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Joined 1 years ago


I don't think you remember it very clearly lol

How is that better

Former employee from the layoffs in May 23. In my experience yes. Lütkes words here are insane as are many of the other recent headlines from the company, but I can say that the severance packages were extremely generous, in my opinion.

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Less bugs than the average new AAA game is just not true lol. I have a lot of fun with SC but it's a complete buggy mess.

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About the genocide? The most you're willing to demand from you government is that they ask their client state to stop doing genocide? Sanctions, pull all aid, condemnations, anything. They're slaughtering civillians by the thousands.

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I remember trying dark souls once in like 2014 and calling it quits after like 1.5 hours. People love them and I wouldn't ever want to take that away from them, but for me the game's design was just so hostile toward the player.

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Everyone gets too upset about it. Personally I payed $45 for it, and I feel like I got more than $45 worth of game out of it even if I feel like it's a total mess. I don't think it's a $500m, 15 year game, I guess, but to me it was a $45 game so it doesn't bother me.

... Jelly Roll? Jesus Christ pop county is a parody of itself now. Looks like a lazy SNL skit.

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He's huge anywhere he goes, looks like he's close to 400lbs.

League works on Linux with zero issues for me. I haven't played all blizzard games on there but OW and Diablo work

Does GPS work as expected for you?

Did you mean to say gentile there

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I figured it was a typo

People hate this opinion but I felt like the controls and animations were horrible. Feels like trying to control a fighting game through an excel spreadsheet to me. Maybe that's something that's improved in the series since then, but I was always baffled when people told me the action was good

Give me your secrets, lol. I want to love SC desperately but I find prohibitively frustrating every time I die in an elevator for no reason, or my ship explodes randomly, or I'm unable to get up out of the bed, or my character phases into the planet, etc etc etc. Functions on ships just don't work sometimes for me.

Works great with no issues on my Linux machine and has for years!

So things that can already happen. It's also a huge leap to say that anyone will give ai full control over all computers. That's like saying nuclear power is going to kill us all because we're all going to have Davy Crockett tactical nukes. Like I guess that's possible but it's so extremely unlikely that I don't get the hysteria. I think it's articles trying to scare people to get clicks and views.

Yeah, I think that any employee who can get away with not focusing should. It's a symptom of bad management. If a given job is such that an employee can complete all their tasks in 20h of work, they should do that and it's on a manager to know that and give them more tasks. "quiet quitting" is a bullshit nothing term.

We give them billions of dollars per year in cash and weapons. This blood is on our hands because American taxpayers are funding every bomb. Also "unilaterally" just wouldn't be true. The overwhelming majority of the international community would also like the genocide to stop.

I think you should deeply reflect on how evil your last sentence reads considering the circumstances.

I'm guessing not even on the same continent.

Same I'm pounding my shitty little pork about it

I can see where you might get that impression, but after playing the game a bit I think the love is genuine. The design philosophy is really refreshing and the game is a lot of fun. There's nothing that fills the same niche for me. Plus its only $15, hard to go wrong with that.

Well, enlighten us.

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And without arms or legs?

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So, stuff that's already possible.

Awful idea