5 Post – 28 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

DNS66 is also very good, but the last update was 3 years ago.

How could I forget about KDE Connect. I also use Binary Eye. Great list!

Firewall -> universal firewall rules. Or you can run it in dns mode only if you dont want to block any apps.

The dns only option can be selected by tapping the arrow icon next to the start/stop button.

Update: My GP put me on a strict diet (no cheese, eggs, saturated fats, fiber, ...), basically anything that is hard to digest. Took my regular dose today. No pain yet (4 hours in). So fingers crossed. Also a big thank you to everyone for caring :)

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The easier way is to just get an arcade emulator. Run it on your Desktop PC or make your own emulation machine with a Raspberry Pi. Although you need the game images (called Roms), which you can legally read and backup with original copies, or you can put on your pirate hat and find them on the internet, or so I've heard, allegedly.

It's all done in good spirit, although you occasionally have some borderline racists, which are usually banned.

Alright, will do. I'm a bit worried that my GP will just stop prescribing me a refill, but it's better than losing my pancreas, I guess.

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I had practically zero side effects in the first week. Unfortunately the pain is so severe that I have to lay down, drenched in cold sweat.

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Thank you for the very quick answer. Much appreciated.

Dude, you are a saint. Thank you so much. It's not perfect, but much more playable than before.

I am not talking about a pre-activated ISO or cracked version. For a while Microsoft was offering the ISOs themselves. Edit: I should clarify: by "signed" I mean not tampered with.

Update: A warning to everyone checksum does not match.

  • Calculated SHA-1 : 6e1cdc8612aa4872a3561c02dc2e5513ec9109ea
  • Expected SHA-1: 36AE90DEFBAD9D9539E649B193AE573B77A71C83
  • or 0BCFC54019EA175B1EE51F6D2B207A3D14DD2B58
  • or 6C9058389C1E2E5122B7C933275F963EDF1C07B9
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Update: This worked flawlessly. Thanks again.

PS: If anyone cares: For Vodafone Germany, you have to enable bridge mode on their Website by logging into your account first.

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Thanks. The pain is completely gone after about 2 hours. I will stop taking it for now, since I have only been taking it for about two weeks I shouldn't need to taper down. Finally had some hope and now this. Great.

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That would be my last resort option. It's just childish spite, honestly. Windows 10 is what made me switch to Arch Linux (insert I use arch btw meme)

Thank you.

I recommend: LibreWolf + uBlock Origin for Desktop PCs and Mull + uBlock Origin for Android. Both web browsers are security hardened versions of Firefox.

Thank you, I will verify the checksum after downloading.

I personally have not made that experience on there. The sub seems very pro-Europe. Then again I didn't check by new, so my feed may have been filtered already.

It's to verify that the file hasn't been changed. This is done to be sure the file does not contain malware.

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Exactly. Kann sein, dass ich das verwechselt habe.

I don't think I can manage that alone and guarantee that it doesn't get out of hand. So I will refrain from creating a similar community.

Correct. Arena is working perfectly fine. And thanks to @d3Xt3r the issues with MTG Online have mostly been resolved.

with the simple limitation of keeping the bickering directly Western European

In my opinion that's even worse. It implies that others need some kind of special protection. Either everyone is fair game, or no one is. Of course it often is a thin line between friendly banter and actual racism.

Will keep this in mind, thanks. Is the playerbase still active?

Thanks, I will definitely keep this in mind. Currently using OpenWRT with LuCI-adblock, which is not quite as extensive as a PiHole, but gets the job done. I have three RaspberryPi 3's just collecting dust so I may as well switch at some point.

My OpenWRT router does not support the cable Vodafone uses for their 1GBit fiber connection. And yes I know the Fritzbox Cable exists, but flashing OpenWRT onto that is a nightmare.