
4 Post – 98 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I live in one of these cities (Denver) and in my city’s case this push is part of a ton of other provisions including a push to set a maximum speed limit citywide of 25 mph.

About 80% of my trips out of the house are walking or on a bike, but it seems clear to me that policies like this don’t improve safety. It’s just lazy policy making. For example, if you set a 25 mph speed limit on a road designed to support 45 mph traffic, most drivers will still drive 45+ mph and you instead get a wild mismatch of driving speeds. This just slows traffic with an arguably negative benefit to safety. Similarly, if you ban turn on red in the city many drivers will still turn on red, but now whether or not a car will turn on red becomes unpredictable.

What our cities need is more dedicated bike and pedestrian infrastructure that is separated altogether from the roads, as well as greatly improved public transit.

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Were you not here for the bit about the beans?

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Because the biggest practical downside of Linux is a lack of natively developed big name software. It’s annoying to find some great software that perfectly meets your needs and then discover than it can’t run with decent performance on Linux.

Market share growing means that Linux becomes a better and more accessible option.

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Some of them have

However, “the mod team” is a diverse and fragmented group with many individuals across Reddit


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Do you not understand how ads work? It’s about making sure that IBM is the first company that comes to mind when you think about potential suppliers for an upcoming project.

It’s no different than ads for Coca Cola. You know what Coke tastes like. An ad isn’t going to materially influence whether you like it or not. However, it attempts to keep the name present in your mind so the first thing that pops into your head on a hot day is a nice cold Coke.

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Sounds like your are looking for a Subaru forester or a Toyota RAV4 with AWD

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Jesus that’s bad.

Honestly, though, if you don’t grow up working on cars seemingly obvious things aren’t obvious. A part of me wants to applaud him for learning to work on his car himself.

I am kinda shocked that wheel wasn’t vibrating like crazy driving down the highway though.

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Yup and I’d LOVE to see some of those four lane roads get turned into two or three lane roads with protected bike lanes

However, in a city that’s primarily optimized for cars and lacking in other forms of infrastructure, the main impact of traffic calming measures is to make it really hard to get anywhere in an efficient manner. I don’t believe it significantly improves safety, but it will undoubtedly make a lot of people who rely on their cars absolutely miserable.

The root of the problem is that we simply have too many cars on the roads to begin with. However, we can’t reasonably ask people to stop driving until the alternatives are as safe and convenient as a car. The primary focus should be on urban planning that makes walking, biking, or taking light rail an attractive alternative. In the case of walking and cycling, this overwhelmingly means dedicated infrastructure.

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Under this logic, why do we have exemptions for police? Why does almost every single police department issue handguns with a capacity of 15 or more?

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All they have to do is get an account and sit there seeding their own movies, then keep a log of the IP addresses of the people they connect to. That’s how most P2P enforcement is done.

Problem is that anyone with enough knowledge to get private torrent access also knows enough to use a seedbox or VPN. The whole business case for a VPN revolves around not giving out IP addresses so that’s generally a dead end for copyright holders.

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Bezos owning both companies has little to no impact on where the contracts go due to shareholder obligations. The two companies are run as discrete entities. For example, Dave Limp, the new CEO replacing Bob Smith, comes from Amazon and is firewalled from any non-public information about Blue until he is fully transitioned to his new role.

Biden isn’t “committing genocide” and saying he is amounts to simple propaganda.

The conservatives want to take aid away from Ukraine to deliver it to Israel. If Trump wins, far more weapons will be going to Israel than they are now. Repeating propaganda like this is not helpful for the Palestinian people.

Lastly, Israel is an important ally from a strategic perspective. Not only are they our closest ally in the Middle East, but they have a number of important resources like intel semiconductor facilities. Cutting ties with Israel would be bad for America, and the role of the US government is to put America first. It’s more complex than simply supporting one side or the other and Biden is attempting to balance aid for Palestine with preserving our relationship with Israel. That’s exactly what a good president should be doing.

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To be fair, the Bronco II is analogous to the current bronco sport; it was intended to be a compact SUV. The full size bronco was sold at the same time and was larger than the current gen two door Bronco.

Other model lines have definitely grown, though. My “full size” 95 Land Cruiser is significantly smaller than the current gen 4Runner, which was previously based on a mini truck platform.

This is the issue with politics in the US in general here.

I’m also a liberal gun owner. If you categorize people with a strict “with us or against us” mentality, where they are expected to agree with every one of your opinions, you cease to have useful discourse and become a part of the problem.

… yes

like focusing on red flag laws so nutbags don't buy rifles, abusive fucks don't keep their handguns? yeah none of that matters. you fuckwit.

They want due process to have their personal property taken from them? Man. That’s just crazy!

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I went on an expedition to the mall last weekend and it was EPIC.

This was my experience too. Most of my 20s I was dirt poor- like constantly losing weight because I can’t afford basic food levels of poor.

Then I got back into college and got a good career as an engineer. I’m far from rich, but $10k has gone from a truly unfathomable amount of cash to a percentage of my savings account. Kind of funny how that happens.

If you are considering two modes of transportation for a airplane-suitable trip, the per-trip stat is effectively irrelevant. If we consider a 1,000 mile trip and want to choose the safest manner of travel to the destination aircraft will statistically be the safest transportation method.

That’s not the average but it’s far from being rich by most major cities’ standards.

For example, I live in Denver which is somewhat HCOL but nowhere close to cities like San Diego, San Francisco, or New York. The median single family home closing price in the city is $650k. Including taxes and insurance, that’s a >$5k mortgage payment at current rates.

Granted, it’s difficult for many people to afford to buy a SFH here. However, it’s in the ballpark of normal for a dual income household of young professionals.

Disagree. I spent all of my 20s living the no car lifestyle and cycling 100-200 miles a week on city streets. I have had countless negative interactions with cars but not a single one had anything to do with right turns on red.

I just don’t see any meaningful safety improvement from it but significant downsides in terms of traffic flow.

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It’s relevant to the question of what would happen in the event of a gun ban.

At this stage, anyone with sufficient desire to do so can manufacture an effective and reliable firearm using readily available tools at home, using no purpose built firearm components. Magazines are dead simple in comparison.

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How do I know you’re not a Subaru guy?

I would argue most buyers in the market for an off roader are far better served with a Subaru than a more dedicated off road rig. My current vehicle is a triple locked, solid front axle, lifted Land Cruiser on 33s with rock armor all around. I previously had a Subaru built with upsized all terrain tires and a 2” lift.

The Land Cruiser is undoubtedly more capable, but my Subaru went 90% of the places the LC80 goes, including severe/difficult trails that most Jeep people avoid for fear of body damage. The Subaru in the hands of a skilled driver is already far more capable than most people need, and is 10x more livable day to day than any body on frame SUV.

For someone that simply likes exploring easy/moderate trails with their daily driver, the Subaru is the ticket. This describes almost every 4x4 buyer. A more “serious” 4x4 only makes sense if it’s your second car or your primary hobby is rock crawling on difficult terrain.

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Yup. I am an engineer and have worked government and private sector. Private sector pays way more and is more exciting because of the hugely reduced bureaucracy. If you have a fun career you love government can really kill the passion.

But if your goal is stable employment with good work/life balance and guaranteed raises? Government is fantastic.

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The difference is that those cities are denser, better laid out for walkability, and have tremendously better public transport.

Many games are trivially easy to pirate and this has been the case for decades. It’s literally as easy as downloading it from Place B.

People still buy the games.

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… GSDs are just as common on banned breed lists as pitties.

I agree diamonds are dumb and overpriced when you can get a better result from moissanite or lab grown.

That said, I’m curious why you assume it’s a blood diamond? Conflict diamonds only account for ~5% of all diamonds in the trade. Russia and Canada combined account for >50% of all rough diamonds in the industry.

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It can be done but I wouldn’t recommend it. Almost everything on a car ages over time, from copper switches oxidizing to rubber rotting out. Things constantly need work or replacement. Baselining a vehicle like this for daily use should mean replacing almost everything that tends to die from age on that vehicle. Faded/brittle radiators, hoses, belts, certain sensors, overflow tanks, rusty areas, etc.

It’s absolutely doable for someone that loves a specific car and has the drive/knowledge to make it reliable. However, it’s a lot more work than a newer car so it’s not a very practical choice.

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Sorry that happened to you. I have had similar experiences, I have had people literally hit me with their cars because they’re angry I’m taking the lane, bad things thrown at me from moving vehicles.

However, I don’t see experiences like yours as being caused by the right turn law so much as the constant fact that people on cars sharing roads with bikes are assholes.

I will say, as a cyclist the polite thing to do is to position your bike to let turn-on-red people past you whenever possible. I don’t think it justifies this guys behavior and don’t know what this intersection looks like but it’s worth bringing up.

Absolutely. There are definitely still holdouts but it represents a major change.

Some highlights:

  • In 2021 the Director of National Intelligence issued a memo clarifying that past, or even current, marijuana use is not determinative in issuing security clearances. It may be considered a sign that someone would break protocol but that approvers should use a “whole person approach”. She said in a later interview, “We recognize, frankly, that many states have legalized or decriminalized marijuana use and wanted to be sure that we’re not disqualifying people solely for that purpose in that context.”

  • Late 2022, the Biden administration requested that the scheduling of Marijuana be reviewed with the presumptive result it will be reclassified as no longer Schedule 1

  • Early 2022 the house of reps voted through a bill officially legalizing recreational marijuana at the federal level. It lost by a few votes in the senate. It received bipartisan support.

  • Late 2022, the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee voted through a proposal explicitly prohibiting federal agencies from denying security clearances over marijuana alone. It was later squashed by a couple old guard GOP senators.

Ohh, so gay people hide their homosexuality when same sex relationships are shunned by their friends and family? What a shocker.

That has been gradually changing because it’s quickly becoming obvious that the majority of the republican voter base is pro-legalization and that the states that legalized recreation marijuana have seen mostly positive effects.

Meanwhile, the current stance on marijuana is making it more difficult to recruit for national security and defense related positions.

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This sort of post would be well loved over in /c/merica@lemmy.world

It only makes sense for cops to have an exemption if we first accept the premise that standard capacity magazines have utility for personal protection, and not just to shoot into crowds.

The police response to BLM riots is the perfect example of why I think it’s important for the populace to be just as well armed as the government.

The fact of the matter is that people will happily pay for content if it is made available in a convenient and affordable way. Hell, many people will voluntarily pay artists for content that is available completely for free. That’s how patreon works, and there are self published authors approaching $1M/year in income due to readers choosing to support the author for their hard work.

People have no issue paying content creators.

Piracy rose to prominence in the 2000s because a few executives were funneling massive amounts of money into their pockets by the sale of CDs and cable services that were simultaneously expensive and inconvenient. The studios attacked pirates directly to little effect because you simply can’t stop the free dissemination of information among the public.

Piracy almost completely died when streaming made the alternatives affordable, user friendly and convenient. In a world where the proliferation of streaming services is making content just as expensive and inconvenient as in the old days of cable, it’s only natural that piracy will once again rise to prominence.

If they want to get paid, they simply need to stop fucking with the customer and offer a service people want to pay for.

Have you guys not had the salty “cheese foam” you can get on boba? It’s like stabilized whipped cream.

This doesn’t sound bad at all.

The onion did a bit about ten years ago on the Palestine-Israel conflict, reporting:

“Israeli and Palestine leaders have shown they see eye to eye in nearly every facet of the proposed solution, including such provisions as: seizing all territory, watching the opposition burn in righteous fire, and building a unified nation on the corpses of their enemy. Yet, they still haven’t come any closer to putting a stop to the conflict”

Kind of sums it up.