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Linux. (ducks)

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"Automatic content recognition"! Roku is not the only ones doing it :(

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TOR needs to have a lot of 'background noise' legit use, otherwise the folks needing to hide in the weeds stick out like a sore thumb.

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You can lose your Google account in the blink of an eye with no recourse, no access to support or anything.

With local and my own backups, I can choose to put them at any location, cloud or local.

⟋etc⟋passwd ⧸etc⧸passwd /etc/passwd

There is no implementation right now that enables you to own and manage your own passkey backups without Google it icloud.

Additionally, the attestation feature is one step away from banks and other sites mandating specific implementations, preventing people from using software tokens or OSS managers.

Passkeys is great, and I am eager to recommend it to everyone, but without those items addressed, it's a trap door, and one bitflip away from very strong lock in.

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And before anyone says we're snowflakes and can't take a joke -- he's not joking. This was not a joke. Vote accordingly, and be warned, you do NOT want to be living in a dictatorship.

The American people have spoken, and have agreed on a law that disqualifies them. Lets put it to a vote and see if we should change that law?

IMAP on O365 now requires "Modern Auth", which requires OAuth to authenticate access to mailboxes. Anything that connects via IMAP will need to be approved by the admins at this point (Including Thunderbird). Without the cooperation of your organization's IT team, you are not going to get far.

We need that slashdot system of vote + mark "insightful", "flamebait", "funny", etc etc. add more categories as necessary so posts can be scored on multiple axes.

There is not going to be a mob at a voting booth, or at a government building, in a way that matters.

It'll be done by people not taking action. It'll be done by installing people sympathetic to fascism installed to positions where they have the authority to approve or enforce (or not enforce) policies. It'll be done by people saying "oh, that's fine it doesn't affect me" , or "people will never allow it "...

Some of the things that people are allowing lately are downright evil. But it's okay because it's what my church said was good.

Rich people have been advocating for policies and programs that all but force people to work, at borderline slave wages just to survive or participate in society.

I don't see an end to this unless something drastic and uncomfortable happens.

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If you use gitea, it's just a few steps to enable it to be an OAuth2 provider. See Oauth2 Provider Docs

Oh, I know that happened. But that's just one little bit. The other items I mentioned will have far more broad, devastating and lasting effects.

The Local PD should have handled cases like that, to protect lawful voters. But I wager that the Local PD was already there, just in the wrong uniform.

Planka looks very promising too

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It’s not the Muslims, it’s the evil Christians. Same problem, but different names.

MoCA is a way to send wired Ethernet up to (300mb/s, at least the version i have) over coax. Verizon fios would provide these devices to send internet to set top boxes over existing coax cabling, but you can get a pair of these devices and send Ethernet in on one side, and Ethernet out the other side.

I have noticed however, it adds a bit of latency to the connection, which may be trouble.

I worry too -- if this gets any significant uptake, what's stopping Reddit from shutting off the spigot? Given their reasons for turning the screws on API and other policy changes, they may not take kindly to having "their" content re-posted elsewhere, let alone to a system designed specifically to escape reddit.

These hips don't lie

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Depending on your use cases and apps, file locking can be problematic when sharing across SMB and NFS simultaneously, their locking semantics are slightly different

Personally, I will use both: On servers with fixed network connections I will tend to use ifupdown; but on my linux laptops I'll use networkmanager or networkd which tend to have nice UI's for joining various forms of wifi networks. On my laptops for some VPN's i"ll use the ifupdown configuration, which lets me setup all sorts of exotic configurations (bridges, vlans, vxlan,, vpns, namespaces, etc.) The linux command line tooling has a litany of functions to check/test/diagnose/tweak networking settings, and they work across all the distros, AND they can reveal the full details of the network, as the kernel sees it. NetworkManager, networkd, connmann, etc, often omit details in the name of simplifying for the most common scenarios.

Trump or Trump's puppet masters?

The Germans have Russians. :-/

A few instances have defederated some of the instances with open reg or spam problems because they are getting overwhelmed

LMTP support would be nice too: existing mail routing infrastructure could send messages into stalwart-managed mailboxes. (Edit: reading the docs, they do support LMTP! This is awesome)

As an anecdote -- I have been sitting on an elastic IP at AWS for years, with reverse DNS configured properly for it. Way early on (years ago), some spam filters would block the whole netblock, but I can't remember the last time the IP Block was wholesale blocked. I think AWS is very much on top of any spam complaints from their Elastic IPs, and as long as you don't abuse your specific IP, you are in good shape for light volume, non-spam mail.

A single binary can be invoked with different privilege levels. OpenSSH, for example is a single binary, but uses OS privilege separation when setting up connections from the root-owned daemon. (Just to be clear, I'm not sure that stalwart is using this technique, just that single binary apps do not exclude the possibility of OS privilege separation.)

What are you using for your DNS TTL value?

I see this said every time this comes up.

Are there any efforts starting or even attempting this? Or even taking an existing printer and replacing it's main board?

Never give it up, and never let it down.

Not only do they not federate, they also seem to suggest they are not making the self hosting option as easy as it could be because they would prefer one instance that everyone connects with.

It seems pretty solid otherwise, and the self hosted option can work if you are willing to spar with it, but that position makes it super easy for one organization to buy or somehow influence all the primary devs and turn the project closed in no time at all.

Because dead people in other countries don't buy US exports.

How does a subrented domain work? You hold on to the whois, and collect a periodic fee to point the whois NS records at the buyers choice of servers?

Given that so many things secure access based on domain ownership, isn't that crazy risky for the renter?

TacticalRMM is very comprehensive, self hosted, but more geared towards organizations managing a fleet of machines.

You can extract the SLIC value from the ACPI table, and then pass it through to QEMU

See more details here:

It is my understanding that this can only be used to run the OEM license one one instance in a VM, on the specific hardware that is originally licensed. IE, you virtualize the license if the bootOS is Linux, but you can't run 2 instances of the same windows license inside each other.

If it's a secure enough environment, I imagine that there will be monitoring on the device, and the moment a hub shows up that's not supposed to be there, or any other USB device tree that doesn't match the approved list, , alarm bells ought to go off. If it's valuable enough; the attack would be to use a passive device picking up leaky signals on the wire, or even hidden camera watching screen/keyboard.

I wish I knew, but the ad industry LOVES this tech: Every other result is "How ACR is going to be awesome for advertisers/marketers". the ones in between are "How to shut off ACR" :-/


Smart TV's run automatic content detection on all their inputs. You will also be nagged to put the device online relentlessly, and some models will not let you skip internet connectivity.

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