5 Post – 222 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'd like that as well.

If you really need one take white list approach. Block everything you don't need and only open what you need. Have fun finding out what you need.

Westworld (Season 1). The other seasons are good and have great moments but season 1 is special.

My server has been on Endeavour OS (arch with a gui installer) for at least 18 months. I run updates roughly every 10 days (basically whenever I remember). Never had a problem with it. I dare say it could go horribly wrong at some point so I keep the LTS kernel installed as well just as a fall back.

My main pc is also running Endeavour OS (dual boot with windows 11). Other than having to keep Bluetooth downgraded to support the ps5 dual sense controller, it runs great.

My only gripe is that updates often contain something that forces the kernel rebuild process and so it needs a reboot afterwards.

Every other Linux I've run has had some sort of "rebuild to fix" type issue at some point, or had been hard to find good support information for. Endeavour OS has been the most reliable and the easiest to fix and find support for.

I've watched it too many times now. I still recommend it to everyone, I just can't watch it myself anymore. Maybe when I retire.

Me too. I enjoy the @myservername thing as it lets me have one file to maintain lots of servers (Minecraft in my case). I'm sure someone will say other init systems can do the same, but I learnt this one and I like it.

There needs to be a registry service that allows people to show they have a license for any digital media we purchase.

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He should remove the "post" button while he's at it.

This seems like bullshit to me. I've not seen anyone complaining their VPN isn't working. And any business with staff using VPNs would not be happy if they managed to let that update get applied.

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This site is amazing. It needs a hug from reddit.

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Is it true they play a G note when you fart?

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I'm on the yearly trip to linux land. The one thing that bothers me is hardware support, specifically configuration of hardware devices. My external audio device (Focusrite 2i2) works fine but there is no easy to change the bit rate etc without messing with core config files. This is the sort of thing that should be in the GUI already. My PS5 controller works as well but I can't make it automatically go to sleep after 5 mins. Also HDR support is still missing.

That said, so far I'm finding ways to do what I need, but it is clear Linux still has much to improve if it hopes to attract more windows users.

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Endeavour OS

I've tried all the usual distros many times over the years but never an arch based distro until last year. I gave arch a go first and it was great but then tried endeavouros and it came with the fixes I needed and was more instantly good from the first boot. The AUR and arch wiki stuff just makes the whole experience most (sry to use this term) Windows like in terms of fixes and support.

Places of religious worship and formal teaching (e.g. churches, and Sunday schools) should be treated like bars and porn. You need to be an adult to access bars and porn because children do not fully understand what is happening or the consequences of being there. Churches (etc) are the same and there should be a legal age limit.

It should also be socially unacceptable to talk about religious opinions in front of kids, just like most people don't swear or talk dirty, etc.

I agree with schools teaching kids "about" religions, just like sex and drugs. Teaching facts is good, preaching (aka indoctrination) is not.

Tldr: uniforms are an anachronism, used as means of constraining and controlling kids, and reminding them who is in charge.

Very long; reading if you like:

Using uniforms to disguise the differences between rich and poor was a post War idea that made a lot of sense in the UK. The introduction of public schools at the time brought kids together from a wide range of backgrounds just when those differences were very obvious. It all made a lot of sense. Also, English private schools had famously used uniforms as it created a certain image that they wanted. To a degree this is now true of public schools, and the "tradition" of wearing uniforms is often given as a reason to keep them.

In the UK, in 2024, there are always kids wearing uniforms that are unwashed, need repairing, or just the wrong size. But even without those signs the kids all know who is rich and who is not.

If you take kids out of their uniforms and let them wear their preferred clothes, the differences between become very hard to spot. Back in 1942 this was not true, but today you'd be hard pushed to tell who is rich and who is not making the original purpose irrelevant.

To setup a study of the impact of uniforms is logistically impossible, however all studies that look at educational outcomes found no correlation between uniform and exam results. This seems to disprove the claim that uniforms allow kids to do better in class.

Today, schools like to have uniforms for a few reasons. One, they claim it is part of the school identity, which is true to a degree. But it came about due to national hardship, and is a reminder of times we no longer need. Two, school rules on uniforms have always existed but have become more strict in recent years (speaking as a UK parent of 3 kids aged 12, 16, & 25). In the school my kids attend(ed), they will send letters home and punish kids for uniform related infractions the moment they happen. However, they don't do the same for education related issues. It took 2 years for them to report the issues my daughter was having, and they seemed more concerned with her earnings than her school work when we spoke with them.

Dropping uniforms would reduce the load on teachers who would not need to constantly monitor and punish kids for wearing the wrong shoes, or coats, or bags, or having earrings even. There would still be some rules but they would allow far more latitude for self expression and freedom that kids in 2024 require. And this is an important point. For good or bad, modern children are exposed to information, news, behaviours, and attitudes from around the world, from a very early age. They are also going through the universal issues of adolescence. We need to accept they need freedom to express themselves, not find ways to constrain them.

On a side note, it is my own view that some schools are scared of giving kids freedom to choose, and the uniform rules are intended as a way to make them "conform" to a conservative standard. Uniform rules are effectively a stick they can smack kids with. Take it away and you take their power.

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Except where actual safety is concerned, all information should be public. That means Individuals, businesses, authorities, governments, etc, should not be able to hold any information privately, it should all be freely available to everyone. There only private information is what you can hold in your head.

Anyone who thinks about this idea for more than 30 seconds decides it is a really bad idea. I honestly believe that true information freedom will also free the human race, and that is the unpopular part. Everyone seemed to think I'm naive but people are just frightened kids and secrets are their first line of defense.

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Also, doesn't Wayland do things x11 can't, or did badly, like Variable refresh rate ?

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The 2 principles I stick to are.

  1. Job hunting is a numbers game, just like any sales job. Don't take rejection personally, just move on to the next one.
  2. Don't get excited about a job until you have a signed contract. Just apply / interview, and forget about it until the next stage happens.

Number 2 is hard to do sometimes, but worth doing whenever possible.

Ok. Now, change the audio bit rate in the GUI? You can try any Linux you like.

The Lack of functions in the GUI to configure Hardware devices is a serious problem for Linux. You can't Configure anything on your AMD graphics card, set sleep timeout of you wireless game controller, or enable HDR.

I'm currently having a good time in Arch but I'm frustrated that GUI controls for basic stuff is still missing. Most of this stuff has been in Windows for decades.

Rather focusing on the how customisable the desktop environment is, they need to focus on making Hardware configuration easier.

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More GUI front ends for stuff. This takes away the need to understand command line tools and syntax, and makes the out-of-the-box experience feel more like it just works.

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If you have a dishwasher, do NOT rinse things before putting them in. Just scrape off the bits into the bin. A big part of the efficiency of a dishwasher comes from not running more water or the water heater unnecessarily. If you rinse you might as well hand wash.

Given that God is infinite, and that the universe is also infinite, would you like a toasted tea-cake?

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Put the ball into an open net in Rocket League.

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That "if" can apply to the high price brand as well. If you know you won't use the item a lot, going for off brand is a reasonable approach.

I'm on the cusp off jumping to Arch. Before I do I'm replacing my rtx 3080 with an RX 6800 XT. They are close enough in performance and identical pricing on eBay.

I've done a bunch of testing and found great support for all my hardware except my Razer Ripsaw HDMI capture device, which I can replace with something supported. It is just the Nvidia bullshit holding me back.

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I'll add a requirement. That supports remotes running Wayland.

I honestly love Powershell, but haven't tried the Linux version yet. I only use Bash on linux but it has a load of odd quirks that make it unpleasant to use imo. Can't comment on anything else.

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Yip. Also, they were very slightly totally different.

It is essentially a full fledged PC. It uses the same AMD APU (CPU with built in GPU) as the PS5 and Xbox, has expandable storage. There are other similar and more powerful competitors but the steam deck has the best price and has out of th box support for a shit load of games using Steam. It also user serviceable.

I wear whatever the fuck I want. I once had a sort of boss (not a line manager just a coordinator. Our team were all contractors and didn't really report to one person as such). She saw me crossing the office one day and pulled me aside to tell me I had to wear a shirt and tie from now on. Anyway, I just said "nope", and walked off.

She had been trying shit like this on our team for a while and we knew we could just ignore her about this stuff. Still satisfying though.

Played it without VR. Felt the same. Maybe because I intentionally waited until late at night so it would be dark enough with the lights off. Awesome game.

I'm at the point of looking to pay for a good usenet service. I'll definitely probably start looking next week.

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I wondered what was going on when Steam said Counter-Striker 2 successfully updated.

The coolest one . . . . Gen X.

The music performed by the band ranged from outstanding to utter pretentious twaddle. Imho the most interesting thing about The Doors was the 1991 film about the band. Val Kilmer play Morrison. The likeness was uncanny.

The impression you get is the guy went to excess and succeeded at being a dick. Shame really cos I genuinely like most of their tracks.

I like Nano. I think it is quite good. There, I said it.

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I'm always suspicious of these sorts of posts. Feels like the answers could be used to profile the users who reply. Maybe the internet has made me way too paranoid.

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People switching to Linux forces a Rethink of how you do things. There is loss and change, and the mistake people make so often is thinking "I this in windows, why not Linux?". I think this is an understandable expectation because they look so similar. The trick is reaching this understanding and resetting your expectations.

I run EndeavourOS (Basically Arch), and I love it, but it doesn't do everything. I have to use windows for my music creation stuff because the instruments and effects I want can't be installed on Linux. I'm prepared to switch between the 2 OSes and I've slowly managed to move almost everything I do on to Linux by finding alternatives and accepting the different ways it does things.

Doesn't mean it will work for everyone but that's the way I think about it.

Was going to say Hot Fuzz. You can watch it multiple times and it is still funny.