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Pictures from inside the ring of an particle accelerator.

I don't get it... I must be missing something about zipped files.

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Analysts using Julia and Mathematica are confused by this meme.

I have noticed this too, I have to press the 'back' button on the remote to get the computer output.

OK, thanks for all the answers. I get it, a "docx" is a zip archive expected to contain something specific making it a docx. But why "most" though?

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I got that from the other answers. I was just very confused why I'd have to rename them to ".zip".

I still don't get why it is "most" files.

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Ah, right, that is how windows works.

OP refers to the fact that you can rename some filetypes to .zip and unpack them.

So... you mean the zip program just rename them back? Why?

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In Sweden a TV news station exposed a troll farm run by the far right party. I'd say that counts.

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Karlatornet Gylfen

I'm running PopOS on a computer for wathing media at home. I'm not too impressed. I read a bunch of comment threads recommening it so I treid it out. They seem a bit unstable -- that at least falls in OP middle ground. I made an update and dpms management was just different, like the screen is no longer turning itself off. I've had some thing like this happen on it. It's not breakage, it's a bit annoying. "Just works"? Eh, sure, kinda'.

I Sweden a liberal lobby group suggested "build apartments without kitchens" for poor people. It is so fucking dystopian.

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This is how I handle code at work, almost. Program not working? Who has the last commit on the code? You get the question!

Hold on, Benny Boy told me it's not suppose to be "moist", his doctor wife told him that. Not sure what to believe anymore.

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"The Finns, they, uh... who are they again? Woke, communists, like always?"

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These takes are always so dumb. "It's immigration". Then why do these parties also want to get rid of public access television and radio? Why are they trying to limit investigative journalism? Why are they limiting independent research at universities? Why are the against public welfare systems? Social institutions? Juridicial safety? Democratic protections? It's almost like it is something more...

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This isn't a court of justice, son

this is a court of law

You could build more affordable housing if you lowered building standards like demanding there must be a kitchen.

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The most recent increase is from one of the largest gangs splintering. Different groupings and gangs are attacking each other and each others families, trying to gain power. Is what the news seems to say.

On the larger scale, if you look to scientists, criminologists, and not politicians, there are a lot of contributing factors. Hardest anti-drugs laws in Europe, more or less, failing school systems, failing integration, gentrification. All contribute to create a high risk high reward enviornment that seem worth it to a lot of people compared to a more ordinary life.

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They did not and it is fucking hilarious. One instance is their spokesperson admits to a jounalist they have no clue at all what is legal and what is not when it comes to getting scabs. Which they 100% tried to get. "But we are only getting swedish scabs, not foreign scabs! Oh, not allowed? Really? Ehhhh...". Then a letter gets leaked by one of Teslas lobbyists trying to suck up to the minister of labour market (thats a literal translation, not sure what its called in english), and its all like "I dare wish for a short audience with you sire", basically. Cringe stuff. The minister of labour markets is the party leader of the liberal party, and has the backbone of a bacteria, celebrates working with the far right now because that gives him a minister post. Weakest liberal in the world, and he fucking ignores the letter. Hahahha

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photo of slavoj zizek on a sidewalk absolutely devouring a hotdog

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I usually say "There are an infinite number of integers. That does not mean that one of them is a banana".

Lucky its not a video. It would have been awful seeing all those worms crawl around under their skin.

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What does it mean to "open up" an operating system in this context? Do they mean something like the possibility to intall other OSes on their devices, or that the app stores needs to be more open? I'm guessing it does not mean they have to start open source:ing parts of the OS... or?

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Hahha, I love that they subtitled "the truth" with quotes around it when MTG says it.

A while? I used nitter until like 12hours ago.

I doubt she and her party will manage to do anything to improve the school system for anyone but the investors (which, at least did, include herself

So you need an MitM situation to even be able to perfom the attack, and the the attack on works on two ciphers? The article says those ciphers are commonly enabled, but are they default or used in relatively modern distributed versions of openssh?

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In Swedish there is

"Now the boiled pork is fried", meaning sometging has gone too far

" be on the cinnamon", to be drunk

"Put the legs on your back", to run

"You are out biking", you are missing the point

"Pay[back] for old cheese", to get revenge

" bear-favour", is a favour that gives bad results

"Now you'll see other buns", things will get rough

" there are no children being made here", nothing is happening/its boring/lets go

"Satan and his aunt", all kinds of people/everyone

"Good day, axe-handle", something like saying "yeah, you dumbfuck" after getting a nonsense repley from someone

"In only the brass", to be naked

"Show where the cupboard will stand", to firmly make a decision

"You cupboard", miss the point, being stupid

" shit in the blue cupboard", to make a mistake

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There have been events where nazis show up to counter protest and film/photograph you to then share among themselves so they can attack you later.

Not really a decent picture anymore. Some handpicked examples: Schools are now the most privatized in the world, in a charter-system where public money gets poured into private companies -- one of which the heads of have been giving money to an anti-semitic far-right news paper. This has gentrified schools and ruined the public ones, and inflated the grades. The current government consists of/is supported by a party (~20% of votes) that was formed by literal nazis, not neo-nazis, but literal SS volunteering nazis, the current head of the party joined them just after the peak of the neo-nazi era, in which they, among other things celebrated a racist serial killer. Him and the closest circle of party elites, to this day, party with well a recognized neo-nazi band, calls any association to LGBTQ and pride "pedophilia", and believes in the same conspiracy that the mass-murderer Breivik did: that there is a conspiracy of "multiculturalists" that have the explicit goal to exterminate the swedish nation and people. Their politics and hate gets next to zero push back from the other governing parties, and a lot of their policies are now being made law or are being prepared to become laws.

The Godfather, extremely overrated and very boring. Saw it many years ago, and maybe my taste in movies have changed a bit, and I consider rewatching other movies I did not like, but not that one.

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How is this a broader lesson and not just UK specific? "Center" here I take to mean right, they are saying left parties should move right to become centrist. Where elese has this worked? Swedens socdem has moved right for a long time, and they are barely scraping by. In France, Macron is a center right guy and he is absolutely failing to the far-right.

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Is there not also a way to disallow empty variables in the script, I think it is set -u? Then you don't have to keep thinking "should I add a :? here because if empty it may lead to disaster" all the time. Might be even safer.

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Swedish liberals do

On Monday, Renew Europe chairman Stéphane Séjourné took distance from the decision of the Swedish Liberals to sign a government agreement that favours the far-right.

“I acknowledge that the Swedish Liberals blocked the far right from entering the government,” he told Politico, adding that he regrets “the agreement and the direction it is taking. “A government with the far right cannot have our blessing”, he said.

Sources within Renew Europe confirmed to EURACTIV that Séjourné personally regretted the decision of the Swedish Liberals on account of the “common values” shared by the Renew Europe members.

It should be noted that "blocked the far right" means "gave far right influence over the government with no accountability instead of collaborating with social democrates".

Renew later also let the Swedish Liberals stay in their group, so they to some degree agree with the strategy of giving the far right influence over the government as long as it means you never have to work with a socdem.

For me it is a frustration over that liberals would rather endanger the liberal democracy by working with the far right than collaborating with anything considered left. It is very obvious in Sweden. The swedish far right has declared that the liberal democratic project is a threat to their nationalist vision -- it's not just me as a leftist saying this, but liberals, as in the Liberal party, said this about them. Then came the last election, the Liberals sided with the far right. Its down to two liberal MPs and they could force a switch from the far right to just center lib politics. But no. They rather want prisons for children than work with a socdem and maybe suffer to have a cap on profits on charter schools.

That seems to say that there is a slight over-representation of women in STEM (degrees earned) overall but only because of a single subject/job-cluster, "health-related", with a slight to very large under-representation in all others. No "predominant" anywhere. (well maybe health-related)

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Why are charter schools called public in the US? Just because they are funded with public money? We call them private in Sweden as they are directed by a private entity and the profits are also private.

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Ah, finnaly a toilet with no pee back-slash from peeing with too much force. Does it come with hot water. ”UTI"? What do you mean?

This is 80% of my usage of awk and sed:

"ugh, I need the 4th column of this print out": command | awk '{print $4}'

Useful for getting pids out of a ps command you applied a bunch of greps to.

”hm, if I change all 'this' to 'that' in the print out, I get what I want": command | sed "s/this/that/g"

Useful for a lot of things, like "I need to change the urls in this to that" or whatever.

Basically the rest I have to look up.

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