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OverflowAI: duplicate of “how to tie-dye a shirt”

I experienced (and have seen post from others) that there’s somewhat of a honeymoon phase. The first weeks i felt odd, like i had drank a million cups of coffee, but also crazy drive. For the first time i could just do things in a timely manner without a deadline or pressure and I wasn’t miserable.

Now a few months later, I’ve gone back a bit to my old ways. It still helps and i can tell when i forget to take it. Its significantly tamer and needs more effort to get stuff done.

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I dont think it was malicious, but it is incredibly negligent. It puts a huge stain on the company that’s expected to honor embargos for unreleased products.

Doesn’t work well for thicker beverages like milkshakes or iced coffee’s. But for most drinks i agree no straw is best.

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50% of video game players makes sense to me, depending on what you count as a video game player. If, say, it was anyone who’s played any video game in the last year, I believe be about right. Sims, among us, the dinosaur game in chrome, wordle, etc. it adds up

Men probably dedicate more time to gaming and make it a bigger part of our lives, hence why it would seem more common.

I’ll 100% prefer a thin but still repairable device that requires disassembly and common tools to replace the battery. Its not something that needs frequent changes any more, most devices can go 2 years plus and before the battery really needs changing, more if you take care of them.

For the Steamdeck it makes sense to have “old school” battery packs so people can choose. But for that same reason, it would be stupid to require by law for all devices to support hot swapping batteries.

If someone didn’t bother to use 3rd party apps, they probably wouldn’t bother to switch to a whole new platform. Also federated sites are not intuitive and lemmy is scary of you go in without understanding that.

I mean, google lemmy and you don’t get much, its not a .com but rather there’s tons of instances which would just look like fake sites. And the design of the official site doesn’t exactly scream trustworthy. Im pretty tech literate and i had to find a tutorial to join the fediverse.

Im assuming there’s a bunch of folks who just don’t care to put that effort in so they’ll just stick around until it fails to meet their low standards.

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Yet, theres a looming threat of generative AI heavily disrupting the job landscape for many people.

To add, open source projects tend to give YOU more control over the data (if not the mainline version, some fork will probably exist. Its far more profitable to target a big company for a ransom than an average Joe. Obviously, as long as you don’t fall for one of the classic blunders.

Dang, I felt this one. But good things do come around either through lower expectations or better situations. That old quote always seems apt:

In the meantime cling tooth and nail to the following rule: Not to give in to adversity, never to trust prosperity, and always take full note of fortune's habit of behaving just as she pleases, treating her as if she were actually going to do everything it is in her power to do.

I haven’t used it in a while, maybe its better. Basically since vscode is an electron app it can run im he browser. You can even use which is the official web version. Iirc it didn’t have the same plugins, but it’s pretty much the same thing.

Its super useful when you deploy alongside containers as an easy way to change configs in shared volumes.

Mostly use it as quora now. Google takes me there, i don’t always remember to use cached version

For power efficiency, you get the added benefit of being able to run on battery backups for longer. This for pihole, file servers, etc. can be a lifesaver

Repairable doesn’t necessarily mean swapping though. Manufacturers make it artificially complex to repair batteries to boost sales, just because the market moved this way doesn’t mean thats what people want. I agree swapping might require tradeoffs a lot of people wouldn’t want, but there’s small changes that could help it be a reasonable fix with common tools.

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Dang, does anyone have any advice here? If it was free stuff it would be fine, but there’s always some gear or materials to buy

Meds worked wonders for me, exercise also helps have a bit more energy.

The most important thing i wish i knew is that you’ll find something that works for you and it’ll be great, but it will eventually stop working for you. Thats ok, it’s a constant cycle where you’ll have to change your approach multiple times. Don’t get discouraged though, expect it and embrace it.

Well you still have to go through the manufacturer and/or you need special tools, you’ll also get “genuine battery” warnings even with an original battery if you go third party or DIY. Ideally it should be thought through to be accessible for users to do themselves. And as you say, batteries aren’t the only or biggest offender.

Pretty much every day except on weekends

who cares?

Aesthetics are a huge deal for the vast majority of ppl? Personally, im all for repairable phones, and therefore repairable batteries. As in theres no artificial hurdles to replace a battery like limited access to the components needed or silly proprietary tools or loss of functionality.

Hot swappable batteries are a feature, a niche one id say, that will necessarily require tradeoffs. Be it less or worse water/dust resistance, increased thickness, marginally easier to steal as anyone can pull the battery, or aesthetics.

I find hot swap batteries adds no value to me. I don’t want it. Id also wager thats the case for plenty of people. My phone is 2yo and battery still lasts the whole day and then some. External batteries are cheap and universal. Its fine that a repair takes a bit of know how and finesse as long as companies aren’t adding unnecessary hurdles.

for sure a proxmox server is great, id just say don't go for the cluster just yet. Frankly, most self hosted stuff is dockerized and thats a huge plus. And it seems you already have that sorted out (id even ask you if casa OSs fileshare and an external drive could handle the NAS aspect).

I say this not to be a killjoy, but because I have a proxmox node I both overbuilt (for small services and running off a UPS) and underbuilt (for multiple big VMs) all because bought it to, and i kid you mot, “use it for NAS, and a window VM and run other random things that I don’t know yet”. 2 years in and i still don't know what those random things are.

So, my two cents: start cheap get a node to learn and understand where you want to go from there.

Some will, the display backlight needs power after all and a fair amount. I believe most displays have either an internal battery, maybe some can draw power from the laptop. The former will have negligible impact on battery as the computer only needs to render the image for the second screen and send the video output the display, the latter will have a big impact on battery as on top of all that, had to power a big bright backlight.