ragnarok

  • I believe both of these have settings that can reduce the “bloodiness”

Destiny 2….. lmao j/k

Thanks so much! Would an improvement to the website interface or a means to clarify your coverage options make a difference to you (or anyone you know)?

Agree the system is bogus; I’m trying to zero in on ways to help people navigate the process, including those without employer sponsored programs.

I was originally in bupropion for my anxiety and it does help. I also take concerta after being diagnosed with ADHD, but bupropion absolutely helps with anxiety.

Complain and then do it again next week

That’s interesting, thanks for bringing that up! Just goes to show that there are always multiple sides and layers to every issue.

Have you tried Wellbutrin[Buproprion]?

You’re confusing economic systems with systems of government.

I’m interested to hear how you explain the drive to create streaming as an option to cable without including tenets of a market driven economy.

Reddit/Lemmy/Etc really has a hard-on to blame all bad things on capitalism. Capitalism is amoral. It is cold and uncaring. But not recognizing it as a driving factor for growth, innovation and societal advancement is a path of willful ignorance.

Everything has pros and cons in life.