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Just a reminder that, at least as of 2020, the NYPD alone is in the top 30 military budgets in the world when compared to full countries. They spent $10,900,000,000 (that's 11 billion if you don't wanna count the zeroes out).

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He had better handlers and PR team back then so more people thought he was just an eccentric billionaire Playboy inventor and were willing to do the dirty work needed to make it happen.

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He didn't actually think it was the most efficient. It's way worse. He knew he could get a proposed high speed rail line killed so it wouldn't cut into his car sales. He did not care one bit what happened after it died. Everything else was his PR team.

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Found the bot who can't read. International waters near south Korea with an actual mission against north korea. That's not "operating near China". If that was the case, the world should be nothing but bloody war, just about every country has military at their border. That's near another country.

And the biggest reason this is a double dick move by China, the Seahawk was on a UN mission. Guess who's part of UN. That's right. China.

This and glue sauce are so worrisome. Like sure most people probably know better than to actually do that, but what about the ones they don't know? How many know how bad it is to mix bleach and ammonia? How long until Google AI is poisoned enough to recommend that for a tough stain?

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Florida has already started the "they're coming for our meat" with the lab grown meat ban if you haven't seen.

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I pull out the "I'm rubber, you're glue". Nobody expects it these days, either that or "Would Mister Rogers approve of your actions?" I've yet to meet someone who doesn't at least pause at that.

I can't pull it off, but "I'm thinking you weren't burdened with an over-abundance of schooling." From Firefly is killer

I think the Pietà on my coffee table would be more of a conversation starter.

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It's not stated well in that article but the bill actually has an exception for secret societies to request permits to wear masks for parades and such. A Democrat state rep (forget her name) pointed out this explicitly would protect the KKK but not regular folk wanting to, say, legally protest Palestine murders, because everyone knows they would be denied permits.

Earlier versions of this bill kept failing until they added what people are calling the KKK exception.

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Yeah, the steak looks like it was cooked some before the eggs were dropped in, so it won't be the prettiest but should cook and taste just fine.

Florida just banned lab grown meat and removed climate change targets from their books. So, the usual for them.

It's complicated, but some would argue the modern Internet started in 1986 (with the adoption of DNS and TCP/IP for the NFSNET), a full year after Handmaid's Tale was published even.

But yeah, Atwood stated she took inspiration from religious movements in the 1980s to oppress women, the Islamic revolution in Iran in the 1970s and it's effect on women, and the pushback in late 1940s against women working after the war ended.

All of this prexisted the Internet by a long shot.

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No, Stupid, Questions!

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Wikipedia has a list of places named after each president. I see zero southern schools named after Obama. You might be on to something.\_of\_educational\_institutions\_named\_after\_presidents\_of\_the\_United\_States

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Call it "Sky gate" and control the tube with a $15 cheapo gamepad and I'm in.

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Most of the upper eschalon of 343 have left or were kicked out over the last year, including some of the worst offenders who drove the creation of the crap we've had recently such as Kiki Wolf kill.

It seems like they're internally rebuilding 343 because they know how much of a powerhouse that IP can be if done right. I'm not optimistic about the next Halo, but cautiously hopeful now at least.

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I think most people categorize chowder under the soup umbrella though.

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Dude, even as an adult, my meal planning is walking into the store and seeing what's on sale and going from there.

Do you mean with the Voyager FDS? There's a big difference between patching a system 30+ years past it's planned mission date because at everyone's amazement it just keeps going and being valuable versus the Neuralink developing issues a few months after being installed when many expected it to fail because of the news of high failure rate among the primate test subjects beforehand.

I don't think it is (though Dems seem to pull that often). Supreme Court Justices seem to have a very hard time letting go of the power, even on the more progressive side (Notorious R.B.G. being the most recent example). There's basically no way to remove a supreme court justice, impeachment will pretty much never happen. I think it's more recognizing that multiple who are 75 years old in a stressful job and being targeted by the public more and more is likely to lead to at least one of them leaving, be it death or retirement.

The original was titled "October Rain" (a reference to an October Hamas attack),
had lyrics like:
Hours and hours
and flowers
Life is no game for the cowards (most I've heard felt it in context to be saying screw Palestine, they started it and hide in their holes killing, let's bomb them all)

And the Israeli delegate to Eurovision (the board member guy, not the artist) said they were sending a song all Israelis could connect to.

So yeah, my albeit western interpretation is it was very anti-palastine, pro-israel

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You absolutely can't. You just can't. Standing around the empty coffee pot yakking about the sportsball game over the weekend for 45 minutes and then spending three minutes agreeing you need a meeting to coordinate brainstorming just doesn't work over Teams.

They just refuse to admit that's a good thing.

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I'm sorry you're in that situation, but this is wrong.

He successfully created subsidies that brought Affordable Care Plan enrollment up and brought the number of uninsured Americans down from 14.5% to 11% through the American Rescue Plan Act, which removed a cap on eligibility for subsidies above 400 percent of the poverty level and limited premiums to 8.5% income among other things.

Every action he's tried to take in the healthcare front has been blocked by others, lawsuits from drug companies, Congress, you name it. States were supposed to take increased funding and expand Medicaid access for people outside the income range for ACA at the same time as the increased subsidies. Many did. Several did not (take a guess which).

He's certainly a flawed president and I wish Democrats ran someone stronger, but this critique is provably false. He has mentioned it and tried to take actions to improve healthcare access.

Of course he could do more, but saying "no mention" is either willfully ignorant or trollish or angered exaggeration. This is on top of the health care improvements he managed to get into the Inflation Reduction Act and proposed healthcare funding in the budget he released in March (which is again supposed to expand Medicaid and Medicare).

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If it's not shoved under the seat in front of you properly it can be a tripping hazard and slow things down, plus if the overhead bins don't stay latched well because they weren't maintained well (which is a thing I've seen often) then any emergency could possibly have thrown that into the aisle.

I dunno, it makes sense to at least look at it further.

It depends. Without systemic changes to prevent a new set of people from just grabbing everything up, in a short time we're right back here in garbage land. We need forceful collective changes with safeguards placed for the future.

Although I agree in general, the antivirus complaint isn't really fair. Windows was by and large the largest install base, especially in the corporate sector. It only makes sense it became the most targeted. Scam apps and that's do exist on Android and Linux, they're just mitigated other ways. For now.

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Doesn't mean we need to cut down a forest to build the factory.

Same, the first 13" colour e-ink that doesn't cost more than a single limb I'm so getting if I can swing it. I read digit comic books so much and having it as e-ink is my dream.

The stupid thing is it totally could have made things better. Facilitated knowledge share, floated work between studios if one needed help, heck, just combining HR and publishing tools could have freed up some costs that could feed back into development. Something.

But yeah, saw it coming

I thought she'd been smacked down and told to stop lollygagging. Man, I didn't think I could be more disappointed in our legal system but daily I'm proven wrong. Didn't Jack Smith file at the start of April to have her removed from the case?

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But apparently it can't cover the cost of monopoly go!? That, that amuses me. I need to look into that one more.

starts seeding.
Immediately remembers data cap he keeps running into
Sadly stops seeding

I haven't heard it at all so I can't comment, but I do know they were forced to re-write it pretty late in the game to turn down the more obvious anti-palastine political messages in it after several countries threatened to boycott this year. It might have already sucked, haven't heard either version, but a late re-write changing it can't have helped.

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Wasn't that already an issue in Florida last year?

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If only denser housing structures and public transportation and work from home didn't all keep getting voted down and shouted down by NIMBYs so we had a better way. I get out and vote and write letters to elected officials. Not much more many of us can do.

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Option 3: pull up a list of the developers and venmo them each 10¢ then go pirate the game?

I'm only half kidding.

It lands best if you order a Cosmo or something equally "girly" coloured right before.

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Heck, even "I did too much of the drugs" can usually be solved with drugs.

You heard it here folks. Eat your drugs. Say no to school. Stay in vegetables.

I dunno about FartsWithAnAccent, but I'm getting so fed up and depressed by the current system I'm looking back around to hope. Not expecting, but hoping. Crazed optimism could be next for me.

I can't comment on fairphone, but the Discord thing is likely not your phone, it's Discord or something. The same happens to me randomly on a Pixel 6a.