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Joined 12 months ago

I can never get this to work properly... Do you have any resources?

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I love the idea of using multiple font faces at the same time while looking at code. I wonder if (hope?) terminals will one day soon support switching fonts with control sequences.... Would be pretty awesome!

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Young and impressionable kids? I started playing the original MW2 when I was 11.

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you can make it sort the first k elements and it will still be O(1). Set k high enough and it might even be useful

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The difference between generating JSON and generating HTML is minimal for the server, doesn't seem to me like server side rendered sites have significantly higher server compute costs. Also generally for SPAs, the server has to replicate whatever flow is happening on the client anyway to keep state in line (since the client can't be trusted)

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It looks like it's not an actual height difference, but the smaller width makes the second i look significantly smaller than the first, also implying a lower height.

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For a mainstream press article about science, it's pretty good. I do wish they had touched on the failure of recent experiment to verify some of the theoretical particles predicted by the standard model.


If this is about line endings, surely a simple shell or python script could correct them?

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I've been using Sidebery with some userchrome to hide the top tabs, and it's a workable solution, but far from ideal.

I also wish keybindings were configurable. For example, with the "/" search, ctrl-g/G to go to next/prev match is really weird

For the last point, even worse on Mac

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A$AP Rocky's Testing era had some great ones with very impressive editing

Kids Turned Out Fine

A$AP Forever


These are some of my favorite animated music videos:

Stuck in the Sound - Let's Go

Dan Deacon "When I Was Done Dying"

And finally, the mixtape visualizer from Hi This is Flume is really damn cool.

I have a playlist with some more.

Potential seizure warning for some or all of the posted links.

I am not an AirVPN user, but you might want to look for whether AirVPN supports filtering traffic based on port numbers, and then you can set a fixed port in your torrent client which AirVPN will always route through the VPN (and allow other traffic such as DNS and HTTPS to go around it).

Some VPNs support app-based split tunneling (such as Mullvad), but it seems from a quick search that AirVPN doesn't. But if it supports port based filters, you can accomplish the same thing.

Aren't pants a sphere with two holes? (A double torus?)

Edit: a 3d pair of pants is a double torus, a 2d one is a sphere with three holes

I think there's a way to do this with userChrome.css if you hide the button elements.

My favorite song by BTS is probably Spring Day (although I'm not really a massive kpop listener)

Why? The quotes will be consumed by the shell when you execute the command, unless you do like "'{}'"

I really love PowerPoint. I feel like the automatic snapping features and general polish allow me to make very pretty slides and diagrams with a high level of control, and it feels way better to use than e.g. web-based alternatives. Admittedly, I haven't tried a foss alternative in years.

What does that mean? When I've used yay, it only asks for sudo privileges when installing the package (and so does pacman)

Yeah exactly, Unity and Godot both use C# the same way React and Svelte both use JavaScript. Definitely some level of transferability, but honestly worth learning GDScript in my opinion because it's a simple language and a pretty good fit for game scripting, and the one that gets first class attention from Godot.

This is one of my favorite "music videos"

Switching it at the terminal emulator level should work fine for every CLI/TUI though, right? Just have your terminal send 0x03 when you press C-S-c and copy selected text on C-c. I haven't tested it but I'm sure that alacritty, wezterm, windows terminal and probably tmux can do this.

As far as I know, Swahili is almost always written with the latin script.

In the statement from the NGO they threaten legal action. Is there grounds/precedent for such a thing? Don't you use open source code at your own risk?

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On my colemak keyboard I put arrow keys on another layer under where hjkl are on qwerty. Beyond that, most of the keys are remembered by mnemonic rather than position imo

VS Code has some pretty good ide features for python, including understanding types, highlighting errors and warnings, linting, navigation features such as go to definition or go to references, and basic refactoring capabilities like rename symbol. These features are enabled by the python language server (pylance, in this case, which is Microsoft's proprietary one).

You can also get the same features in other editors that support the language server protocol. For example, I use neovim and my setup supports those same IDE features I used to use in VS Code for python.

I've been enjoying wezterm as a terminal emulator replacement for windows terminal. It offers nerdy fine grained customizability and an emoji/nerd font character picker. For most purposes WT seems to be fine though.

My solution for this has been on my Linux machine, using keyd, to swap alt and super, and map super+c, super+v to copy and paste. (I also map super+L, super+R, super+T and super+W in Firefox to the control- equivalents using keyd's per-application bindings functionality)

I created a variant of Monokai/Monokai Soda called Monokai Vapor, available in the marketplace :)

I don't write, but the Neorg project seems to be getting some attention from writers

I used boba u4 silents on my custom keyboard. Absolutely love them. Wish they made a consumer-grade keyboard with them (or maybe they already do?) But I've been working on a MacBook recently and tbh the keyboard there is pretty good now. So next step for me is to build a low profile keyboard

My T-Mobile plan is $50 per month for unlimited, but it's prepaid with no credit/ID check (or if there is an ID check, passport should work). Not the cheapest, but there are certainly options for you. There might be a data-only plan for less.

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This is a great deep dive! I am curious how difficult/slow it is to extend the modern xterm interface. For example, I saw that some terminals now support squiggly underlines for errors. What would it take to build a terminal (and associated interface) that supported things like text size? (Of course it would break a lot of applications that treat the screen as a two dimensional grid)

Last time I used warp it also wasn't super customizable. I like messing with the prompt and stuff. I wonder if that's changed. I did get a t-shirt from them for doing a user interview though :)

I was learning to use computer during the transition to the ribbon in Office 2007, but I actually preferred the ribbon to the old interface and these days I don't mind it. Out of curiosity, what about the Ribbon annoys you guys?