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Joined 1 years ago

New hire, brought on board comes to a Monday meeting.

The company Quality of Worklife Balance survey has been returned, and it's awful. It's just after the 2008 crash, and we're barely treading water, but the company held on. The CIO brought everyone into the largest conference room, meant for hundreds (there's a couple dozen of us standing around, the chairs weren't setup) and we stand around her as she procedes to tell us "Why is your QWL so low, you should be talking to your managers about this! I don't wanna see another QWL survey this bad ever!" In a very yelly tone.

One of the managers raised their hand, and asked, "Folks feel like they're not being listened to and that they're not getting enough leeway to make decisions."

CIO: "Well they need to get over that."

And that was the first meeting a bunch of developers and IT folks got to see at that company.

Many other shenanigans occurred there, but my personal favorite was the quarter million dollar genset system all setup and tested multiple times -- fueled and ready to go, failed in a major power outage because someone left the key in the "test" position on the generator.

-- That CIO thought they led people, they did nothing of the sort.

Come on people you're all staring at flashing LEDs distracting you and you're ignoring the giant spolight of Riccitiello's ownership of over 400,000 EA shares.

He moved the EA stock price by 2 dollars the day they announced the Unity deal.

It will look like that scientific knowledge survey they did in subsaharan africa. People won't know that the earth orbits around the sun.

This isn't hyperbole, they won't teach science if they can avoid it.

I got to experience evangelical science indoctrination as a child, and they literally do not want science taught. It contradicts the pop up books.

I think it's important to remember how this used to happen.

AT&T paid voice actors to record phoneme groups in the 90s/2000s and have been using those recordings to train voice models for decades now. There are about a dozen AT&T voices we're all super familiar with because they're on all those IVR/PBX replacement systems we talk to instead of humans now.

The AT&T voice actors were paid for their time, and not offered royalties but they were told that their voices would be used to generate synthentic computer voices.

This was a consensual exchange of work, not super great long term as there's no royalties or anything and it's really just a "work for hire" that turns into a product... but that aside -- the people involved all agreed to what they were doing and what their work would be used for.

The ultimate problem at the root of all the generative tools is ultimately one of consent. We don't permit the arbitrary copying of things that are perceived to be owned by people, nor do we think it's appropriate to do things without people's consent with their "Image, likeness, voice, or written works."

Artists tell politicians to stop using their music all the time etc. But ultimately until we really get a ruling on what constitutes "derivative" works nothing will happen. An AI is effectively the derivative work of all the content that makes up the vectors that represents it so it seems a no brainer, but because it's radio on the internet we're not supposed to be mad at Napster for building it's whole business on breaking the law.

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Kotaku failing at even being a sensationalist rag:

Top Chess Competor's Sex Toy 'Anal Bead' cheating buzz comes quietly in the end.

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For a 200 year old law, it's pretty straight forward. And for all it's flaws, the Nth revolution didn't like the Catholic church for ... reasons, so they wanted to make a law to get them out of politics and make them liable for their shenanigans. Thankfully they didn't discriminate when they wrote the law.


 The principle of secularism means that the State and religious organisations are separate. There is therefore no state-run public worship. The State neither recognises, nor subsidises, nor salaries any form of worship. Exceptions and adjustments to the ban on funding are defined in the legislation and case-law; they concern in particular chaplaincies, which are paid for by the State1

 No religion can impose its prescriptions on the Republic. No religious principle can be invoked for disobeying the law.

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Wow he only had to tank the company before his 50m worth of EA ownership became a problem...

Y'all is the best pronoun.

It's second person can be used singular or plural, and the difference is all contextual.

It's ungendered and it's makes almost anything feel "more fun."

It's almost like the CEO of the company (John Riccitiello) supporting the most Indie game developers holds 53 million dollars in EA shares or something....

Even, and most likely especially, if Unity does poorly does EA benefit... I bet ya Riccitiella knows all the features of Frostbite, but couldn't tell you if you can do native reliable UDP networking in Unity...

I hope they like their strict editorial control they're enforcing.... I'm sure that doesn't do anything to affect their Section 230 protections.

Of course Florida would do this, they're part of the "Mark of Cain" south.

That is: Southern Preachers maintained the horrific canon that black slaves would only survive as subservient to their white masters, because god had marked them. This is a big part of all the separations of churches during the civil war.

Never had a parking ticket spiral eh?

$85 + $50 dollar waiver fee if you pay and just say you're guilty. OOOOR

$85 fee if you go to court and lose.

Only $95 in the bank.

Well shit, $50 bucks lets you pay rent, so you take the time. But you have to get exacty $10 of gas, you get to the courtroom, do your best and lose. You gotta pay $85 dollars, and so you do -- except the bank fucked you when you went to got gas, they haven't processes that yet, and the courtroom requires a mandatory $2.95 "convenience fee" so they don't have to take a check... So you pay, and the bank processes your payments dutifully, smallest to largest, but now you're in the hole for $105.

Rent is still coming next week, and you're lucky it's only $300 cause you share a 3 bedroom and sleep on the couch.

To make the $300 dollars you gotta work 2 jobs, because Wallmart makes sure you don't get the full 35 hours each week to qualify for benefits, and McDonalds only calls you to pick up the teenagers shifts on Fridays.

But wait, you're -105 in the bank, so you gotta go call up a bunch of people you know and bug everyone at McDonalds to see if you can cover their shifts. Finally you manage to scrape together 55 hours to pay your rent... but you get dinged on your mobile bill in the middle of that week, and you're out another 40 dollars. You can't cancel the mobile phone since it's your only phone, and hell entertainment, you can't afford a TV or a Netflix plan, that shit's for the rich. You can't even afford to eat where you work...

Finally you get home, after working 7 days of 8 hour shifts you managed to scrape together (4 at wallymart and 3 at mcdonalds) and your bank account is empty, you don't have any money for food, and your snap benefits keep getting denied because you live in a red state...

So you watch youtube shorts, and tiktok doom scroll and try and forget you're hungry....

(I hope my landlord will let me give them 260 until I can cover the rest...)

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Because there are sadists in every field.

Take one people and take their homes away, take another and call them "the chosen people or Judea" and tell them they can take the homes of the other people.

Now one group has been told by the "world" that this place is theirs because God said so.

The other is literally kicked outta their homes and is told it's their fault. Also they're walled in and can't leave.. and then they're told they're gonna get fucked unless they leave... but they can't leave..

If GoT had "ended" over privacy at the end of Season 7 it would still have a following. People would still wear their hair like the characters in the show... It would have created a pop culture sensation that lasted at least a generation. Now we have a funny reminder occasionally since so and so named their daughter Khaleesi in the middle of the "Breaker of Chains" season...

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It doesn't go far enough. For monthly payments you should have to confirm them at least annually with a positive assertion. When your card number changes, you should have to assert it as well.

The "convenience" of automatic payments and automatic updates of card numbers has let AOL and their like bilk millions and millions from people that forgot they were paying them.

The story is more interesting than the title suggests! This guy was arrested for hacking two telecom companies, got released under investigation, then immediately hacked Nvidia before being put under house arrest. After that, he was relocated to a hotel (due to being doxxed) where all he had to work with was a Fire TV stick, which he promptly then used to hack Rockstar.

All in all, he’s believed to have stolen $14 million+. By the way… he’s 18, autistic, and enrolled in a special education school.

Heh Kid's handle better be dr0id or some shit: "give me an android terminal and I'll hack the world"

That honestly just sounds like they're going after more government contracts. Gov't compliance can sometimes require asinine security controls because they expect the users are the weakest link in every design. That can sometimes be true, but when folks are developing things you sometimes have to let them make foot guns or they can't build things.

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Everyone freaking out every time they realize every fucking 'type ahead' or "predictive text" system is essentially a Keylogger. Android and Iphone keyboards, the chrome browser, etc are keylogging all your shit already, and any javascript typeahead predictive engine that has to ask a service "what comes next" has to by it's nature have the things that you're typing to predict the next thing.

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They finally ran out of frozen dough.

And everyone gave me shit for keeping my feedly account.

The Reader died, but the feeds do live on, between mastodon, lemmy and feedly I got plenty to read.

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"You must be new here"

We're always the first adopters.

FDR was an anti-semite, a bigot, and a racist. It doesn't change the great things he did, but he wasn't a great man. Our leaders are human, and in the 1940s that was the consensus of the ruling. The complete isolation and 2 class system he helped create by only granting whites GI loans and grants for education... He's responsible for the internment, coercion, and legal framework for stealing the property of over 200,000 Americans who looked like a reminder of our enemies... Completely snubbing our olympic medal winners, by ignoring Jesse Owens amazing wins and inviting white athletes to the white house instead... Not to mention perpetuating military unit segregation etc.

He was not a great man, but we were lucky he was able to make the changes Hoover had proposed. and to their conclusion in FDRs New Deal. Then the war breaking out meant he could turn the screws up and war production was able to finish the job even with scarcity et al, the production meant a better quality of life for americans.

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Nah, girls just won't be sent to schools.

This will be "the last straw" for many of their fathers.

Some will go, and their parents will begrudgingly accept (or turn a blind eye to their daughter dressing down as soon as she's near school.). The majority reaction will be similar to what you see in other nations that don't respect women enough to let them keep their autonomy.

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Game Dev Story... And every Kairosoft game.

Did they just forget they sell mobile games?

I mean, if you make decisions that affect the corporations profits directly, give a benefit to one company over another and then increase your holdings in one company or another before the benefits are announced to everyone else... you're a person who runs the corporation, and never has to be on the board. You make profits from the shift in the stock market, and you can even go long if you think you'll have even more positive changes to make for that corporations benefit.

If you're confused ask Nanci and Paul Pelosi, they've the epitomal example.

Systemic refers to it being ingrained in the system. This is a town that refuses to accept that a black man won the election because they only handed it down among white folk.

If the system is 2 people, 1 in power and 1 without it can be regular racism and systemic racism.

Their representatio ratio is as systemically biased as apartheid south africa... So... yeah its systemic, but it really seems regular racist too.

If google adjusts creators revenue by 1/3 I'll pay that.

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Go digging? That hasn't really changed has it? If a report pops up in my feed speaking about some scientific study, I try and go to the journal or the arxiv to find the study itself so I can read the summaries. If I really can't find anything first party, if I've got some personal knowledge on the topic I might just write the paper's author and ask for a copy (they're often very willing and excited to share) or use my library provided JSTOR access?

Google scholar still mostly works as well.. but yeah I only use it every other week or so.

Like this isn't new, science twitter has mostly moved to mastadon so most of the time there's an arxiv link in the "Study released today..." toots etc.

There are some new youtubers trying to spread the word, but yeah like the same way you've always researched?

Imagine investing in for-profit prisons, as a regular person. You’re hoping that society tears itself apart so you can watch line go up. Monstrous indeed.

I have a "ethically challenged" investment set that I put money into. I hate every one of the companies, and every one of their missions. But it means when things go horribly with society, I make money... So I get to feel like a rich person, and then almost instantly feel like an asshole because I'm not making enough money to assuage the moral issues I have with it.

When the pandemic hit, I bought a bunch of food service company stock... and various pharma companies. When I found out real estate companies were gouging people's rent... I bought real estate investment trusts... and when I found out the GOP was going to revert roe v wade, I bought a bunch of health care companies stock (that particularly service the south...)

Funny thing is, every time I get a shareholder vote notice, I always vote my conscience, but it doesn't matter everyone else votes their pocketbook every time.

I appologize for deleting all my posts. And I don't at the same time. Maybe try asking here in more general communities? Everything doesn't have to come from a boutique subreddit.

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OH shit, the boss is flashing ya'll! Watch out he's gonna spew fireballs, but we almost got him!

you'd think it'd get disabled for all the things, but yeah....

If you had one or two of their plugins/options enabled in chrome it was smart enough to detect when you typed your google password outside of google and send you to change it.

Password manager feature maybe?

"Always was..."

To clarify, most individual donors are check bundled as part of "not pac" Pac activities. Look at the donor lists and dates where there are hundreds at the individual donor limit, and all received during the same day... it happens all the time for all the politicians that are for sale. (I guess everyone but the handful of house members ala: Katie Porter has said they'd take PAC money...)

Churchill, FDR, Stalin and Hitler were contemporaries, we're talking about history and ideology. It is perfectly reasonable to speak to an example scenario where his contemporary whom he tried to draw stark contrast in public media did the opposite of him.

I would say that the writers of FDRs biographies have definitely biased his historiography to the point where he's a "Great Man."

I would say they underappreciate the capitulation he was forced into with regards to the New Deal, and how he essentially appointed socialists to his cabinet to stop what he perceived was a potential Bolshevik style revolution. The same thing is essentially what happened with the FEPC where he made an agency specifically to "eliminate discrimination in the defense industry" he perceived a very real threat of black men marching on the capital in protest if they weren't provided equal protections and it would affect the war effort.

When asked about the "jewish problem" his plan to "spreading the jews thinly" across the world was arguably advocating for cultural genocide.

You could really look at most of what he did and see it does increase the non-segregated races average income, and thinks like infant mortality... these were all great, and things he wouldn't have even considered if he didn't think they would starve out the oncoming violence.

You can look right at one of the first things he did during his administration for this pattern of capitulating to what he perceived as dangerous political movements:

The first people to hear about the announced CCC jobs and available positions were the Bonus Army camp in Washington, D.C. It worked so well it basically ended the entire movement. Congress later (3 years) did it anyways, despite him vetoing it, but it's pretty clear he didn't consider their request. It's basically the very essence of the current Conservative "work for food" mentality with welfare programs.

So While I see that some of the historiography likes to paint him as a Great Man for some of the things he did, I would say he was a Great Politician, and a very average upper-class rich man for his time.

The thing about discrimination is it isn't a passive act. You don't write a law that only applies to white people without explicitly excluding others. Hitler shook Owen's hand... HITLER for fucks sake. That guy that utterly hated jews and deplored non-aryans. FDR could have at least invited him in for a coffee.

Everything will be with the benefit of hindsight but the idea that turning away hundreds of thousands of Jews while you KNEW (had multiple intelligence reports and American news reporting the fact that jews were being put into concentration camps and murdered being reported for over 2 years by 1941.). He blocked jewish refugees from immigrating actively.

Segregation in the military was so insidious black servicemembers were pushed aside for NAZI POWs ....

Nazi POWs got to ride in first class in the front of the train. Nazis were getting treated better than Black veterans who had put their lives on the line. So that kind of pissed my dad off.

This sort of thing was not the output of a great man by todays standards, nor of someone who honors those who served and put their lives on the line. His discriminating behavior was continuous and not representative of what I would call a great man. If he had had a deathbed lament of his behavior maybe I'd reconsider, but he died knowing he was a great man, and that includes that behavior.

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He noticed in 2015... How much you wanna bet he trusted it more back then and it almost killed him a bunch.

We've got 2 types of politicians now, Populist Polar Penguins, and Middling Milquetoast Mouthbreathers. If you don't want the Penguins you gotta vote for the Mouthbreathers that will get the most votes. And vice versa. The parties are just outfits the funding sources put on their puppets every election cycle, they love it though since they get to share the strings on either one.

I feel like I did when I was a kid, and Pro Wrestling was obviously fake, but saying that outloud was going to get me kicked out of every backyard WWF match in the neighborhood. There's a big group of people that look at politics and don't see the obvious pagentry and don't draw the stupidly clear lines between the haves and the poltiical campaigns around the nation or if they do "it's only the other guy that's faking it!"

"You're right, Macho Man is faking it, but so is the Hulkster."


This is what's wrong with the world oof. It read like a post from 2008 making fun of people for not getting the joke, and everyone... predictably didn't get the joke.