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Joined 1 years ago

My favorite is the one star review when it’s a shipping issue. “Look at this, the box is ripped!”

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Asking a dog owner to use their leash rather than letting their dog walk up to you or your kids.


It’s definitely underfunded as others have said, but I will also add this - I had the opportunity on Saturday this past weekend to spend some time in the local emergency room due to a sports related injury. I got X-rays and a CT scan done and saw a Dr. And the cost to me personally was about 6 hours. The waiting was a bit long but I brought a book and some snacks, and everyone was super nice.

This is an interesting discussion. I’ve had a few loonies rage at me. How do you handle when drivers follow you way too close, like if you have to brake they might rear-end your car? I’ve had this happen a few times and it’s never because I’m driving under the limit, I usually speed moderately at 20% over. My solution has been to ease my foot off the accelerator to slowly slow down to give them a hint. Some catch on and back off, others get aggressive.

Edit: I should note that speeding up isn’t always possible because in some cases I’m behind someone else at a safe distance.

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It would help if the onboarding experience was smoother. Perhaps suggesting the ‘best’ instance based on speed, and if there are several randomize between the less popular instances. For normal people having to read about what an instance is and how to choose one will be a another barrier to entry, perhaps a deal breaker.

I think the decentralized but moderated review network is the most important part. I like the idea of local shop keepers with specialized knowledge (I’m thinking of my local goto kitchen store) or just online experts (like the folks at whathifi). I like to research a bit (a lot really) before I decide what to buy and a resource like this would be invaluable. Finding it locally after deciding what to buy can be an issue (especially if you are not in the US), but this aspect could be separate, as is shipping.

Midsized Audi sedans. These always seem to be following me too close.

This is good. I would consider adding “Would you recommend to a friend” but that may be redundant given what you have already.

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Try a residue free detergent like Atsko Sport-Wash Laundry Detergent.

Does saving/bookmarks work for anyone? If so, where can you access them?

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I think the solution for those against defederating with meta is to have accounts on instances in both fediverses and merge the feeds.

Those that don’t drive in the right-most free lane when not passing should be ticketed. Maybe that would help.

Awesome. I’m a 40/-40 runner.

“Would you recommend this to a parallel universe instance of yourself in a similar situation, who is not yet decided on a purchase?”

I am enjoying Swift.

Okay thanks! I had not yet tried the feature.

Yup. This article explains it well:

I’ve been reading books by Gabor Mate - recently finished When The Body Says No and almost done In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts. Lots of stories and insights into how others cope with what has happened to them. It helps to look at your own experience and coping through a new lens.

I wonder if anyone has had any experience using psychedelics in therapy? Not sure if this was in one of these books or if I read about this elsewhere.

Ok, thanks! I had not yet tried the feature.

Saving works in the latest update!!

I agree, but sadly many areas aren’t designed or safe for cyclists. Also some cyclists ride like assholes, making it worse for the rest of us.

Yes the giant ‘mufflers’ were bad enough, lately I’m seeing & hearing poorly tuned expensive sports cars. Mass incompetence or intentional noise maker? These thing are backfiring like crazy.

Marshall Mattress. I prefer the tight top - it sleeps cool and you can flip it. Mine is nice and firm, but they do have softer ones.

Haha you’re right, it probably doesn’t really apply to most things. I do get asked what I recommend more than the average person because my friends and family know I research purchases too much. I hate buying junk.