3 Post – 94 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Come with the great migration.

I'm not sure what your argument is. I've been working with pedophiles for 10+ years in the past. I'm curious about how society creates and identifies its "monsters", that's all. Not sure you're on topic.

That's an optimistic answer. But I'll take it. There's not much optimism around lately.

Maybe that's the reason. At least that's what I tend to think. But at the same time, it the rise of pedophilia to the prime type of deviancy looks quite.. recent, if I may say? So something is society may have changed in the last decades/century to make it so?

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Food for thought indeed, thanks.

Well, as a sociology teacher working with psychologists in my current research I get why they decide this.

Politicians like them can't rule over people even slighty aware of how political discourse and mass manipulation operate.

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My brother/sister in christ, have you considered nuking your neighborhood from orbit ?

I'm going to write something unpopular, and I'm not even sure I agree with it, but it's a 9gag PTSD..

Although I wish Reddit will soon rot and I'm an atheist, we all know who the people focused on criticizing only Islam are. And we all know what their focus on this religion tries to hide..

I prefer the company of people who are either neutral about religion or hates them all equally.

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Puts chain mail on


Windows. Because gaming.

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Oh. That's such a great story. Thanks for sharing it..

.. and it's most disturbing because I had a kind of similar discussion with a friend two days ago. I was in your position. And ive been thinking about it ever since. Not about traveling but about job hopping/leaving my job/avoiding risk v.s. taking a leap.

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It's been a long time since I've read such a sensible comment from this situation.

To OP, I don't know how to put it, but I feel there's no real side to pick, expect for zealots and fanatics. A colonizing oppressive state is 150% wrong. Execution of civilians and exploiting your people misery to lead them to a theocratic disaster is 150% wrong.

I'm from a both jew and muslim family and.. I'm glad they feel the same way.

France (north). I'm now deserting bars too, yes. There's just some times I can't avoid them, i.e. meeting people during a train stop, at the bar near the train station. If it's not too late, I'm ordering coffee now.

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I have to agree with Astrealix on this. Information should be free. But information and snuff videos are two different things. I want information. I don't need or want to be constantly exposed to gore content. And I don't consider myself badly informed because I didn't see one guy chopping another guy's head in 4K-HD.

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France is becoming a far right country on two weeks. Do yourself a favor and stay as far as you can.

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Lemmy en googoant, I suppose ?

Sometimes I remember my parents have a 18 years age gap, and I can't quite wrap my head around this.

Ouch. That one has to hurt. But I hope it was for the best.

Whoever told you he doesn't lied to you son

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"So god, we cool?"

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Interesting. You're right. I realize that maybe because of the hours I'm hitting bars. I never go to one at night. It's always right after work, at 6pm-7pm.

Might be the reason.

Thanks to all those working on !

Well, I wasn't the one asking, but I learned from that nonetheless. Thank you!

Reporting in !

Welcome home!

Yeah, I heard those replies too.

I was especially shocked it took my closest friends a long time to understand it didn't mean I was distancing from them. Even 4 years later, from time to time, I still hear those.

Good night !

Well, to tell you an abbreviated version of the story, I'm working two jobs, half time underpaid teacher and half time underpaid whatever-the-hell-I'm-doing (researcher on a health-related public org). Currently long term contracts.

Long weeks, barely hitting minimum wage, sometimes less than mw.

Ive been expecting one if these jobs to offer me a full time job.. Which they recently did. Both. But both did it in the form of 1 year contract with no guarantee for... after.

I planned to refuse them both. Income stability and the ability to make plans, even when broke, are too important to me.

My friend told me (gently) it was a mistake. That I'm sending the message that will stay even if they dont pay me well, that my unwillingness to take risks explains that i'm stuck on this position, that I could rely on unelployment payements for a year if nothing comes after one if those contacts. That it gives a bad signal to potential new employers.

I think my friend may be right but.. I dont know. It was kinda traumatic, a few years ago. I was working on 1 year contracts, one after the other. I fell sick and had quite heavy surgery. But it was 2 months before the term of my contract. I was so afraid of losing my job, getting evicted from my flat, going back to my family.. I ended up taking Ubers to go to work because I could barely walk, teaching under the effect to heavy painkillers, etc. Basically making the renewal of my contract a priority over my very health.

At that time I became very risk adverse, stability became my priority to never go through that again. But after this discussion, I'm a bit lost in thoughts, constantly wondering what I should do.

I think that episode is still too close and I'll stay in my current situation to avoid taking this kind of risks, but.. I'm still thinking. Maybe it still needs time to make it's way through my thoughts.

Sorry for the wall of text !

À very interesting questions. I've long felt there was two possible answers to this. You can see a more complex layer at the level of the relationship we have with other beings or even objects (Me + My Favorite Song would be a being of n+1 level of complexity). I call it the Deleuze/Spinoza hypothesis.

Then, you could see it as a kind of personal truth you're embodying, not as a creator but just as an operator, a tool. Although "personal" wouldn't be the right word. You would embody, express, a fraction of a deep truth which is specific to each being.

Or maybe something else I'm unable to imagine.

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New response just new response just dropped

As a regular victim to this feeling, that's something I needed to read. Thank you :)

Talk about a ripple effect :) Even though I suppose you were already considering this at that time, no ? Anyway, that's very nice, thanks for sharing !

carefully leaves his philosophical hard determinism at the door.

Well, I'd better learn a thing or two

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Alright, thanks to this comment section, I now need years of free times because it's all so fascinating I need to learn about all this!

Classic, but very illustrative

Best : BG3

Empyrion (you love sandbox games with endless content with very little guidance? Try it, I'm on HWS RE server and after 260h I'm still just scratching the surface)

Marvel Midnight Suns (top notch on many levels)

Chrono Ark (one of the best roguelite deck builders for me)

The scroll of Taiwu (perfect cultivation sandbox RPG, official translation should come in 2024)

Worst : Not much.. I just don't understand why I can't get into Thea 2. It's supposed to kinda be my dream game. Yet, I'm always bored after 30 min.

Shoutout to Archmage Rises. It has a long way to go but it could possibly be my GOTY 2024.

Quitted reddit during the great exodus and never came back (well of course apart from when a Google search leads me there for an [outdated] answer). Came to Lemmy, never looked back and never left since then. I plan on being here as long as there's an instance standing.

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Cadenza plats music. Cadenza also reads Thomas Mathiesen.

Brain, with an evil grin : "Almost there almost there... Did I tell you about this thing called "work" ? Do you have anything planned for the next 55 years ? "

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