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Joined 12 months ago

There's two kinds of money: Enough money, and more than enough money.

If you don't have enough money, that's all that matters. A nicer day at work means very little.

Once you have enough money, more money matters very little. Now it's about enjoying work etc.

6 more...

Where do you live, where taking breakes is frowned upon? That's crazy.

Here in Denmark, I'm being reminded to take breakes and go home. I have been asked if I'm sure it's not hurting my work/life balance, before getting overtime approved.

It's also common to stay at work after hours to hang out, if there's a nice place to do that.

19 more...

I live in Denmark, Europe. One Bic Mac meal is 9.39 USD incl taxes.

The minimum salary in McDonals is around 3500 USD per month for a standard 37 hr/week, including pension.

This is every month, not affected by holidays, sick leave, paid vacation... It comes with 5 or 6 weeks of paid vacation per year, and virtually unlimited sick leave.

Yeah, I also don't understand why McDonald's says they can't raise salaries or improve working conditions, because it will make the price go up. So why is it expensive now?

(Yes, taxes are high here. But we also have a lot of stuff that is tax paid, that evens it out somewhat.)

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Yep, the included feet are just something you might be able to use until you get a real mount.

If you really want the TV to stand on furniture, buy a proper vesa mounted stand (they can be very cheap) and maybe even a proper TV table.

The cops aren't going to sit there and wait for the person to start shooting at them.

That's what they do in countries where non-criminals aren't afraid of the police, and they seem to do much better both in terms of staying safe and keeping the citizens safe.

additional months of paid vacation if they don't need you to teach the new guy or if they are scared that you could be a pain in the ass, so they just send you home while they pay you for 3 months.

In Denmark it's based on how long you've worked there. The most I've got personally was 7 months paid "vacation".

If it's "just a phone", it's not running Android. No Android that I ever heard of is "just a phone".

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At least for me in IT, everybody usually gets an adjustment that's on average above inflation. So if you work the same place for ten years without ever getting a raise, you still keep up with inflation.

I think my lowest was 0% and my highest almost 3%. Some years slightly below inflation, but in any 3 year period I think I've been above inflation.

Then any raise is on top of that.

I've been told multiple times to take more sick leave.

Usually when I come back from sick leave, I've been told I should have taken a day more to recover fully. But after days in bed, I just really want to start doing something, even if I'm tired.

Ah, here it's very different. In multiple companies I've gotten consistent 5/5 and told by my own manager that I should really get a promotion, but they can't give me promotion or even a raise. Just the 1-2% salary adjustment everybody gets.

Feels so good... 🙄

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Exactly, that's the thing. Here in Denmark, many (most?) companies think that happy workers are more productive.

I might be colored by mostly working in places where it's very expensive to replace an employee, but then again, for Americans I mostly talk with people in a similar kind of job.

Seemingly. 🙂

My ISP only has symmetric. The cheapest one they advertise costs about 10 Big Macs per month.

I can't speed test my connection as my wifi is the bottleneck. But the way our law is, they can't really lie about speed. The "up to" trick was banned a long time ago.

if you would just live your life I don't think you would call it a disorder, more like a different way of processing tasks

The more I learn about ADHD, the less I see it as a disorder. I see it more as a personality trait. Unfortunately most of our society is based on people not having that personality trait, making it harder to fit in.

On the other hand, if you're lucky enough to find a lifestyle that fits your personality type, that personality type is actually very helpful, the opposite of a disorder.

All good points. But since tipping is supporting this broken system, and not tipping seems to be worse, what do you suggest then?

I could just not go out, sure. Just stay out of it. If enough people do that, this wil lead to less customers, more employers closing their business, more employers loosing the job they couldn't afford to quit. I don't see how that helps either.

So I'm listening. What do you suggest?

I see what you mean, but I'm not the one fucking over the employees.

On the short term you are right, but as long as customers keeps tipping, the system works well enough for nothing to change.

The more people stops tipping, the closer we get to change.

And I'm sorry that the change will hurt the employees, but it's not my battle. And tipping does not support the employees battle, just this days income.

Tell me another way I can support their battle, and I'll listen.

(I tip when the employees seems to rely on it, or if I feel extraordinarily well serviced.)

That's fine, I can't expect everybody to like that kind of stuff.

But it's still important to have that for those that do. And of course that people more like you, get what you want.

My first PC was FULL of memory. It had ALL the memory. No amount of money could add more. It had 640KB. It was crazy.

My first computer wasn't a PC, it had 64KB RAM. I never needed more.