0 Post – 267 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Do you expect to see the site die in a week?

How far back do you think user engagement on r/place will stall reddit failing?

Do you think not using the canvas would cause more harm than their favorite event being covered in language shitting on the CEO and making the pretty canvas not marketable?

Personally, I strongly disagree if you do think so. Even if every Lemmy user drove 0 traffic to reddit, it would change very little of their day to day engagement.

It's important in the long term to move away from reddit and reduce engagement of the site, but the cost benefit ratio of fucking up the marketability of r/place strongly outweighs the effect users would have engaging the site.

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I dont understand what his protest was for. I'm sure there is extreme emotional duress from losing a child that recently, but what was the goal or message here?

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What is the intentional meaning of Scott Pilgrim besides being an awkward teen brained romance plot?

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Made himself look like a fool who cares more about politics than the death of his son to me.

I'd give him a break due to his grieving, but honestly, it's pathetic that he would let his love for his son be manipulated for political points.

He was literally trying to use his son's death to help the man who gave the orders that got his son killed.

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Biden wasn't involved in the Afghanistan pullout, actually. That was definitively Trump.

They let Mods use mod profiles to spread misinformation in this sub?



Moving the relevant bits from Wikipedia above the debate so people will have a frame of reference.

The United States Armed Forces completed their withdrawal from Afghanistan on 30 August 2021, marking the end of the 2001–2021 war. In February 2020, the Trump administration and the Taliban signed the United States–Taliban deal in Doha, Qatar,[7] which stipulated fighting restrictions for both the US and the Taliban, and provided for the withdrawal of all NATO forces from Afghanistan in return for the Taliban's counter-terrorism commitments. The deal, and then the Biden administration's final decision in April 2021 to pull out all US troops by September 2021 without leaving a residual force, were the two critical events that triggered the start of the collapse of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF).[8

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He went down and tried to separate the girls in their sleep while putting his hands on them.

One girl describes how unsafe she felt for her drugged friends when he was trying to separate them.

Imagine that, buying cheap sludge from a waste plant in an unregulated capitalist state had negative outcomes?


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Imagine living your life letting reddit be your filter for meaningful experience lmao.

Touch grass guy.

Nah, tetris is literally still going. Today is too diversified to compare success with success of pre/early internet eras.

Opinion pieces and YouTube videos. Nice sources. It's some real irony at work as you scrub other peoples content on the sub for including video links. The last one is literally directly a result of Trumps orders, and that is the most credible link you shared. You are spreading misinformation.

What changes to Trumps Afghanistan retreat did Biden implement?

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In America alone, the top .1% capture over 90% of all newly generated wealth.

It's just math over time until the concentration of wealth gets even denser.

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The flood of Putin worshipers trying to sell the idea that everybody except for Russia are white supremacists who have to be killed by Russia is pretty obnoxious.

They don't even write to the topics they are responding on, they just leave 5 page copy paste essays on the CIA, a group that isn't elected or representative of the American people in any way.

I tangled with them in one of their subs and they scrubbed all my questions about what part of executing Navalny secretly in prison was justice.

They say he said bad words so secret state killing was justified but also there is no proof it was a secret killing as Russia is perfect.

It's exhausting to have to share space with these people.

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Is this something you spend a lot of time thinking about?


So, do we want the Biden administration to continue to work towards supporting Palestine, or do we want them to revert back to a hard defense of Israel and ramp up arms production?

Lemmy users are fucking braindead when it comes to building support for unified movements in America, and it shows time and time again.

This might be news for yall, but a nation of people does not change course overnight.

Yall do realize you are supposed to reward positive actions to encourage more of them right? If you punish people for doing the right thing the same way you punish them for doing wrong, you are just fucking up your own message.

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Exactly, this is a huge marketing event for them. If the marketability of Reddit is shown to be "FUCK SPEZ FUCK SPEZ FUCK SPEZ", that is going to cost them in terms of that white glove corporate cleanliness they crave to provide and profit off of.

Starfield killed all my hype for Bethesda's future releases. Every step forward comes with a dozen steps back.

How long ago did Starfield come out, like 6+ months ago? And they've basically added an eat button back from previous games on the same engine, then left it to rot.

I can't believe they are already trying to market ES6 and DLC for Starfield without even fixing that trash game first.

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Is there a lemmy wallstreetbets, and if so, how is this not a post in it?

I would wish you luck in investing, but honestly, I would rather watch reddit quietly burn than them start developing some new horrors of monetization.

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Fake news propoganda account spamming false information headlines.

Biden didn't pull the US out of Afghanistan.

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Gangs of Haiti aren't a nuclear super power threatening sovereign states. It's an internal dispute.

Of course, all the Putin bootlickers brains are so twisted at this point they will never understand that.

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It was Trump who removed us from Afghanistan, it was an enemy militant who killed his son, and it was his son that signed up for the military, so obviously, that is Bidens fault.

It's sad his son died, and I'm sure his grief doesn't follow the rules of logic, but joining the military isn't just a paycheck.

Cops are not for personal defense lmao. Who told you that?

Or let's pretend he did.

What the fuck is a guy who has never held public office, who is filling his leadership team with more people who have never held public office, going to do when they are stuck with their hands tied with no allies in the presidency?

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So Trump gave shitty orders during a time he couldn't provide oversight, and that is Bidens fault.

Sure, dude.

When asked what changes to Trumps orders Biden made, you change the topic.

Bad faith bullshit.

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Reddit moderators sold their souls for garbage and deserve it. The super mods there serve capitalism for free and deserve all the shit that falls from it.

I advocated for forcing state representatives to stand and face a crowd of their voters in r/worldnews and was banned for inciting violence. It's literally the founding block of American Democracy that our government serves us and should be overthrown when it no longer serves the people, and people were responding positively to the message.

They banned me from the sub and escalated it to the Admins to get me temp site banned.

All because I said representatives should be forced to stand in front of the people they represent regularly.

I hope the CEO continues to grind them till they break.

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Starving children is not a military operation.

You're full of shit.

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Colleges are also seeing less men succeed in the environment. Men are struggling in the classroom and with mental health.

I think we all agree young people are getting a shitty deal with today's society. It's hard to think positively for them.

With 3x the amount of microtransactions than ever before!!!

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I'm just going to leave this comment here as a placeholder for the sources and actual transcript of the interview I'm going to grab rq.

Sounds like right-wing people are desperate for somebody to interpret this shit for them so they don't have to read the actual "memory lapses".

Lmao, there isn't a more thin skinned group than conservatives.

Remember the Starbucks cup meltdown? What about the Potato head toy controversy?

Yall literally can't even jerk off in peace without having your sons monitor your computer with anti-porn software lmao

If you don't have all the facts, then it's best to shut up and move forward.

Learn to take your own advice before telling others to do it.

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That subreddit is a clear psyop.

I was banned FROM REDDIT for reporting calls to violence in that sub.

They said I was abusing the report function.

I had 5 reports total, 3 of which were acted on, 2 reports of content that passed review.

Right? Nazi zionist goes to a Holocaust protest and gets punched.

Is the news about how kind the people were to him?

You say ypu don't have all the details to rid yourself of being responsible for the hate you are defending, because you're an idiot.

I respect the mental health boundaries you need, but not all of us have that conflict* (trying to find a word that does not sound demeaning, I am not a wordist sorry).

For me, yes I'm upset that reddit is a burning shithole, but it weighs on my mind no more than leaving myspace, Icanhascheeseburgers, ragecomics, 4chan, Facebook, or any of the other numerous forums and social media sites I have split from.

So I respect your need to avoid it, but I do not believe this is the same for the majority of people who are interested in taking action.

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People love saying this so they can call something dumb without opening their views to criticism.

Lazy idiotic complaint.

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The only people on the planet who give a shit about this within the provided context of gaming are Sony fanboys.

If people actually gave a shit about megacorporation problems and the FTC, they would be pissed the FTC took this bullshit case as an excuse to pretend to do things while Walmart and Amazon destroy every grocery chain and many other goods markets.

Within the context of gaming, Activision might be one of the 3 gaming companies worse than Microsoft. Microsoft owning them might actually improve their products and reduce their microtransactions.

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I had a 3 day ban earlier this month for my first bad report lmao. To me, it read as hate/violence, and I had been curious as to what was actionable vs. not. Had 5 reports sent, first 3 successfully acted against (blatant racism/calls for genocide etc.). First one that was flagged as bad got me a 3 day ban. The second bad report didn't seem to do anything but have a message sent my way.

Had a second ban recently and decided I was sick of fighting their garbage system. I had paused scrapping my 10 year old account due to a lot of the account tools breaking down, but I've found one that let's me alter all old posts and scrub them, so I've resumed that.

And now they want to sell the content of my old banned account while refusing me access lmao.

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If dating apps did what they advertised, they would eliminate their customer base.

The objective of the application is to keep you engaged in what they are selling. They want you dating, but not in a long relationship.

They don't have a lot of control on how it happens after you meet, so most of their influence will be in who they present to you and how they gamify interacting.

Solutions are going to come down to real world social skills and overcoming the boundaries of online connections.

If the objective was to run over protestors, rumble feedback might be a positive instead of a negative.

civilian collateral damage

Nazis can fuck off.

This is exactly what I'm calling out, using individual crimes to justify genocide.

You won't even accurately address the crimes because they are so heinous.

We are talking about genocide. Starving children is in no way a military operation so you can suck that lie back up your ass.

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