nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]

@nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
0 Post – 17 Comments
Joined 3 years ago

If America were to go to war with Satan, I would side with Satan as America is the greater Satan

My mom is in her 70s, never has been techy, and has been using Linux as her daily driver for a solid eight years now. I have to do less troubleshooting for her now that she's on Linux than I ever did when she used Windows. "You have to use the command line" is an extremely outdated criticism of desktop Linux.



Is this to contrast with your own opinions which instead of generating yourself, you received from the western media?

You don't seem to know what "lesser of two evils" means.

Yes, they do, they were trying to explain to you that it's a scam and only serves to move the nation to the right. Everybody understands "lesser of two evils" we're all browbeaten with it our entire lives.

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that killer app is soon going to be "doesn't have advertising in every menu"

I tend to repeat myself whenit appears that my audience isn't listening. You're the third person who seemed to think that "lesser of two evils" meant "if one guy's bad, the other guys good." People in this thread keep acting like I'm happy with the Democratic party or something.

The irony here is you're the one who seems to not be reading or comprehending us. Nobody's saying you think one guy's good, we're saying voting for a marginally slower fascist is a stupid thing to give a shit about because it doesn't even produce results.

So, since it seemed like you didn't understand what I'd said, I repeated myself. I'm pedantic for the same reason: you're either ignoring what I'm saying or don't understand it. Either way, I apparently have to spell it out.

What you are saying is said by millions of people, you're neither clever nor cutting new ground here. We all understand it, and we think it's wrong. You might be exposing your intellectual shortcomings here that you can't figure that out.

Nice use of the word "esoteric". Did you find that in the word a day calendar this morning? It doesn't really apply here, though, because nothing I've said is esoteric. It's not arcane, obscure, or in any way difficult to understand. And I don't think it is.

Now I'm really starting to think you're a dumb guy deeply invested in pretending to be smart. Esoteric isn't an unusual, special word - read a fuckin book.

I just think you're either being intentionally obtuse to rile me up, or you really don't get what I'm saying.

I disagree with you. Fundamentally. Grapple with the disagreement instead of trying to fake being high-minded or just repeating shit children understand.

Let me know how that revolution you guys are never going to have goes.

Nobody's going to update a reactionary who can't even allow themselves to directly consider arguments against their atrophied, ignorant worldview.

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The nice thing about Linux is you can pick a DE that apes whatever OS you're used to so the transition from Windows or Mac to desktop Linux can be very painless.

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Roe was done for as soon as Trump won.

Why did Trump win? Did it have anything to do with the Clinton campaign choosing a pied pipe strategy where they boosted everything Trump did in the primary and ignored all the less fascist candidates? Do you suppose that continuing to use that tactic is good? The Democrats continue to use their donations to amplify the furthest right candidates in races, and they do not have anywhere near a 100% success rate in defeating those fascists they intentionally amplify. To make the point, money given to the DNC is, in some small proportion, money given to the RNC because the DNC would prefer to amplify worst case scenarios to improve their chances instead of offering GOOD CANDIDATES to entice voters. Supporting that is supporting the rightward slide of everything.

It was on life support, but people refusing to vote for the lesser of two evils pulled the plug.

That's one way to see it - the same way the DNC paid pundits and managers see it, since it validates them. Another way to see it is, the Democrats steadfastly refuse to offer a better alternative.

Do your little protest vote or whatever the fuck. I'm sure it's gonna do so fucking much.

You know that voting for Biden resulted in a worse world, and here you are sneering at anyone who thinks that was a waste.

edit: let's address Obama, too - he had a fucking SC appointment, and instead of doing anything serious to seat a good candidate, he fucking punted on the assumption - the incredibly stupid assumption - that Clinton would win. Obama is why Roe is gone. So your vote for Obama was also a vote for letting Republicans pick a SC candidate. Can't you connect the dots? It doesn't matter how hard you vote for Democrats. They will always let the Republicans win, because they're both paid by the same masters.

You're not gonna accomplish any more than I am so I'm not sure why I cared enough to get worked up

one more edit: the distinction is you keep repeating shit everybody knows, whereas I (and other leftists) are trying to explain you to a new concept. It's clear you're not listening, but I'll keep trying until you give up.

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Roe v Wade got overturned by a Supreme Court that was stacked by the Republicans during the previous administration you absolute waste. You're literally arguing against your own point.

And what is your vote doing to stop that? Anything at all?

Oh, wait! You're not actually reading anything I'm saying! You're just shifting goalposts and regurgitating talking points! Holy fuck, it's like talking to a communist version of my mother.

I'm reading what you're saying, it's just so dumb and trite it might as well be embroidered on a tea cozy

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It's amazing that despite knowing everybody, everywhere, already knows what "lesser of two evils" means, you still resort to just belaboring the point pedantically to repeat what everybody already knows. I'm sure you think you're very clever, but your tactics suggest you find basic knowledge to be esoteric and worth repeating over and over.

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Until that "true change" you're talking about happens, I'm not willing to sit by and let women, immigrants, minorities, and LGBTQIA+ people get fucked over even worse than I am. And fuck you if you are.

Did you vote for Biden? So you voted and still got roe v wade overturned. You voted and Biden has continued the staggering majority of Trump's inhumane border policies. You voted, and we're one well-timed court case away from the SC overturning gay marriage. Congratulations, the better guy won and all the same shit happened.

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you can't blame Roland or Microsoft for not supporting a 20 year old device on the latest versions of the OS.

Why not?

You can't expect indefinite hardware support for every random little device you happen to find, this like the sound card above is on you, not Microsoft.

Why not? Linux development is mostly volunteer, and these things are easily compatible with Linux. It seems like you can absolutely expect support for every device, it's just that Microsoft isn't willing to provide it.

None of the above quoted examples are noob issues, this is like you are talking to a person in old english from the mideval times and being mad that a random guy in the middle of Londing in 2024 can't understand you.

Notice that you had to exaggerate a 20 year timespan into a 500 year timespan to make this analogy work?

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The analogy doesn't even work if we ignore the massive difference in time scale. Languages develop organically, they are not managed. Comparing a managed and developed system and a twenty year timespan to an organic language system over a five hundred year timespan is just ridiculous.

Because it is a paid OS and it's developers are writing code for financial gain, if they are not being paid to write the code, it doesn't get written.

They are being paid to write the code. Microsoft is just choosing which code they should write, and it doesn't include any old devices because they want you to buy new devices.

It's perfectly reasonable to expect compatibility, and lay blame when there isn't any. Microsoft simply doesn't provide it.

Seriously? I already directly addressed this in a reply to you.

This is at best, an outright lie. You want people to vote for the "lesser evil", that is an endorsement of Biden and any other Democrat.

You are trying to play a game where you admonish people to vote for Biden but get to dodge the argument about whether he's worth voting for. You endorse Biden but will not tackle his inadequacies because they're inconvenient, so you act snide about it instead of addressing them. This is lying, but it's understandable - his actions and the actions he has failed to follow through on are indefensible.

Anyway, I'm 40 and have voted most of my life until recently. I didn't vote in the 2020 election and I won't be voting in any other elections because I'm done voting for Democrats pretending to give a shit about anyone other than themselves.

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It isn't an endorsement. How is calling something "evil" an endorsement? If I said "I hate beer cheese and pimento cheese, but if I have to eat one, I'll take beer cheese" an endorsement of beer cheese? As far as I can see, I just said I hated them both.

Because you don't have to choose either. I'm not reading further, you're just too silly and this is too fucking simple to let some chud drag me into it. You're wrong, sucks, go vote for the lesser fascist and imagine you're fighting the power or whatever. Buh byeeee

You, a smart guy: you should vote for Biden because lesser evil

Me, a complete idiot: no, you should not


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Sophies choice is a binary. Voting isn't. You have to make a case for the vote you want people to make. This is extremely simple shit.

Also, you are a liar.

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All I said is that the other guy is worse, which means you vote to try to have it not be the worse one. That's explicitly not a defense of any party. It's an attack on them both. I'd repeat my initial phrase, but apparently even though everyone seems to think it means I'm defending someone, trying to drive it home has gotten me labeled a congenital idiot.

This is at best, an outright lie. You want people to vote for the "lesser evil", that is an endorsement of Biden and any other Democrat.

And you've been misrepresenting me and jumping up and down on me ever since.

No, this is also a lie. You are a liar.

And nobody has presented me with a better option. They just keep calling me names, saying I'm repeating myself, and saying "they're all the same" and "Biden bad!"

The better option is organize, instead of voting for the party you endorse but curiously refuse to defend. * or challenge

So please, for the next election, give me an action I can take that has some sort or hope of getting us all out of this collective shit show.

Organize, outside of the party that apparently you refuse to defend but think we should all vote for and get snotty and sneer about being questioned.

It's very eye opening that "lesser evil" proponents are so cagey about the candidates they're explicitly telling us to vote for. Genuinely curious what irrational mental space you're in that you think you can browbeat people to vote for democrats but allow yourself to get offended when people say democrats suck ass and shouldn't be voted for. Pick a side, you fucking weenie.

I want to be very clear: I used to be a reliable blue voter, for maybe fifteen years. That is behind me. Voting for shitbags who will never care about the poorest people in America is wasted effort, I will not bother myself to drive fifteen minutes to the rural voting station to endorse assholes whose only responsibility is to their big money capitalist donors.

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