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Joined 12 months ago

Ah, the Torment Nexus is coming along nicely I see.

Who says what is official?

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Yeah the 'idk' part is the important one because as a generation we've been so dependent on devices for everything from entertainment to productivity that we have no fucking clue what to do AFK. This has been a bitter struggle for me lately. I feel my life slipping away from me click by click but whenever I try to go offline my dopamine system SCREAMS at me to dig up the tablet I buried in my car's trunk.

Remember kids, the market does not aim to produce food but profit. If it can get you to pay for eating sawdust or forever chemicals it will and it has.

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Ah yes, the market. Known for it's agile flexibilty so that it can adjust to demand at will and efficiently. I'm sure this will turn out well for everyone. By which I mean the peasants will be forced to commute to keep the status quo or they'll lose their house while governments bail out the class that took on the risk for this real estate.

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Personally I decided to go the Jellyfin route, but I wanted to stop by and thank you for the effort you put into a great write-up! Bookmarked, maybe I'll try it out in the future.

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“An investor deserves to make their money back,” Gordon said.

No they fucking don’t, the whole point of that system is to let investors take on the risk to force them to make a decision on what investments are most likely to yield results.

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The article says Redis is the latest one to pull this shit. Well, today the Linux foundation announced Valkey. If I ran Redis in production I'd go all hands to switch today.

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Funny, that's my exact reaction when I see the requirement for a cover letter. Beep boop, fuck you and your job.

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God damn I’m so tired of the inclination to worry about the economy first and only then fucking EXTINCTION.

The economy should serve us, and the direction we choose to go, not the other god damn way around.

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I'm glad you're leaving that cesspool behind. That said, just not doing the thing is also an option. I've replaced Reddit one to one with Lemmy but I'd just as soon forego the whole thing. I've never seen the allure of Twitter and I have a Mastodon account but I don't see it there either.

I think I'm gonna delete that as well and just live without it.

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Bro don't

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His sex abuse organization was anti-child?

Unrelated to the question but can we please drop the Reddit habit of adding “of Lemmy” to the question? You’re asking Lemmy, no need to add it to every question.

No ill will to OP!

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I think that's a rule from the 1870's mostly aimed at preventing black people from voting.

The only obvious ad I’ve ever clicked on was for a “free” IQ test. I figured I’d never done one cause they’re fake, but I had time to kill, so I clicked through.

That click should have lead you to a page that says 'you failed'. 😂

The economy.

I don’t want to be pedantic in reply to a heartfelt comment but since I believe Richard himself would say this: he advocates for free software which is fundamentally different from open source.

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Luckily it’s not his to give.

They have a whole world market to serve, I don’t think they give a fuck about UK politics

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That is some grade A armchair micro architecture design you got going there.

Apple completely switched their lineup to the obvious next big thing in processing in less than two years, improving efficiency and performance by leaps and bounds. It has had astounding improvements in terms of generating heat and preserving battery life in traditional computing and they did it without outright breaking backward compatibility.

But oh, it turns out three years later someone found an exploit. Guess the whole thing is shit then.

edit: oh yeah and traditional x86 manufacturers have had the same type of exploit while still running hot

edit2: This is not to say Apple is our holy Jesus lord and saviour, they're plenty full of shit, but the switch to ARM isn't one of those things

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Rotate the left display 90 degrees clockwise. Now they're both in landscape. Ta-da!

Sorry, I'll see myself out.

Good thing retirement is forever out of reach for our generation then.

It’s a calculation popularized by fintech bro’s in the late oughties.

It’s called pulling an FYGM, a fuck you got mine, colloquially known as a rug pull.

Casio gang report in!

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Yes, that has been the norm in Europe. Most people here do not have AC.

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Oh no, it sounds like you're experiencing some challenges with your Meta advertising. Our advanced AI tools are designed to optimize your campaigns automatically. Sometimes, adjustments in strategy can help improve performance. Have you considered exploring different audience targeting options or ad formats? Feel free to experiment with different settings to find what works best for you! If you have further questions, our support team is not here to assist you.

Anythjng that can’t do the job is literally 8+ years old.

So what? How about Microsoft lets me define what 'the job' is and I will decide for myself whether my machine is up to it? In my opinion the job of an operating system is to expose computing resources to whatever the user wants to do and then get the fuck out of the way.

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Yeah. We'd rather create consciousness to drive for us than put down some fucking rail.

Why don’t I strap on my job helmet and squeeze down into a job cannon and fire off into job land, where jobs grow on jobbies?

How long has Amazon been operating in your market? Their MO is capturing a customer base with low prices and good service, followed by capturing sellers by offering them access to said customer base. After having locked everyone in their last step is to extract all possible value from both groups. Their playbook is creating a chokepoint to force themselves upon everyone for trade.

Check out Chokepoint Capitalism.

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Isn’t the wreck in international waters? What gives the US any claim here?

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At the time of the incident the program was paid for by the US government and he decided to switch off access at a tactical moment.

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Funny, I've always thought of them as terms of honour. At least that's why I called my father old man. He called his captain that back when he was a sailor. (second edit: fun fact, his last captain was my grandpa on mom's side. Guess he liked the captain's daughter.)

edit: I guess it's a way to acknowledge seniority.

I hope you're getting off on redundancy and not a backup. Because

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Except they VIN lock everything. If you execute a screen swap on 2 brand new phones perfectly, the result is a crippled phone.

There’s plenty of underhanded tactics Apple employs.

Check out Hugh Jeffreys’ content on this.

Forgiving yourself is difficult. You have grown enough to realize what you did was dumb. Whenever your brain decides to throw a random cringe memory in your face, consciously tell yourself you’re better now and you forgive yourself for your mistakes. It helped me.

Take the L with some grace. You are shifting the goal posts.

I know how capitalism works, which is the complaint. If we have to sacrifice a liveable world to make the economy work, then it doesn't work.

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It's this one, listed under 'Equipment used' in the description!

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