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Joined 7 months ago

To be fair, Avril Lavigne signed away the movie rights to Sk8ter Boi to Paramount in 2003, and we still don't have that movie.

Selling IP rights into another medium is not the same as a guarantee that it will be developed (though it is a first step).

If you get married or start dating in the new country, it's worth being aware of how much more culture shock your partner is likely to experience when visiting your country of origin.

I kind of made this mistake after leaving my home country for many years, getting married, and moving home(-ish) with my spouse. I needed time to readjust to the surroundings, but it was mostly digging up old memories. (Also, it wasn't exactly where I came from, so some things were different.) I mistakenly fooled myself into assuming that things that I remembered would be natural for my spouse, which was obviously stupid.

I was dumb. Don't be dumb.

The ASF has renamed their conferences from ApacheCon to Community over Code, so foundation leadership seems receptive to moving away from the Apache name.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the name is changed in the next couple of years.

The name was originally just a silly joke, since it was "a patchy web server" (as it was an open source web server abandoned by the original author, but kept going by a community sharing patches to fix bugs and add features).

Trump's second impeachment came after he lost his second election.

The quick adjustments to tileable blueprints sound amazing. Such a great idea!

Somehow I thought the pipette on water to get an offshore pump (like how you can pipette on an ore field for a miner) was already a thing. That and the quick access to landfill will save so much time when designing nuclear plants.

The spidertron stuff sounds nice too, but they're usually so late game that I haven't minded the slightly clunky v1.1 status quo.