1 Post – 92 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Feels like good practice to have /home mounted on a separate partition if you want to install a different distro or reinstall but I've never had to test the theory.

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It doesn't help to bring whataboutism into this discussion. This is a known problem with the open nature of federation. So is bigotry and hate speech. To address these problems, it's important to first acknowledge that they exist.

Also, since fed is still in the early stages, now is the time to experiment with mechanisms to control them. Saying that the problem is innate to networks is only sweeping it under the rug. At some point there will be a watershed event that'll force these conversations anyway.

The challenge is in moderating such content without being ham-fisted. I must admit I have absolutely no idea how, this is just my read of the situation.

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OMG long-press to peek is so satisfying. And small things like image viewing. So easy with one hand double-tap slide, while connect had me pinching like a caveman.

And comment drafts.

Looking forward to the lifetime unlock.

It's just a worse version of an already existing idea.

Install fail2ban. Prevents brute force access to your server. The defaults should be fine.

I love my Garmin watches but they aren't really known for privacy or security. They had a ransomware attack in 2020 and the Connect service was down. It's speculated that they paid the ransom.

That's only for vehicles. It isn't the same thing.

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If your device is on this list and you're technically-inclined, consider installing lineageOS.

Thanks for the answers! I had a bad taste in my mouth after his dandruff video which felt very corporate but I gave him the benefit of the doubt assuming that the science was solid. I guess my gut instinct was right.

I still think a lot of his videos are good, it's just sad that the obviously sponsored ones are low quality. I'll check out the links and response video someone else posted and keep being skeptical.

I didn't realise how much I missed image peek (long press a post to popup the thumbnail image) until I switched back from jerboa to sync when it first came out. Especially since I mostly seem to be reading webcomics.

I don't comment much, but sync's draft feature feels very solid.

Otherwise I did feel jerboa was good and would have gotten used to it.

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Understood, thanks. Yes I did misread it as sarcasm. Thanks for clearing that up :)

However I disagree with in that Lemmy, and the Fediverse, are interfaced with as monolithic entities. Not just by people from the outside, but even by its own users. There are people here saying how they love the community on Lemmy for example. It's just the way people group things, and no amount of technical explanation will prevent this semantic grouping.

For example, the person who was arrested for CSAM recently was running a Tor exit node, but that didn't help his case. As shiri pointed out, defederation works for black-and-white cases. But what about in cases like disagreement, where things are a bit more gray? Like hard political viewpoints? We've already seen the open internet devolve into bubbles with no productive discourse. Federation has a unique opportunity to solve that problem starting from scratch, and learning from previous mistakes. Defed is not the solution, it isn't granular enough for one.

Another problem defederation is that it is after-the-fact and depends on moderators and admins. There will inevitably be a backlog (pointed out in the article). With enough community reports, could there be a holding-cell style mechanism in federated networks? I think there is space to explore this deeper, and the study does the useful job of pointing out liabilities in the current state-of-the-art.

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Lossless quality: The highest quality you can practically get, where it's as close to a 1:1 recreation from the studio as reasonably possible.

Nitpick: lossless would actually bit-identical to the original. The trade-off in compression level is based on how much processing is required to compress/uncompress it. The audio fidelity remains the same; 1:1.

They have unlocked bootloaders unlike many manufacturers. I'm running a 11x on lineageOS and it works great.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but auto batteries aren't meant for deep discharge. UPS's use a specific type of battery that is meant for it.

Using auto batteries in this situation would likely end up in them dying after a few months.

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Not everyone speaks to make a change. Some do it just because it's liberating to speak the truth.

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Which video?

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Namecheap is cheap and has low cost (free?) Privacyguard. is a principles-first web hosting company that is committed to free speech and also offers domain hosting and registration.

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The SSD write distribution theory sounds plausible but do you have any sources on that?

I wouldn't be surprised if SSD controllers distribute writes across partitions, transparently to the OS; if I was an engineer designing these things that's how I'd do it.

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More secure: any bootloader tampering happening via physical access to the device will trip the warning.

More compatible: some apps (banks usually) flag an unlocked bootloader as a security threat.

Happened to me today. I used the DontFuckWithPaste extension and added WhatsApp web to it. Worked then.

However when I then tried to paste an image it didn't work so I had to disable it for that.

An annoying workaround but it's something.

Because why not! Easy way to SCP files over, run scripts. Repurpose old devices as always on, low power servers. It ties in nicely with Tasker so if you want to extend functionality it's easy.

Just cause 4. I loved fooling around in JC3 and almost 100%ed it a couple of years back, barring some challenges I couldn't find. I've read so much about 4 being a downgrade that i didn't bother.

I had it on gamepass though and tried it a week ago. The cut scenes are atrocious but the story is compelling enough, and the villains actually seem more interesting. Other than the graphics, the actual art design is pretty good and it's a good change of pace through a South American setting.

Edit: pre-coffee words corrected

Tell me more about what you disliked about D:OS. I'm playing through in co-op (in the endgame right now) and want to commiserate.

For me it was the bugs and some weird choices where things that should work to progress don't, and some progress is so convoluted that we had to look it up and we were like ugh wth.

Looking up stuff is annoying when something you're sure should work logically doesn't.

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If you like Unravel 2 you'll love ITT. Similar vibe. Some other recommendations that I played through with my partner:

  • Brothers: a tale of two sons
  • A way out
  • Trine, Trine 2, Trine 3?, T4? Only played the first 2 in co-op
  • Guacamelee, G2 (only played 2 in co-op, 1 was in solo)

So did my Asus motherboard. It didn't install armoury crate, but it pop up as a suggestion. Maybe op just clicked through absent-mindedly?

Ninja edit: Try the link here, worked for me even though it doesn't show up when I search:

If you haven't heard, Croteam have announced The Talos Principle 2.

Also sometimes it just literally does nothing. Push the play button and nothing at all happens.

That's a bug with the notification/lockscreen widget AFAICT. Pressing play on the main player window should work. This is the most serious bug I've found. It's quite a promising player otherwise.

I'm happy to know that Pocketcasts is OS now, that was my player of choice before trying to jump to Antennapod.

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SFP: Small Factor Pluggable (I had to look it up)

I can answer that as an Indian casually in the market for an EV. The infrastructure isn't really as good as western countries. Charging stations aren't easy to find outside of major highways, and they aren't as visible.

For intra-city users:

EVs are considerably more expensive than ICEs and India is a very price-sensitive market. The biggest successes for EVs here are Tata Nexons, for example. The ICE version starts at almost half the price of the EV.

Buyers will compare and run the numbers and unless you use it a lot, it can go either way. That combined with the iffy infrastructure is enough to make many people just go for ICE right now, in the hope that their next car will be an EV, when prices come down and tech is next-gen.

It is bound to happen. Prices are falling and more EVs are on the road, but it hasn't reached critical mass yet.

Also, BYDs are actually quite expensive here compared to home grown solutions. Check the Tata EV range out.

Another factor that you're overlooking is that India has a huge market of 2 wheelers, 3 wheelers and mini trucks. That's a space where EVs make a lot of sense. They pay for themselves the more you use them.

So in food delivery, logistics, courier services etc., there's already a very noticeable shift in motion, and that's promising.

There are workarounds:

Install magisk, add the app to the zygisk denylist before first run.

Install universal safetynet fix and magisk hide props config (modules for magisk).

For some apps, you may have to install them in island so that they can't detect the magisk app.

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Peek means that as long as you're touching the thumbnail, you see the zoomed in image (after a short delay). When you release, it snaps back to the front page. Without peek you would touch, view the image, and then gesture 'back' to go back to the main page.

This works on articles and gifs too, not just images. So if the thumbnail is informative you can save a lot of time and steps and get a quick gist of what the article is talking about

My friend made a podcast episode exploring this idea in detail:

Disclaimer: I edited it.

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Also, this feels like blogspam with a short summary and a link to the actual source. Original Verge article here.

I just use my in ear earphones, they work decently well and I'm getting them around anyway.

So many of our problems have clear solutions that better people than us have written down. We just need the voting public to:

  1. Recognize the problem
  2. Recognise the best solution

Democracy is only half-realized when there isn't proper education. This includes knowing our history and future, our arts and sciences.

The skybox in E1 is from China FYI! E2 is from Zion National park. So if you really want to, you can explore them :)

A thread on DW with sources.

You're confusing cause and effect. It's lossless because it cuts at keyframes and does not re-encode.

If it did what you're suggesting it wouldn't be lossless anymore.

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Fantastic comment, thanks!

it's more about curating some photos online that I can send someone a link to for fun on occasion.

I like this approach to social media.