6 Post – 81 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yea. I'm going to be honest, I disagree with this decision immensely. There just aren't enough posts and comments here alone to really keep my whole lemmy experience here.

The whole point of federation is to be able to branch out as I see it. Half of the communities I'm subbed to are on the places being banned, so it sorta breaks the whole point of federation to me at least. I get why mods are doing it and think it's definitely their right to do so, but as an end user, it reaaaally sucks and will likely make me make an account elsewhere as my primary.

There are a lot of assholes on the internet, and I get wanting to have a space free of that. As a trans woman of 10 years now, trust me, I have gotten harassment online and off it. For me at least, I personally err on the side of having more freedom to look into places even if that means dealing with a couple of assholes. The mods say that strangers don't walk in off the street and start trolling - from experience, I can say that is just not quite true. At some point, people really have to just roll with it and keep a positive attitude in the face of it. It's better to deal with assholes from time to time to go out and have fun rather than sit at home.

I worry that a space like this can stifle a good thing by wanting to be too thorough. Shit always slips thru cracks, and while I get that it can suck for some, heavy restriction just kills the whole thing. In some ways, it just feels like some of the decisions here are very kid-glovey. Like, at least in subs like asktrans or mtf or other parts on reddit where trolls loved to comgregate, downvotes were how the community itself self regulated trolls - we don't even have that option here. I'm not sure how I feel about such hands on moderation - it doesn't give good faith users a ton of freedom

They have the right to do so, but it probably shows I don't quite fit with the ethos of the instance.

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I know the intent isn't to keep us siloed here, but unfortunately that's the end result. Personally, I'd rather deal with trolls than defeat the whole purpose of the fediverse. If I wanted a small walled garden, I'd have gone to or tildes. The mods absolutely have good intentions here, but it's a bit smothering

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Ah that makes sense. Didn't know that thread got that bad.

People who say left unity is a possibility are as dumb as a box of stumps. It's always interesting going to a tankie place and seeing people with lgbt flair talk up Putin, as if they wouldn't be shot on sight.

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How Florida dems got their teeth kicked in when this is their competition is simply astounding

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I couldn't care less about the story of a zelda game. Dungeons, combat, and general gameplay are what I play for.

In that regard, totk blows botw away and it's not even close. Personally, I thought botw was a good game, but not great - definitely nowhere near as good as people were saying.

Totk is an absolute masterpiece tho. The continuation of the sandbox development, changes to weapon and fusing, etc were great. Exploration and traversal with zonai parts is loads of fun. Hell, the last boss fight was a great moment as well - definitely much more polished than the end of botw.

I do wish dungeons were still a bit more dungeon like, and performance, while a marvel for it's hardware, is really held back by the switch. There are definitely things to improve on for the next game

Overall tho, totk makes botw feel unfinished imo

Man, everything is a premium subscription these days. I'm just so done with modern monetization schemes thst nickel and dime. Everything from heated seats in cars to content in games that we've already paid for.

People are burnt out. I am worried about the trend of people getting news from places like tiktok going up

I mean, look at EEE like Microsoft did in the 90s.

Personally, I'm also scared about Linux after Linus dies. They are on a lot of the board as well

According to the article, it's for dereliction of duty over the southern border.

It's a bunch of bs lol

They've been saying mod tools have been coming since the first blackout years ago. It's fucking ground hogs day everytime mods get pissed

I'm burnt out and can't focus at work. Really wish I had more that 2 weeks of vacation time a year


God this game is difficult

Those recommend gpu reqs are fucking ridiculous lol. If people are getting anything less that 60 with a 6700xt, then m$ fucked up again.

Also, 125gb? What the fuck?

The LGBT bar in my city was taken over by straight folks. The women left the normal bars because LGBT bars were safer, then the men followed them there. Last time I was at that place, a dude grabbed my chest clearly without consent. It just isnt worth it

My generation is so fucked. Between looming climate collapse, rising inequality, inaccessible housing market, it just feels like shit isn't worth even trying for.

We can't even get a small amount of our student loans discharged when prior generations paid basically nothing for them. And - let's not forget - how corps got all of their ppp shit written off. What a joke.

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I'd also worry about people who have corporate shit on there. Anyone who uses this as a tool should probably delete their chats and change their password, even if you don't have anything proprietary or ground breaking in there just as a precaution

It won't be the last time reddit fucks up. And everytime they do, more people will come this way, especially as this place gets better and better

Queue the "internet people are a vocal minority" saying. Unfortunately, it really is true. How anyone can pre-order after fo76 is absolutely bonkers to me

Older Gen z. It's one of my favorite shows

I might be out of the loop - was there something that happened recently?

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Most of my friends who use it only every now and then couldnt give two fucks about third party apps and probably didnt know they existed. Most of them have joined in the last two years, so it was when the site became a lot less hard care

ChatGPT is my programming rubber ducky for general stuff

I imagine the frequency response curve is going to be a trash heap on these things. Mids? Who needs em?

I actually got closer to my parents since I stopped being a repressed dick head.

It's mostly business as usual. They supported me real hard during the tough times, and did a lot of their own research and asked questions on how best to go about things. My dad will fuck up pronouns from time to time, but it's more in a sense that he still calls his current dog by the old ones name if that makes sense.

Honestly, for my mom, I think the switching genders thing was easier for her to get used to than me becoming vegetarian lmao

It's pride weekend in my city.

So copious amounts of flag waving and alcohol

30fps is normally alright for 3rd person adventure games, but shooting, especially first person, might feel different. Idk, I still don't know how to feel about this one. The digital foundry guys seemed to be supportive, but I still just don't trust Bethesda lately

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Exactly, and I think that there's even more downsides as well to strictly comment level disagreement. There's never any point engaging with bigoted posts. Replies just draw more attention and make you more angry. Better to just downvote, report, and move on without spending too much emotional energy trying to bicker and squabble for a while thread.

There's just an emotional inequity when it comes to a debate between, for example, a transphobe and a trans person. A transphobe likely knows everything they say can be bullshit - they don't have to stick to reason. The whole point is just a rhetorical exercise where the cruelty and sadism is the point.

The trans person tho has to stick to researching the dsm v or guidances from credible medical institutions and respond with effort posts and Yada Yada. Everyone's eyes glaze over and the end result is the trans person is exhausted and feels worse about their life.

Downvote and move on is just a means of reduction of digital self harm. I find it bad to not have it for cases like that, especially on communities where mods aren't as caring about bigotry. To leave it unchallenged just shows that some people agree with it, and shows nothing to effect of how many people find it repulsive.

I can!

Anyone else having major differences between kbin and lemmy for the same posts?

Dude he stole highly, highly classified material, didn't give it back when asked, lost some it, and had it stored in a bathroom.

That's far beyond politically charged. Read the indictment. Not all charges brought to politicians are theater. This is absolutely one of those times

Im working on an metroidvania that works with flying mechanics. My goal is to take the hollow-knight platforming style of pogoing, and combining it with an elytra style mechanic to have large sections where youre off the ground.

My character is a little monstera plant, and I want to make as many little cute costumes for them as possible!

Just took a stroll over by hexbear to see what you're talking about. To be honest, I really don't see those folks being pro-state communism. They are pretty clearly just anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist, and very much see them as being much more anarcho communism aligned than anything.

Is there widespread claims of them talking hate speech other than bitching about liberals? Hexbear seems annoying in the sense that they are extremely sarcastic and bitter. Then again, I'm a syndicalist myself, so I do agree with a lot of their points, but just hate that kind of /r/completanarchy style of board where it's clear everyone has a mix of major depression, anger, and trust issues, and everyone goes around enabling eachother.

As for the rest of your post, I don't think a message board needs to have a political ideology per se - in fact, I think it's better to not have one. The admin team itself should disagree with one another to an extent imo. Specific communities might work with one cohesive set of ideology, but the instance itself should just have general rules imo, especially since a lot of instances seem to focus mainly on general topics. Anti-hatespeech rules in general cover a lot of ground in keeping conversation genuine.

The pulse of communities is not agreement, it's discussion. It's not kindness that's needed, it's good faith. Telling a TERF or a Nazi to fuck off isn't kind, but oh well it's warranted as they don't post in good faith. I don't think the admins need to do anything more than that.

And if people start to assume mass political bias, oh well, they can start their own instance

Exactly this. I really want to do some rec sports just to meet friends and stay active. With they way things are currently with sports - absofuckinglutely not. And ffs I've passed pretty flawlessly for the past 8 years now (although the first few years were rough), and I'm still terrified of that shit.

It's sad that I'm much more scared to be involved in sports now than I was 5 years ago

Id say the car-centric city design is a huge factor as well. At least in the US, most large cities had electric trains, and we tore it down for parking lots. Fixing that problem would be incredibly daunting.

Id say a good step would be to have high speed rails that go between major cities, coupled with bringing some of those electric trolleys back. As a Michigander, I think a good line would be Detroit -> stops along I96 -> Grand Rapids -> Benton Harbor -> More stops along 131/I94 -> Chicago.

Job market looking sweet for us older zoomers/young millenials as the boomers leave

I'm not a lawyer in the slightest, but wouldn't stuff like that be grounds for a mistrial?

There's no way that laptop didn't have extra shit put on it. Im not a fan of Biden by any stretch, but the whole thing is just silly and murky. Could there be some possibility of corruption with the Bidens? Absolutely - but this laptop will never prove anything

From the hunter Biden laptop Wikipedia

Neither analyst could verify the vast majority of the data, nor could they find clear evidence of tampering but they note "key pieces of evidence useful in discovering tampering were not available." In some cases, The Post matched content to other sources "that the experts were not able to assess". The unverifiable emails included some prominently reported previously by other news outlets. The analysis found that people other than Hunter Biden had created six new folders on the drive over a week after the original report by the New York Post and months after the laptop had been taken into FBI custody. It also found that data had been accessed and copied off the drive by people other than Hunter Biden over the course of nearly three years.

The whole thing is a bunch of disinfo bullshit

Third parties fail in a fptp system unfortunately. The whole fucking system needs to be reworked. Whether that happens before everything falls apart is anyone's guess

Sure, people of all types can be awful, but there’s definitely trends within an organizations history from which a larger effect can be seen. Religion isn’t needed to be an asshole, but the venn diagram overlap is rather large. If you’re looking at things structurally, religion is often used as a tool of population management and often times goes hand in hand with imperialism. Everything from the Kamloops massacre and genocide to the undertones of homophobia in dancehall music often times comes from religious values imposed by authority figures.

Sure, there are philosophies such as liberation doctrine and the like that seek to make religion as a means to lift people from oppression, but if you take a large look at the effects of organized religion, that is very clearly the exception to the norm. Organized religion is often used as a structural hierarchy to dictate and govern morality, which is why it shares a lot with authoritarians that want to set up strict hierarchies of other means.

Theres ways to practice religion in non-assholish ways, but the religion itself, especially those with more organization in their structure, absolutely to spreads hate and vileness