If you're swapping out the SSD make sure to remove the SD card first.
If you're swapping out the SSD make sure to remove the SD card first.
"Every part of me wants to tell you everything about it"
Please don't Molyneux, please don't.
Probably not what you're after, but you did ask for best. You can't go wrong with Q Acoustics M20.
Hiding in plain sight.
Have you heard Metempiric by Knoll? One of my favourite bands around right now. I guess they'd be described as blackened grindcore. Intense, extreme, and beautiful record.
The anti glare screen is amazing in sunlight. However, if you are like me and have very light coloured eyes, you probably also rely on sunglasses. The anti glare screen will not be compatible with polarized sunglasses. You will not be able to see a single thing.
Is 4 trained on newer data than Sept 2021?
It costs more money right?