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Joined 1 years ago

Why are the other sources I'm reading saying the opposite of this title?

Edit: title of this post changed after my comment

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You having regrets depends on your expectations. If you want a very stable system with little maintenance then you'll be happy. Packages will be older but that's what makes it easy to keep stable.

I'm not personally a fan of vanilla Debian because the stable versions are a bit too outdated for the things I like to work with. I do use Debian derivatives though the LTS versions.

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Ublock origin on Firefox. You'll be shocked at how fast pages will load

Yes, though this is true of a lot of the easier distros.

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Says the judge revoked ALL of his business certificates in New York. Trial will continue to assess damages he must pay.

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Shower pod at the Paris airport was the best layover I've ever had. You pay in 30 minute increments but so nice to get refreshed when you're traveling across the Atlantic.

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What happened to the immunity case? Last update says April 25th but that was a month ago.

HD encryption only helps if they get physical access to the disk when the device is locked or powered off. If they get it via a backdoor or virus, then it doesn't help.

Straighten it out, then twist it into a spring around a screwdriver. Remove a spring from some component and put the original in my spare parts box.

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Why is this in politics?

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I was newish to Linux and had just run rm -rf ./.* to remove all the hidden files/dirs in a directory. I then wanted to run rm -rf ./* to clear the rest, but I accidentally ran rm -rf . /*. By the time I noticed it was taking too long and hit Ctrl+C, it was too late.

It might be closer to 450 then 354 due to interest

Had a team of 10 working nights and weekends for a month because someone in sales sold a contract for an integration with a 3rd party that didn't exist yet. In the years I was there after that project shipped, only 1 person even looked at the feature, one time. It never actually got used

I highly doubt someone who's struggling with a phone is going to do well with a screen projected on your hand that has very sensitive hand interaction requirements.

It likely is. The browser UI is also really old.

We had tons of those in my backyard growing up in South Florida.

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My guess would be it buzzes Morse code on what moves to play.

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You're missing the more obvious possibility. Someone else is recording the game, inputting the moves, and sending the commands to vibrate. Player only needs to interpret.

Not a lawyer, but worked closely with them in the past. It REALLY depends on your employment contract. Changing variable names and language still makes it a derivative work, so it would depend on the original license. I'm assuming it doesn't have a license which would mean either you or the company owns the copyright: depends on your employment contract. Whether you're a contractor or full time also affects ownership.

Without ownership or a license, you do not have the legal right to copy the work or make a derivative of it.

I'm not clear on whether you actually wrote any code though. If that's the case (that no code was written) then I'm not really sure how that works out. If you do post it and they find out, AND they're mad about it, you could definitely get fired. I'm not sure if there could also be legal trouble or not.

If you need it for a resume item, you can just list it on your resume and talk about it. You could also implement it on your own time (but not share it until you're sure you're safe from legal action), that way you could talk about tradeoffs you've made, etc. in the real implementation.

In general, if you're not sure and you're worried about getting sued, you should ask a lawyer.

Well I see the 5th pin from the top on the far left looks like it's missing solder. The rest of the board is extremely dirty and hard to tell.

How so? I don't have Tik Tok so I'm not sure what I might be missing.


It required a cryptanalyst to write hello world.

Please do Amazon next

But how do I know if the WHERE clause is AND or OR?

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Let's not forget: Giant Gin Ginger Gingivitis Gibberish Gypsy Gerbil Gentle Gender George Gina Ginnie

Because the seals on the mask itself weren't rated and they didn't go through FDA authorization. You HAVE to go through FDA clearance if you want to claim your product meets medical standards.

This article explains some of the consequences

I'm not sure what restrictions will be when he obviously tries to appeal. Can't go to his sons though since they're also affected by the order.

In Florida houses are also built from cinder blocks because wood is too weak against hurricanes.

Edit: interiors can be built from wood, but all exterior walls are made with cinder blocks.

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Reminds me of when the PS3 first went on sale and people sold pictures of a PS3 on eBay. The title said it was a picture, the content said it was a picture, but people were impatient, didn't read and bought the auctions. I thought that was a bit manipulative then, but I would not feel bad if people did this to Trump supporters. IANAL but I don't think it's illegal as long as you don't say you'll do something and then not do it.

I've been to some places that have a 1 order rule before. I think it's to entice people to eat and then leave so they get more customers served over the same amount of time. Not always my favorite experience though as it's usually the very busy place or the very touristy ones.

The issue with that is it leaves no room for paying the engineers who actually designed the device. The cost of designing the parts is really expensive. I have no issue with a small markup. I definitely agree though that the costs shouldn't be so absurdly prohibitive to repair though.

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Even worse is Windows batch scripts. The syntax also changes depending on if it's in the terminal or run from a file

Salaries are a tiny fraction of the military budget. Majority goes to overpriced military contractors. I think the bigger issue is the Pentagon has failed 6 audits in a row.

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Another option is assigning an id per user that's only used for tracking votes. Only the user's server would know who did the voting, but you still get moderation where you could block votes from a certain id on another server if you believe it's being abusive in some form.

As long as you don't delete the voting id when the user's account is deleted, you can avoid the votes ever being associated with the user on another server. (Since a snooping party could correlate the timing of the two deletion requests and associate the user with the votes at that time). If you did want to delete them, you could say voting id deletion happens in batches. So accounts get deleted immediately, but votes only get deleted when there's some group size N available for deletion.

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How would you make money as a mastodon instance? Pay to be a member? I don't see the incentive for the average user to pay when it's so easy to join a free instance (I'm considering the average person doesn't know how to host their own).

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Banana spiders are terrifying looking. Almost crashed once because one was crawling on the roof of my car (on the inside)

Cleaning dog paws. You fill it with water and move it up and down the paw. The little arms clean off the dirt.

The plug is becoming a standard. There are still many more stations needed to increase EV usage for people who live in apartments or doing road trips. Not everyone is relying on them for providing charging. It's sad that they're the only ones who actually maintain their infrastructure

What IT guys did you go to?

It shouldn't break if you just install packages from the main app installer. It's more of a concern if you're trying to install anything from source.

Also make sure to try a live cd or live USB to make sure the OS is compatible with your hardware. VM is not sufficient for this last one. This is usually only an issue if you have very new hardware.