3 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

Spread the gospel! Cite the primary sources as much as possible.

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your treatment on the web depends on whether Apple says your device, OS & browser configuration are legitimate & acceptable.

Luddites were not as opposed to new technology as you say it here. They were mainly concerned about what technology would do to whom.

A helpful history right here:

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Your use case matters here. Perhaps there are other specialized tools for what you want to achieve.

Why is LibreOffice “meh”? I have used it for the last 10 years and would like to know what it is you find off with it.

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FM receiver on phones + 3.5mn jack was a crucial source of local radio transmissions. I suspect some phones still ship radio receivers but the popular types like Samsungs and iPhones don’t seem to care (or perhaps that competes with their music and podcast markets).

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Findroid/Finamp? Quite robust.


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Which government? Don’t assume the US to be THE universal government. 😀

Cold plain metrics can easily hide social complexity.

Assume 10 investigative journalists use modded privacy-friendly Firefox for year long investigation. Then their report is read by 10 million average news reader on stock browsers like Chrome. Network logics tell us that Firefox browser has asymmetrical value in the ecosystem than plain usage metrics can ever reveal.

The obsession with numbers (the more the better) is a major blinding effect in societies driven by hierarchical cultures.

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I once read that the failure of British industrial policy to engage labour as a long term competitive edge instead of a dispensable short term concern saw Germany overtake British car makers. Germany dealt with labour strikes more comprehensively by engaging labour in policy structures. Like including Labour representatives in boardrooms.

I wonder how this may reflect on Chinese / Western competitiveness.

Found the piece:

Basic networking skills. Most lives can be significantly improved by basic home network. WiFi deadzones, wireless printing, shared folders for basic documents and resources etc. All while being relatively secure.

The Federated Learning of Cohorts and now the Topics API are part of a plan to pitch an "alternative" tracking platform, and Google argues that there has to be a tracking alternative—you can't just not be spied on.

I like the testing and hopefully they will share more detailed research findings in the next 6months. Especially on content moderation knowing they have decades of experience on this.

What is the obsession with numbers? Centralization mentality is the problem. The idea that unless 5 Billion people are on a network will it be “successful” denies the joys of effective and sustainable networks. I really honestly wouldn’t want to see a fediverse server with more than 100K daily active users. I would rather have 10 instances of 10K active users.

Meta and those billionaire centrists can go fuck themselves.

Images could as well be copies of immigration documents for secretive efforts to run away from abusive family relationships or financial details for whatever plans or projects.

The 2020 Primary felt like high strategy game. I don’t know much about Américan politics but I do remember seeing Bernie Sanders continue the 2016 momentum only for Biden to pick up in South Carolina. The orchestration they did to keep primary candidates in to weaken Bernie while working for Biden felt to me less a Biden thing and more of Biden as a chess-piece. He was not the force behind it. His familiarity and seemingly calm demeanor appealed to most voters compared to the erratic image of Trump. But deep down there was a feeling of “screw you Bernie”. Luckily for Dems, that is not a fault line Republicans are exploiting.

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My kind of hopes.

It will also help to evolve towards some form of immutable governance for the instances. By this I mean an instance should be more than the individual admin(s). If such an individual was to tire off, get distracted etc, the instance does not suffer the same fate. Technical federation is one thing. Federated governance is a whole different issue. I am not advocating for formal organizations (but those would help in some cases), but rather a clear provision for instance-continuity beyond the current admins.

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Searching for almost anything was so much easy. Such a powerful tool that disappeared. Its performance 20 years ago was better than Finder is today. At least from my experience.

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As a non-American, the first time I heard Born in the USA, I thought it was a celebration of being the “lucky” one to have been born in the “greatest country in the world”.

Then I attained the age of reason.

Me, deep in the night, reading about modem signals and off the hook. I love forum threads. They have taught me more than I can imagine.

The unsang heroes who brought in wisdom and competency! 🤟

If that would be possible, how would you moderate comments, seeing how random things can get? Federating with only approved finstances (federated instance)? What if you keep your blog, then push every post you make there to your solo-community on a finstance? You can engineer your comment section on the blog to pint here or fetch the comments content from fediverse to your blog...

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This is the way to go. Gives some reasonable grounds to commit to an instance when you expect it will be up in a month. We are also trying that with Baraza with a trusteeship kind of design.

Used to be the first thing we installed on phones and PCs. Opera was blazing fast on basic phones as far back as 2008sh.

It would be more complex if the US didn’t believe in 13th floor story and UK did. Even though both would have 14th floor on the same level from the ground, there is a lot that would be missed if you only elevated straight from the parking basement to your 14th floor.

We demonstrate that political orientation can be predicted from neutral facial images by both humans and algorithms, even when factors like age, gender, and ethnicity are accounted for. This indicates a connection between political leanings and inherent facial characteristics, which are largely beyond an individual’s control. Our findings underscore the urgency for scholars, the public, and policymakers to recognize and address the potential risks of facial recognition technology to personal privacy.

"peer-reviewed" bullshit.

That sucks! As long as a device can decode the signals, I don’t see why they should phase it out just to be compatible with DAB+ (especially when infrastructural costs are not a major factor).

You won, today.

You may like this essay on why English has weird spellings. Think technological timings.

I like this summary by Cory Doctorow:

History is written by the winners, which is why Luddite is a slur meaning "technophobe" and not a badge of honor meaning, "Person who goes beyond asking what technology does, to asking who it does it for and who it does it to."

Documentation is well done. Good stuff. I use podgrab for some tests and while I like it for the simplicity, I had to move to Audiobookshelf as it combines audiobooks and podcasts neatly. I’ll check this out as it looks quite thought out (and sleek too).

The problem with defending the purity of the English language is that English is about as pure as a cribhouse whore. We don’t just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.

--James D. Nicoll

Very close to my arrangement but I noted VPN + Firefox + non-trackers are treated suspiciously by most remote work systems so one way or another you have to keep a chrome browser close by to authenticate through those gates.

PS: These kind of detailed comments are he reason I believe in the fediverse. It is refreshing to see the community grow.

Ka-no. Why waste so many letters. :)

Sadly, yes. One would hope the more core sectors use it, the more the general population would use such tools. But alas!

At the most basic, Facebook (they changed to Meta as a PR thingy, mostly) thrives on being a closed broker extracting from the open world. It is not that I predict they will break things here, it is that they have consistently demonstrated that is their only way of making profits. It all starts nice and smooth. Until it isn’t.

Yes. The linked article points to Apple’s release notes.

CVE-2023-41064: The Citizen Lab at The University of Torontoʼs Munk School

This was bound to happen one way or the other (especially on moral grounds) seeing the public-face most of these officials wear in the name of “religion and traditions”.

But this won’t stop hateful content on Somali internet.