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They are finding comments through Google and are then able to view, edit, and delete them on Reddit. They are not able to view them on their profile page.

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The disability makes this an easy case for this plaintiff, I think New Jersey considers gender identity a protected class also. Manager was an idiot, likely soon unemployed.

They’re telling a joke.

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It’s good history, I don’t think it really has any bearing today though.

Novell purchased SuSE Linux AG. Novell signed the agreements, and they were very controversial at the time. Novell was much more involved in the day to day than IBM is at Red Hat, SUSE was not an independent business they were a big part of Novell (the SuSE founder left at one point because of how they ran things, he did eventually return). Novell was later purchased by Attachmate, which made SUSE an independent business unit, both were acquired by Micro Focus. It was sold to EQT Partners in 2018 and operates as an independent business today.

Novell and today’s company are not the same, they’ve gone through significant changes multiple times, which is maybe a better reason to at least put in some thought.

Reddit user kaefer_kriegerin expresses their excitement, stating, ‘Honestly, this new feature makes me so happy! I just really want some major bot operated news websites to publish an article about this.’

That got a chuckle. Good for them.

Because it’s an absurd statement, as in completely obviously not an example of ageism in tech.

I’ve seen this before and also responded to it, note that I don’t work for or even use SUSE, openSUSE, etc.

It’s good history, I don’t think it really has any bearing today though.

Novell purchased SuSE Linux AG. Novell signed the agreements, and they were very controversial at the time. Novell was much more involved in the day to day than IBM is at Red Hat, SUSE was not an independent business they were a big part of Novell (the SuSE founder left at one point because of how they ran things, he did eventually return). Novell was later purchased by Attachmate, which made SUSE an independent business unit, both were acquired by Micro Focus. It was sold to EQT Partners in 2018 and operates as an independent business today.

Novell and today’s company are not the same, they’ve gone through significant changes multiple times, which is maybe a better reason to at least put in some thought.

(The end was not very clear, but I was merely pointing out that the changes in ownership might be a reason not to go with SUSE)

Around that 15 year mark Novell was also in a lawsuit with SCO regarding ownership of Unix copyrights, their success is the primary reason that SCO disappeared. I think this was a much larger deal than the maneuvering Microsoft was doing (except when Microsoft was giving money to SCO).

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In a world where Quad9 is in the middle of a giant lawsuit over simply serving DNS records, I can’t blame anybody for being extra cautious.

Google mentioned these in their explainer (they don’t like that they’re fully masked):

Cloudflare explains them more too:

They are currently going through an IETF standardization:

You can also read the architecture. In general I do trust Cloudflare more than Google. I have no doubt shitty sites won’t fall back to a captcha and will instead block access though, with either solution.

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This is stupid. If you “follow” someone who is on Instagram but isn’t on Threads, it automatically follows them when/if they sign up for Threads. It even tells you this on the page.

How does it know you exist? Because it suggests you follow everyone you are already following on Instagram. It is using your Instagram account, there is no standalone Threads account. This isn’t rocket science.

When they say the numbers, they are talking about the number of Instagram users that have also signed up for Threads. For a while it when put a badge on your Instagram profile with what sign up number you were.

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Deletions do propagate, but an instance doesn’t have to respect that.

affects all Zen 2-based Ryzen, Threadripper, and EPYC CPUs

I know they’re probably pretty common, all my stuff ended up being Zen 3. Here’s hoping they don’t find similar issues in later generations.

That would be too boring and the algorithm doesn’t like that.

It is crazy how much of this YouTube will feed you. Even if you look at tour videos you get into this conspiracy stuff on the first page. I assume there’s just a ton of this low effort garbage versus legitimate information.

The Mozilla Corporation is for profit, but they reinvest all of their profits. They are also wholly owned by the Foundation. You can't donate to Firefox.

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Crazy is installing a package through apt and having it install the snap.

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We use the TPM pretty extensively with no Windows in the environment.

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I’m not so sure. I think he has a point that if someone forks, he can still merge those changes back in and still work on things for his paying customers too. I think the number of people who are willing to write patches is a lot smaller than the number who are going to complain. He seems to welcome forks anyway (I’m sure his attitude would be, “let them provide the free support!”). This post is two years old, it might be interesting to see how his project is doing and how many forks there are.

There are a lot of users of open source projects who do act as if they are owed a resolution to every issue they encounter. While I don’t agree with the nuclear option I can’t really blame him.

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There was a lot more than that. There were Nazi sympathizers, and saboteurs, and those who plotted to overthrow the US government. People like Father Charles Coughlin reading Goebbels’ propaganda on the radio to millions of listeners and forming an anti-government militia, and legislators like US Senator Ernest Lundeen working directly with Nazis and reading speeches literally written by them.

Highly recommend Rachel Maddow’s Ultra podcast if you want to say holy shit every few minutes.

America First was only one such group, the German Abwehr was very active in America.

Father Coughlin had a radio audience of tens of millions and literally read Goebbels’ propaganda over the air. He had his own militia group.

The Silver Legion was another one.

A man named Leon Lewis formed a civilian spy ring that was tracking Nazis in Los Angeles. One of its members even warned congress of a planned attack on the Hercules Powder plant a year before it was blown up (cause still officially unknown).

I think Pearl Harbor is the main reason this stuff was stopped.

The second and third sentences of the second paragraph are talking about Reddit itself. OP does not see the comments in their own Reddit page, mass edited and deleted them at some point, but is still about to find them through a search engine actively on Reddit.

It’s pandering to the larger market.

I haven’t seen this movie, but in both Uncharted and Abominable it is a normal map but with imaginary dashes in the South China Sea. They know Americans won’t care.

In Uncharted it is during one of those airplane scenes like they have in Indiana Jones.

Instagram has over a billion users.

Their user count is the number of Instagram users that have activated threads.

If you follow someone who hasn’t, it will automatically follow them if they do activate. That doesn’t mean they created some shadow profile.

Linux can do it to Windows machines too. If it’s not encrypted, USB drive is all it takes.

If it’s not encrypted, a live usb can read all the data on any machine anyway.

Who is still tracking his jet on mastodon and threads. I love it.

Source code distribution change is the big one now, on top of getting rid of traditional centos:

I don’t really see them as anti-user, in the sense that if you are a subscriber your position has never changed and they are happy to provide support in exchange for money. They do restrict your ability to redistribute (they threaten to cancel your subscription) which I am not a fan of.

Fedora is also looking at adding telemetry. They are calling it opt-in but also defaulting the checkbox to “on”, at least in discussions.

Yes. Many are doing so preemptively.

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Oracle for ages, and Red Hat had made changes in the last to make it more difficult for Oracle (something about the kernel patches).

Rocky more recently, CIQ had been selling support contracts, including a well publicized contract at NASA very recently for a few workstations.

If it was just AlmaLinux making a free clone I’m not sure if they would have made the change or not. Obviously they got rid of the original CentOS so it might have still been on their minds. Also, they were doing a lot of packaging and debranding work to enable this that was no benefit to Red Hat, so it may have been a matter of deciding the cost and resources was more than they could justify, especially when it is essentially putting the code in yet another, third place (Stream, customer SRPMs, the git site).

For real though, aerodynamics and fluid dynamics are closely related. See also airships, lighter than air, sailing in the sky with propellers and rudders.

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Everyone’s account has highlighted in the profile, so it’s not a huge stretch.

SUSE was already private under an equity firm until 2021 (EQT). Probably fine.

Shame on the US coast guard for failing to help in the Mediterranean.

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The best I’ve seen include a transcript, even better when it is clickable and updated the position of the video. Pure video isn’t great, lots of wasted time. Pure text is better, but also takes a lot of attention and focus. For very in depth information text can’t be beat though, unless they are making a ton of separate videos which also gets cumbersome.

A sinister conspiracy is certainly… much easier to believe in than the existence of two rich idiots.

FYI on CUPS, Apple hired the dev and bought the code in 2007. He left Apple in 2019 and actually forked CUPS. My system it is running OpenPrinting CUPS and not the Apple one. It is still nice that they share its code it just got a little more complicated in the past few years.

And dropping Thunderbird :(

Although it seems to be doing well now under its own, newish commercial corporation.

Cool. They also have rules about how you make money and where that money goes. The Mozilla Corporation is not a non-profit. It is a commercial company created to make profit to support development.

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I doubt it. Meta is just ridiculous, going off of the App Store App Privacy report, why does threads need my browsing history and health and fitness data? Tumblr also grabs more than I’d like but nothing like that.

That’s only talking about the apps but really reflects on the attitudes at the company. People may not trust tumblr but they are not some giant known bad actor that wants nothing more than to grab anything about you and sell that data to whomever.

A lot of it will probably depend on how they use federated data and if they start being creepy with it. I think this will be something people have to watch for with any commercial entity, but also that most people aren’t entirely against federation with commercial entities.

It is talking about the RNG built into the fTPM.

Linux Mint is nice, it even has a Debian edition that runs on top of vanilla Debian, should be updated to a Debian 12 base within a month or so. Normal one runs on Ubuntu but gets rid of the "Ubuntu" stuff.

Pop OS is pretty popular now. They use a modified GNOME but are working on their own DE to replace that. One of their big claims to fame is the ability to make it do window tiling.


I just find this sort of article kind of pointless. Response to a situation in one place was drastically different than a response in a completely different place involving completely different people and agencies with their own different priorities. I don’t think it’s all that illuminating in any global way, except it shows the priorities in one of those places aren’t great. A commentary on the same agency (or even country) responding differently to rich and poor would be more meaningful, but I think the US Coast Guard was pretty proactive when Cuban refugees were crossing in makeshift rafts (a commentary on the difference between US and Greece in those much more similar situations would be interesting, but wouldn’t hit the rich/poor or anti-immigrant angle).

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