12 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


I think it’s more likely that there are others who don’t publicly share their cracks because they doesn’t want legal trouble/attention.

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Honestly this is why the whole “Meta will kill the fediverse” thing people were saying never really convinced me. They just don’t seem to care, I mean it’s been a month and they still have no real plans to actually federate.

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He’s not wrong though.

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Somehow the screenshot still looks 10 years old

I think the difference is Google is just linking you to this content. On the other hand ChatGPT is pretty confidently telling people all these things. Add the fact that a lot of people consider ChatGPT to be some sort of all-knowing entity and it’s a recipe for disaster.

It’s more like $500

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Use libreddit, a privacy preserving front end for reddit.

Jesus Christ

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I personally believe that Meta never intended Threads to be support Activitypub and just chose it so they could do the bare minimum to comply with the EU digital markets act.

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This is a great (free) illustrated book about logical fallacies:

The morality of US actions can be debated about but 1k plus people died on 9/11 in a terrorist which obviously led to tensions running high. On the other hand, the Chinese government saw a peaceful protest and immediately mobilized its army on its own people.

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If they really wanted to they could already do that by setting up an instance and not publicly announcing it.

Worked for me

But Mastodon has less users than Threads already, if someone wanted to jump ship for more conversation wouldn’t they do it already? Heck, wouldn’t they have stayed on twitter?

Yeah but I believe people have to pay her and she’s kind of unstable too.

Accessing threads from mastodon is significantly more private than downloading the official app.

If all instagram users counted they would have 2 billion users. I dislike Meta as much as the next guy but let’s not pretend threads isn’t ridiculously popular.

Once again, why would they share their cracks if its for personal use?

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Looks like I’m in the one percent boys.


They are both built on the ActivityPub protocol which allows them to connect with each other.

They’re active accounts so the vast majority are humans.

My point is that a contributor to open source software can contribute just to help people because they don’t have to worry about legal repercussions.

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I think the u/Kes put it really well. People on fediverse platforms are already staunchly opposed to big tech so they have no reason to leave for platform made by Meta of all people.

I found a fix for that. On you homepage go to the top and instead of subscribed, for example, choose the subscribed under your instance. If you did it right it should say subscribed@lemmyinstance at the top. An example for my instance:


Then give me your money /s

Are you half dog?

It’s not a puff piece, it’s an interview that clearly prefaced his comments with background info about Denuvos performance impact. You can disagree with it (I do) without discrediting the article. Also, as far as I know Denuvo games have always been slower to crack.

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I joined on June 12 and I can’t remember why. Can someone remind me what happened

The point I’m trying to make is some people don’t want risk getting raided by the fbi just to give people free games

XMPP had nearly 10 million users in 2003: Activitypub has about 12 million users now:

Yeah but why take that risk? They don’t really gain anything.

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Mods and open source software are not illegal.

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