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"Hey hubby, I'm not sure why, but when you say "Hey come here" to me, I feel really stressed as I'm walking to you not knowing whether it's a good 'come here' or a bad 'come here'. Can we workshop a way to communicate that doesn't feel so stressful to me? Could you say something like "hey, babe, something is happening wherever/whatever, come see this."?"

Tell him what you are feeling until he understands and wants to help you feel less stressed. Another option is to ask while you are walking, something simple like "good or bad?"

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I'm so sorry, but you don't split (fission) helium to get energy. You combine (fusion) helium to get energy. You split something heavy like uranium to get energy.

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The moderator are giving Trump so much time. They won't control him at all.

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This looks like a nasa image in their series "earth at night". Looks like they do this every few years; they did one in 2012 and in 2016. Every once in a while I get a hankering to check it out, and for a while I could never remember what they were called.

Here's the USA specific one from 2016:

Here's the global version:

And I've seen plenty of the older square sizes still being sold, so it's still necessary to mark the different sizes

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The goal of the game is to click on all of the squares without a bomb, without clicking on any square with a bomb. Each number represents exactly how many bombs are touching that square, including diagonally. When you logically narrow down which square has a bomb in it (E.g. because there is only one unclicked square touching a square with a 1), you put a flag on it, representing that there's a bomb underneath it. In this image, there is a square with a number 4. This square is touching three flagged squares, representing three bombs, and two squares that may or may not have a bomb. We know that there must be one more bomb touching the 4, but it's impossible to narrow down which square has the bomb. So you have to click on one of the squares, and there's a 50/50 chance that either you guess right, or you step on a bomb and lose the game. It's a fairly common scenario in an expert level game.

It's on YouTube, on abc's news live video. It's still going on, but is probably almost over

Trans women sometimes feel uncomfortable when they are called dude, so if you're aiming for maximum comfort of people, dude is not a great choice.

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A better idea is to go to and use their free file wizard to see which service is free for you. I used this year. Last year I used, but this year that would not have been free for me due to my change in income. Which service is free depends on your state, income, and income complexity.

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Fruits have plenty of fiber, which helps increase satiety, which is what's important here. Also check the difference between a candy bar and a piece of friut, and then think about which fills you up better with fewer calories. Density matters too, it's much easier to snarf down a bunch of candy than to eat the same caloric value in fruit.

Welcome to the club! It's a hard journey, but the results of feeling like yourself are worth it.

The answers here are absolutely crazy. Go find some credible biblical scholars (ones whose jobs are not dependent on statements of faith) like Bart ehrman and read what they say. My understanding is that most scholars agree that Jesus existed, and even that he was crucified. Don't trust lemmy, don't even trust me, go find the experts, read what they say, and decide for yourself.

I don't know that you are actually asking the question that you want an answer to. So here's an answer: it's okay for each of you to take the amount of time that you are taking to recover. But it also sounds like you both may not be understanding each other's feelings or feeling like your feelings are being understood. Couples therapy might be helpful. I also recommend "Non violent communication" by Marshall Rosenberg. It's essentially an extension of the therapisty thing of using "I feel" language.

I visited India back in 2008 and I loved it! However, since then I have realized that I am transgender, so I probably won't go back unless the culture shifts toward being more friendly to queer people. That sours my taste for the country, unfortunately. I also escape fundamentalist Christianity, so I am very suspicious of fundamental and conservative religion, which I perceive as having a strong presence in India.

I don't see India leading in innovation or technology. I see China, Japan, South Korea and the US as being leaders that way. I do see India as up and coming due to its population spike, it definitely feels like development is happening fast!

In Oregon the wait list is not very long for surgery, but the problem is getting electrolysis by someone who takes insurance. Currently as far as I'm aware, OHSU is the only place doing bottom surgeries. You can get OHP to cover everything, and you get the insurance immediately after moving if you are low income. Side note, you can get a vulvaplasty done very quickly, but if you want the full vaginoplasty, it requires electrolysis. Dr Dy at OHSU said I could get the vulva first and if I wanted the vagina later, I could have a second surgery, but I think the skin would have to come from my side.

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Generally, yes. And sometimes you need an address, so it's more difficult if you're homeless

I played late at night and no one joined in the game, but I played at norml hours twice in a row and found companions. So I guess.. Probably usually there are enough people playing

This one has the correct pronunciation in Spanish, because quinoa is from South America. Despite having pronounced this incorrectly when I first heard about it, I'd like to keep this spelling, because Spanish spelling is so much more consistent than English.

I interned at a mechanical engineering firm. We contracted out field workers to do the real work at construction sites, installing big hvac systems, while we coordinated between them and the general contractor. Much of engineering is about designing things using math and cad

I used to have the moto g stylus, it did that. I loved it's camera. Too bad I bricked it by trying to downgrade it to unnecessarily install a custom rom.

Agreed, this is generally true, though personally as a trans woman, I prefer to refer to my child self with gender neutral terms. Others can refer to my child self with my current pronouns, or with gender neutral pronouns.

I use it in my nextcloud. I really like it. I tried to use libreoffice, but I didn't like it.

I switched because there's nothing I can do on windows that I can't do on Linux. Granted, it can take some legwork and reading tutorials to get certain games running on linux. But I just feel more in control of my stuff on Linux.

As a beginner, I really suggest you make the move to Linux as easy as possible for yourself. It's more likely to be a pleasant experience, and thus a long term one. Try something easy like Linux mint. Once you get used to that, you can start distro hopping.

I sigh normally for the same reason, and people react similarly.

I'm with you. I meditate and I have aphantasia. I focus on my breath mostly, but as someone with adhd, my brain goes everywhere. The key is to not scold your brain for losing focus, but instead once you realize, note that you lost focus, and then gently bring your attention back to the breath. Meditation doesn't have to have an end goal or a focus point or imagery or anything, really. I just like to take note of how my body is feeling, what my mind is thinking, emotions that come up, etc.

I made it about this far as well. The thing that frustrated me the most was that early in the series they had to get from one place to another quickly, and they used that extra dimensional underground path or whatever, and they were like "oooooo, this is super dangerous, someone could definitely die!" and then later in the series it was just like, "yeah, we gotta take this route, nbd." So the stakes just felt really low and overall things got repetitive.

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There are no street numbers in osm for my city, Bend, OR. It has a population of 100,000+, so I'm guessing this app is really only useable for major cities.

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Face your fear. Do you feel scared to do something? That's totally valid and understandable. Do it scared. My point is, don't ignore the feelings. Acknowledge the feelings, then do it anyway.

Mirror's Edge. I would try over and over to improve times on the time trials, and I found that I did better when I took a break and relaxed for a few minutes, or overnight, before trying again. It has improved my playing other games as well as my real life efforts

I have multiple bank accounts for me and my wife. My wages get direct deposited into my "monthly Bills" checking account. Then I have a spreadsheet that calculates how much needs to stay in there and how much needs to go to other accounts. I have a groceries account and a joint spending account, which is mostly for take-out food. Then what's leftover gets split into personal spending money for each of us. I often cheat, and move money from one account to another, but before I do that, I always make sure I'm keeping track of regular monthly bills and other needs. It's envelope budgeting, but without cash.

One point I'd like to make is that I have a good job now, but most of my life I've lived in poverty. It's hard or impossible to budget under such circumstances, and you just have to sorta do your best day to day. It wasn't till I had reliable steady work that I've been able to do well budgeting.

I already wish apps like youtube would leave the status bar visible so I can see the time while watching videos

Is this crescent moon ranch in Terrebonne oregon? I pass by there all the time but I've never stopped in.

Medicare might be different, what I was talking about is Oregon's medicaid program, OHP. For OHP I don't think you need a permanent address, you can be homeless and list your address as "general delivery" at the local post office. But Medicare is an entirely different program, and I can't tell you whether you can have both Medicare and OHP, the rules get very complex

Oh, I misread your comment, my bad.

I'm working on getting this up and running on my pi 4. If I'm successful, I will post a guide

Just so you're aware, it's still not legal to grow them for yourself, or possess them or use them. It's just that if you're caught with them, you can only be given a fine or be required to do a drug program.

I wait until the very end because even if I lose I still feel like I did my best

Not true - faxes are widely in use in Healthcare due to hipaa rules

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I've contributed a little, but its a bit discouraging. It's not like can just map the whole city myself