My Good Sir

@My Good
0 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Broke: I need more surveillance to help me stop consuming porn because of my dopamine levels

Woke: I look at nudes that were shared without extortion involved, with myself or the public, because I understand the guilt comes from participating in the violation of other people's consent and boundaries

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Great sign that organizational resources are being arranged into a pointless circlejerk safely removed from browser & Thunderbird development, or finding opportunities to monetize that aren't products nobody asked for outside the nonprofit corporate bureacracy

Only downside is people abusing the lack of headlight & bumper height regulations

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No kidding, I didn't see the image attachment until after I composed my reply...

no I'd be dead

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Not debating indefensible choices is expected.

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Always a great question to ask software nerds. Great thread idea dude!

Why do you need to get it from the shittiest source possible if the country of origin doesn't matter

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Individual impact in the face of human meat consumption and individual impact in the face of a failing Nazi economy lashing out at innocent people, yes. I already understood the comparison. Your pedantic nonsense is unwelcome. Get out of my mentions.

Yeah but I'm not into the void. I just meditate on images that are far away from people.

They come to me naturally and develop into their own trains of thought which I abandon one after another.

Better stay that way. I like the really lit up Subarus and Kias. Easier to see them on the road instead of making it harder for everyone

You already said that, but we both know there are premises behind your lack of caring.

Would you buy products from Nazi Germany? Even before the Holocaust was revealed to the world?

There's no technology trade going on. You're not a developing country negotiating for hardware or prices you can't get elsewhere. It's an appliance that makes carbonated water. The Sodastream isn't even the best product. It certainly isn't the only firm making these fizzy water appliances. (Which you don't need in the first place.)

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The real purpose it to set up a wider market for dubiously sourced videos from human traffickers/kidnappers like Andrew Tate with better monetization than video streaming sites. The people jerking off in the shower are just helping provide cover by moving their nude sharing and cosplay activities into a human trafficking monetization pyramid scheme.

The best money is in the most violent and degrading acts available online. People purchasing sex acts through these platforms do it because the manipulation itself is valuable to them. They enjoy forcing people to do very uncomfortable things I'd rather not describe.

I'm getting all of this from actual sociologists by the way, before I get accused of having the same taste! They do studies on the german prostitution forum posts where they complain about the girls having sore holes and broken backs like it's the wrong sauce on a schnitzel sandwich they ordered. The disgusting behavior is all public and cataloged, but ignored by the sexually desperate men in this thread

Many of you are underselling the exploitative and degrading nature of prostitution by referencing the people drawn into pyramid schemes just sharing their nudes for pocket change

oh so not like actually death, you mean a sinister furry in a robe

i mean okay someone told me they would fuck the epic two guns meme skeleton fine

If only there were some way to judge if the pornographization of society had led to more assaults and trafficking 🤔

I don't want to talk about it...

Actually the left's arguments come from information from the pornographers involved with digital pyramid schemes that also launder human trafficking by people like Andrew Tate.

Nobody in this thread has even heard of the Nordic Model, which helps get women out of the trade without criminalizing their activities, instead going after pimps. Employing former prostitutes as social workers.

There's no need to rehabilitate women who are just entertaining the prostitution pyramid schemes or in the top brackets (essentially participating as e-madams). It's practically just sharing nudes for pocket change for 99% of those involved.

We can do a lot better than the Nordic Model, by the way!

The "legalize everything" response to the ineffeciveness of crackdowns at eliminating the root cause of social problems - like drug abuse and prostitution - is just libertarianism.

So it's no wonder a bunch of nerdy guys groomed on reddit would be defending this.

Very cool to steal the arguments pedophiles use to justify what's on their hard drives.

Losers of the world unite! All women must be trafficked!

Oh I didn't expand the image, this guy is probably just posting this as a segue into sharing this list of their fetishes. How disgusting

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What if I remoisturize it after I cleanse it. Can I treat it like a facial area

I'm not being heavy-handed. You're being softheaded, ignorant, and unprincipled. Animal slaughter is a keystone of human survival in almost every economy, critical to manufacturing and research, and is done humanely, to animal populations. A genocide is a genocide, which I do not have to explain, despite how mystifying this can be to Israel's useful idiots like you.

The purchase of the Sodastream enriches genocidaires and his taste buds alone. The purchase actively deprives Palestinian children of basic resources by funding Israel's settler economy, which is in a state of freefall.

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Wow it's almost like the rules weren't visible until I returned to the home page and found a secret trapdoor? Proving my original point that I couldn't find them even while looking around at the bottom of the screen, the menu, the create post page, and searching the website on google?

You guys can make alts and keep recruiting from reddit but you can't escape your unfunny millenial posting abilities

You clearly don't even have the attention span to understand what the Nordic Model is lol.

See, he downvotes and moves on without looking up the Nordic model. You can take the redditor out of reddit, but you can't always take the reddit out of the redditor.

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No, animal slaughter is not comparable to genocide. Don't compare humans to pigs. Don't compare yourself to human beings ever again, because you're a soulless beast.

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Maybe they're bots or redditors

Scientists = baffled

Alternate theory: the guy who was trying to get me to use the app, Voyager, went through every one of my posts he could see and voted them down. Very normal website! I guess to a neckbeard who thinks they can trick other people with fake engagement numbers, that must feel like revenge.

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Consider it an open letter, you seem neurodivergent so I will leave you be

Yeah really the height of humor on reddit I imagine

See how quickly you resort to thinly-veiled insults?

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I'm not gonna use your webapp little bro

I'm on your mobile browser website I'm not even using an app. I searched rules on web search engines and nothing showed up. None of you probably even know what Rule 2 is. Your shit sucks!

Yeah I don't use that

That is very annoying to find, make it more accessible and you won't get laughed at for being incompetent.

Well I don't think that Nazis should feel welcome here. When I call someone a Nazi for materially supporting an apartheid state with their purchases and advertising them on, I will take enforcements of Rule 2 on that as an endorsement of Zionists feeling welcome here. I will let other people know what to expect from your instance.

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I don't give a fuck what your instance is, you're commenting on my post on

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it's not on the create post page either?

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