3 Post – 97 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

the middle one explains that equity unlike equality does not give everyoune the same resources, but distributes resources so every one has the same experience/chance.

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How is that legal?

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this truck clearly needs more/better adjusted mirrors

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I would hope if she was she would have a seperate not-gaming Laptop for work.

Would be more professional, but shes Trumps lawyer so I guess there is not much to expect in the way of professionalism.

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I don't understand why credit cards are secured so badly in the states. Here you can't adjust a charge after it has been confirmed (plus you usually have to enter a pin whan swiping the card if the amount is over a certain threshold).

Kind of related: when my family went to the US for vacation and we ate at some restaurant, the waitress came with the bill, my dad said something like "make it $x". When she sait to just write in the tip on the bill and my dad told her that won't work she insisted that thats how it always works (which tbf it probably does for american customers). Sure enough when we checked the card statement later on they just took out the original amount, not the tip writen in.

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yay, we replaced it with more ?masculinormativity? :D.

are you triyng to reignite the pillar discourse?!

have you been to Frankfurt? Probably explains it

Weigh some things you know the exact weight of like 1L of water or your phone (you can google most phones weights, without the case and only if you dont have a screen protector of course). I had the same issue at home but realized my scale was jus off most of the time.

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I'm just sitting in the polling place beein' bored cause none of you are showing up to vote.

Anyone know where to get the most recent linux build as a .deb? I wanna have an installer in case I have to wipe my os or something like that.

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Awsome logic in the original original post.

On a totally unrelated note: whats the biggest number between 0 and 1 (0

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Whenever this gets discussed, a bunch of status quo warriors pop out of wells to say "Trump is worse." Like, no shit.

Yes, but it still needs to be said every time because it would be detremental to leave even the tiniest chance for this (valid) critique of Biden to help Trump in the presidential election. That is why I think it's inportant to point out the obvious (Trump is way worse) because it is obvious to most but might not be to some and it would be a massive Issue if those people could take this discourse as reason not to vote for Biden in november.

This one was not passed yet.

The vote was pulled in the last minute, because they didn't expect to get the required qualified majority. This was among other things due to the German governmant announcing to vote against it.

Germany is about to have an election next year though and the conservative and faschist parties are expected to win, I doubt they would be holding this position. France is also having an election soon with the faschists expected to win big. And their current government is responsible for this law not beeing even worse.

TLDR: It didn't pass yet, but this will not be the last attempt at passing it.

I was kind of dissapointed when I read the new pipe team was having an issue with sponsor block, but tbh their reasoning makes a lot of sense:

And even thought I am using the sponsor block fork now I only skip the non-music part in music videos, because I do agree that creators have to make money somehow. And while I don't love ads most of the time (sometimes they are really well made) my main issue with ads on Youtube/the wider Internet is how intrusive they are and them not respecting my privacy.

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I kinda liked In Time

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The legislation would also require at least a 30% IRS audit rate on households affected by the new wealth tax, according to the summary.

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Teach us then 😭

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My nebula subscription hasn't gotten more expensive.

motorized high heels.

nothing (besides a waste) unless it means you are using your work laptop to game.

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Nice, but why represent that as a pie-chart, that just doesn't make sense.

plague tale vibes

I don't think microsoft worrys that much about PCs they make their money in B2B where they profit from Lock-ins due to their vast ecosystem not because companys use windows for gaming.

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Depending on what you want to do the one does not imply the other. (And some times coding actually is easier on Linux, I had a way better experience compiling my c++ projects there then my friend had on windows)

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Esp. because if you have enough people in prison that the results of elections would regularly depend on their votes your main problem is not prisoners voting or not, its having too many prisoners.

Idk, its not like there's no housing shourtage/rant gauging in other countries with more sensible zoning.

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Two German states are about to attempt introducing a law at the federal level banning all knives with blades longer then 6cm (~~1.5~2.3 in) from beeing carried in publicin public.

Source in german:

Idk if you ment mormon or moron and I love that both would fit the context

What game is this from?

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This is in Georgia thought. I don't see an immediate connection from the postet article to florida (except maybe the general right-wingyness).

he seems utterly bamboozeld

Tweet saying:

If you encounter a guy dressed as a girl "as a joke" this Halloween offer them transition info and be welcoming because if it's an exploring trans girl, it'll be helpeful and if it's a shitty cis dude, he will be furious. It's a win/win.

As many other comments here (really liked the way /u/opperharlie put it) I think it's a shitty take. First of all, there is drag which is totaly valid. But I think crossdressing in genereal -if it's not done derogatory (which I never experienced)- is a totally fair costume. I am certain I am cis and have dresses feminin for costumes a few times and don't see what the problem with hat is.

Yeah, they are

B is for Bribery

I have 16/4 mbit in the middle of berlin :|.

2 centuries? European colonialism continued well into the mid 20th century. There are still people alive who directly participated in them. Besides that, even thought most alive today did not participate directly they still benifit immensly from the colonial past of their countries as anouther comment allready mentioned.

And taking responsibility has been very slow/late and limited, often being limeted to apologies without reperations. The Belgian Crown for example only apologized for its involvement in forced labor and exploitation in the Congo three years ago. Germany only recognized its genocide in Namibia two years ago and refuses to pay reperations.

So yes for the shit they did (or bear a responsibility for if you wanna be more percise).

That is one danger of (sometging close to) monopolisation, I just payed 24€ for 3 movie tickets at my local theater chain yesterday.

I am using a 1080 Ti and its meh, I sometimes have screen tearing issues, sleep/hibernate doesn't work anymore and letting it choose the iGPU and GPU based off of the current needs also does not work, so I just run the iGPU most of the time (it doesn't have the screen tearing issue).

I'm thinking of doing a fresh install, maybe a different distro, as the setup is quite old and bloated by now, but I'm not looking forward to reinstalling everything I actually need/use.

It's not like Hamas isn't also doing this (both by directly killing Israelis and using their own population as a human shield)