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Joined 8 months ago

I smashed that upvote button so hard. Whip that llamas ass

Why spend money when you can bully people?

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As an Australian who gets bombarded by the US point of view and agenda from their tech companies - I think America could do with an outside influence undermining the government's point of view.

As the post points out - the US government is doing an incredibly shitty job looking out for its citizens, and if they were afraid of a propaganda machine holding them accountable and creating civil unrest it might be for the best.

It's just a shame the power that owns the means to do that happens to be china. I wonder if things will return to normal once the citizens pack away the guillotine

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Have you considered making your deck building game an mmorpg?

They need to moooove over

They insist on doing the same thing at the exact same time and are pathological about it.

100% chance they both do Ben, but he will have to come in both of them with the same amount of cum, somehow at the same time

Source: the reality tv show they were on

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Companies like Microsoft should really have a fund for fixing open source projects - it's breeds good will, reduces the cost of development, and they in turn get software for much less cost than if they did it themselves.

Like - we are using project X and I want to request a bug fix, they go - estimate your effort in shirt sizes or points or some shit for you to do it.

A bean counter looks at their scale that directly converts effort to cost they have under the table, and they give you a budget to offer the dev of the software as part of the fix request

Huh, turns out asbestos is actually delicious too

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I choose believe it was because it was posted to the 196 community on Lemmy that it will end it all.

I'm just excited to see what happens when they find out their PC has been invaded by libs.

And then proceeds to own them by deleting them all

Oh I always thought the lyrics were "we're not gonna make it" and I was like yeah,that tracks

Ironically it will probably be bass pro that outlives the pyramids. !RemindMe 3000 years

But dumpster fires can be entertaining

Makes me wonder how many times I've been replaced. Also makes me wonder if I just died yesterday and today I'm actually a new person. I have no evidence that yesterday happened except for a memory of it, and let's face it, since it was a public holiday, that's a pretty foggy memory

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You don't have to be a person to have the rights of a person. That's what a corporation is.

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This is why if there is no price I'm out - I'm getting taken advantage of

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Like a yapping Chihuahua

They forgot to get ai to fill it with irrelevant bullshit

I'm 5'11, but 6ft erect.

Stockholders also get value extracting your happiness

4o says just take the goat and tie it up:

If you can't leave the goat unattended with the wombok, and you can only transport one at a time, you'll need to devise a method to ensure the safety of both the goat and the produce during separate crossings. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Divide and Conquer:

    • Securely tie the goat in a safe location on one side of the river, ensuring it has access to food, water, and shelter.
    • Transport the wombok across the river first, using one of the methods mentioned earlier while ensuring it remains dry and intact.
    • Once the wombok is safely on the other side, return to the goat and prepare it for the crossing using the same or a different method, depending on available resources and conditions.
  2. Coordinate Assistance:

    • If possible, enlist the help of others to assist with the simultaneous transport of both the goat and the wombok.
    • While one person focuses on transporting the goat, another can handle the transport of the wombok, ensuring that both are safely transported across the river.
  3. Prioritize Safety and Monitoring:

    • Throughout the process, prioritize the safety and well-being of both the goat and the produce, monitoring them closely to ensure they remain secure and unharmed during the crossings.
    • Check on the goat periodically to ensure it remains safe and secure while waiting for its turn to cross the river.

By carefully planning and coordinating the crossings, you can ensure the safety and welfare of both the goat and the wombok while successfully transporting them across the river.

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I draw the line at needle drugs for kids

Yeah energy prices have gone through the roof but apparently it's cheaper in every way except nuclear - and we don't even have nuclear around here

Oh for sure. I guess I despair because I don't see a way out of the bullshit without civil unrest, but I think we have all grown weak and soft in the middle and are just willing to take it. I'm not sure it's possible anymore and feel like the human race as a whole are just becoming slaves.

I used to think the USA at least had a semblance of justice and fairness especially compared to China, but I think it really is just every man for themselves now and greed is all that matters.

It's not much better here in Australia either. There is no sense of community, or trying to build a better society. It's almost applauded to be corrupt and selfish.

You joke but they might have exactly something like that. Or he can only do cumshots over both their faces

Meta af

Elon doesn't care about profit... See X Elon does care about sexy Elon is not the one who has to figure out anything.

So I guess it's no 2. He didn't get the feels for it.

I like the cut of your jib

Since nothing will happen, I'm surprised they don't just declare everything as bragging rights. It would be unpatriotic not to splash the cash that you have received because you, and America, are clearly in God's favour according to the Prosperity Gospel.


Hence how Melania came to be a Citizen

Ive been using bing and bing copilot more and more for general stuff these last few months. Google needs to up their game. Other than that I use ddg as my first point of call

To be fair every time I give Gemini a go it's hot garbage.

But then 4o seems to be worse than gpt4. Just feels like it's regurgitating garbage

Shareholder value must be extracted from your happiness

What distro is gnome?

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Why not 11 years

Honestly I'm not even mad at the sex pests in this scenario. It's whoever thought sending these girls was a good idea