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Joined 11 months ago

Then, maybe, you should watch the original series ending?

No clue, but I would start by not referring to them as females, just a hunch.

Rust is more like: unless you can mathematically prove to me that this is equivalent to a nut there is no ducking way I'll ever let you compiled this.

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But the truly galaxy brain move is in this article:

After CNN’s reporting, Musk reversed course, tweeting “the hell with it … we’ll just keep funding Ukraine govt for free.”

Gwynne Shotwell, Musk’s president at SpaceX, was livid at Musk’s reversal, according to Isaacson.

“The Pentagon had a $145 million check ready to hand to me, literally,” Isaacson quotes Shotwell as saying. “Then Elon succumbed to the bullshit on Twitter and to the haters at the Pentagon who leaked the story.”

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Please drink a verification can...

High frequency signals be like: conductors? Where we are going we don't need conductors!

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Joke is on them, i only ever use NewPipe (or freetube on desktop)

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Dungeons and dragons.

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I don't think there is a prescribed way to advertise being part of the fediverse.

Hopefully there will be a fediverse icon (the colorful pentagram) somewhere on the page.

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I suspect it's from a movie about the attack. Probably Operación Ogro.

what about an eagle?

If I wanted to get there I wouldn't start from here.

Capitalism is the only system that lets you chase your dreams as long as you can sell them

But the truly galaxy brain move is in this article:

After CNN’s reporting, Musk reversed course, tweeting “the hell with it … we’ll just keep funding Ukraine govt for free.”

Gwynne Shotwell, Musk’s president at SpaceX, was livid at Musk’s reversal, according to Isaacson.

“The Pentagon had a $145 million check ready to hand to me, literally,” Isaacson quotes Shotwell as saying. “Then Elon succumbed to the bullshit on Twitter and to the haters at the Pentagon who leaked the story.”

Come on, now you are just pulling their leg. Everyone knows Bob's short for Bobhew!

Of course you can, but why would you?

High frequency signals be like: wires? Where we are going we don't need wires!

Coldplay are boring

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The dolphins probably left and their last message was misinterpreted as a surprisingly sophisticated attempt to do a double backward somersault through a hoop whilst whistling "The Star-Spangled Banner", but in fact the message was this: "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish."

I recently saw a few scenes again and realised I had forgotten how good it was. All because of the deeply disappointing ending.

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It looks like the kind of thing where a protocol is not enough, an actual legal entity is needed.

Something like blablacar, bur run as a cooperative would be a great idea.

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Really? I'm glad someone shares it, but I'm not sure how many of us there are given how often I happen to hear their songs around.

If you want your time travel to be internally consistent go watch "FAQ about time travel" it's British, low budget, mostly consistent, and hilarious.

I am all for woulda, coulda, and shoulda.

Most of them...

Just get tor browser, make a throwaway account, post your comment and delete the browser.

I'm sorry, maybe it's my white male cis privilege speaking, but I don't see how minority-run service can ever be a realistic solution. Well, it could be if you live in London, New York, San Francisco, or a few other global cities large enough that the minority population can provide the services you need. But that could never be a solution for smaller places where there may be at best a few, for instance, LGBTQ taxi drivers (if any).

What you want is a service that will take steps to prevent any mistreatment (e.g. in car cameras) and that has a strong reputation for taking complaints seriously.

And while this may not apply directly to women (definitely not a minority) I still feel that requiring prevention and accountability is a much better solution than segregation.

No one does this kind of stuff because someone asked them to do it. This is the kind of useless, insane stuff you do for the lulz, or because someone dared you.

Or was extremely underwhelming, doubly so if you consider how good the best moments of the series were.

Honestly, the radioactive wasteland earth ending was better.

Stop screwing around and just get newpipe or libretube. The UI is a lot simpler and they are much more stable at the moment.

I'll go ahead and guess that you haven't seen much doctor who :)

Dr who has av lot of qualities, consistency is not one of them (and it's OK)

I think that interoperation with big walled gardens is part of the reason why #activitypub exists. Furthermore, there are no technical measures to completely shut off #Threads, and the social measures are unlikely to work.

I know the risks, I'm old enough to remember #Microsoft embracing and extinguishing browsers and open documents, #Goggle defederating from #XMPP and #Facebook predatory tactics.

On the other hand, I think that federation with the big players is unstoppable. The protocol is open and there is no way to get every last instance to defederate. If people want to see the big players' content they'll move to an instance that federates with them. And defederating from those that connect to threads sounds like a Zealot's suicide pact.

I think that the best way to ensure that #Meta plays fair is to create a fediverse that is as diverse, open and vibrant as possible, with plenty of open services (Lemmy, mastodon, misskey...) and commercial ones (Flipboard, tumblr...) so that threads users will feel compelled to interact and miss us if Meta stops federating or shadowbans external content.

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