3 Post – 174 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Great bundle, but seeing Penny and Arzette is a bit sad as they must've really bombed if they're already in a bundle. That's just 4 months from release to bundle.

Shout-out to the Dan Floyd and his PlayFrame channel, where he's been doing a condensed playthrough of the game with just the MSQ, the interesting side-content, and highly cut segments of the interim gameplay. It's only near the end of Shadowbringers right now, but it's what got me into the game (as someone who was never into and mostly still isn't into MMOs).

Yup. I can get away with prepaid 1GB/month for 3€ because I'm almost always near Wi-Fi and don't really need to use anything bandwidth when I'm not.

I also find it wild how some people will get an expensive contract that comes with a "free" phone, but then don't switch to an equal but cheaper contract (without a "free" phone) when the contract term expires, or at the very least renew the term so they get a new phone.

these keys allow anyone to [...] brick all r1s

the rabbit team is aware of this leaking of api keys and have chosen to ignore it.

Assuming that's true, then just bricking them all sounds like it might even be the ethically correct move.

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Yup. I'm still waiting for the perfect controller that has gyro and bindable paddles through Steam Input. This is finally a controller that delivers those things, but then lacks such a basic feature like rumble. I really hope they have a pro version planned.

The removal of PWAs has always been a pet peeve of mine, so it's nice to see them reconsidering. So far I'm managing with the PWA Addon, but it's more than clunky as it does some very dirty hacks to fake support for PWAs.

Recall won't take snapshots of [...] DRM-protected content.

At least the movie industry will survive this unscathed. Thanks Microsoft. 👍

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The issue has now been commented on and was closed by the maintainer, where they explained why those blocks would be nonsense.

Hilariously, the issue creator still hasn't given up and is now trying to communicate with the maintainer privately. 🙃

I'd really want to know what's driving them. Surely no sane person would be this persistent without some ulterior motives?

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It might take a lot more effort, but I don't think this will be the end. Google is required by law to label ads as such, giving these tools an opportunity to detect and skip them.

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Just to give a bit of context: This comes after two months of outright refusal to do even the bare minimum, like transferring the Steam Store listings for games where the devs had full ownership of the IP.

So yeah, it's nice to see that this will seemingly be resolved somewhat nicely, but that's about it.

*different thing to VS for Mac, because Microsoft had to give three entirely different products the same name.

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Can't happen soon enough. Personally, I'd wish this would go much further and would allow every device to be flashable, with only a few exceptions for safety, like cars.

There's also a certain irony that certain other places will go to bat for right to repair, and then turn around and say "Actually, I want to live in a walled garden.", not realizing that these are two sides of the same coin.

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Thankfully, while I have a smart plug from them, I've made sure that it's a Zigbee powered one, meaning it's directly connected to my Home Assistant server over it's own frequency/protocol, no app required. Guess that choice is paying off now.

Also, someone should tell whoever is managing that Twitter support account that you should never use the phrase "We're sorry you feel that way", even when you're going for a non-apology.

They've basically perfected keeping the community mostly happy by toeing the line between putting out solid base games and putting out greedy DLC.

What we're now seeing is what happens when you don't immediately change course after you skimp on making a good base game.

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Only sort of related, but it's kind of insane how many different phones Samsung releases. Checking GSMArena, they've apparently released an average of two phones per month over the last year.

Seems a bit overkill to me.

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Pretty weird that such a long article doesn't even mention Home Assistant once.

I understand that it's not the easiest to set up for the average person, but given how much pain all these online services and different hubs have caused the author, it's weird that it doesn't even get a shout-out.

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There was a time when I was actually worried about job security due to an overabundance of young people wanting to enter the field. Nowadays, not so much.

On the other hand, I'm instead now worrying that younger generations might become even less able to understand the importance of digital rights if they don't even understand the basics of the technology.

That article is a bit out of date and wasn't really true anyway. The people who are creating Pretendo, who wrote the blog post this article is based on, did an update on the situation, specifically calling out the media for their sloppy articles:

With that said, some outlets did a less than stellar job at reporting our last post, not covering some topics fully or accurately.

TL;DR: Many of the issues have already been fixed, even going so far as there are now entirely new servers in place to act as a proxy for Amazons servers to work around some security related incompatibility issues.

As someone who knows almost nothing about the topic, wouldn't some (most?) of these parts be big enough that a small change in temperature or air pressure alone would cause these parts to expand/shrink enough to go over the tolerance limit?

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Something I completely missed, due to the insanity that is the runtime fee, is that they're also getting rid of their Plus subscription.

While Plus never had a bunch of benefits, it was basically the edition for individuals and very small teams who just wanted to get rid of the splash screen. These users would have to use Pro now, which is 5x more expensive at 2040$/year/seat.

The roadmaps over last few years already showed that they don't really care about indie devs anymore, but now it feels like they've become actively hostile.

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Two things I also like to do is changing my Youtube bookmark to and adding the following two filters to uBlock:

This basically makes it so that I only see videos from channels I'm actually subscribed to, without having any content pushed on me from the algorithm.

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What kind of content are you guys getting from there?

For me it's probably best described as "background chatter", so mostly a bunch of different news sites that aren't important enough for me to go into my RSS feed, bots posting notifications, and random thoughts from bloggers.

Any stuff like that to help onboarding Mastodon?

There are those that help you to stay on your home instance as well, but the big one for me is StreetPass for Mastodon, which finds and collects Mastodon accounts as you browse the web. That way you can organically build your network without much effort. You'd be surprised how many accounts from news sites, open source projects and people with blogs you can find that way.

Someone already explained it, but here's a ranking of the different methods which are commonly used in terms of security, from bad to good:

  • No 2FA
  • SMS/Phone-based TOTP (TOTP = the normally 6 digit code)
  • App-based TOTP
  • Hardware-token-based TOTP
  • Hardware-token (Fido2/WebAuthn/Passkeys)
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Annoyingly, this doesn't mean that you can register without a phone number. I hope that this is only the first step towards making that happen and not some sort of compromise of the original goal.

I still use Signal because I think it's still the best tool so far (that has people I know using it), but I'm always iffy about services using phone numbers as their primary identifier.

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That's true. Personally though, it not being optional for any amount of time just shows that there's no good argument to have it be mandatory in the first place.

I was about to say, aren't most e-Bikes still "dumb"? At least that's my experience here in Germany.

The problem is less about e-Bikes specifically and more about companies locking product features to their cloud, which is frustratingly happening more and more with just about everything that's electrical.

... which is also not open-source. But yeah, it's areally good music player and organizer.

Beyond pure principle, flashing would be very useful when it comes to extending the lifecycle of the device beyond its original purpose. They're quite powerful and could be turned into a small server for example, similar to a Raspberry Pi. While lacking in ports, they do come with a battery, wifi+cellular and multiple cameras already built in.

Are we sure this isn't some elaborate piece of long-form satire? It's wild to me that they'd try to execute such a blatant cashgrab when the name Winamp stands for pretty much the opposite of what they're trying to peddle.

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Personally, these services are all a bit sketchy anyway. Mostly because they advertise themselves as the magic bullet to remove all your unwanted personal data from the internet, but ignores that this removal relies on the cooperation of the third parties in possession of your data. Most notably, this won't work if your data has been exposed in a data breach.

To me it very much feels like VPN ads. Technically a working product, but advertised in a very dishonest way.

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I'd have a bit more symphaty if they at least tried to do the bare minimum before choosing the nuclear option.

Most notably, the PVE queues in LoL were infested with bots for years and you could tell them apart from real players before they even made their first move. Often times you'd be the only human player. If stuff like that wasn't caught, I have serious doubts about their previous efforts to catch "real" cheaters.

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Was led. He left after the license fee catastrophe.

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I don't think Nintendo would have a case against Valve, only against the developers of the demake. It looks more like Valve wants to maintain a good relationship with Nintendo, given Valve has ported Portal to the Switch and may intend to port more of their back catalog.

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Simply going one step down from buying every "halo" product would already do wonders for a significant price/performance increase.

That said, when building a new PC I usually start with the recommendations listed at Logical Increments, which has a neat table sorted by budget. Anything at or above the "Suberb" should give you what you want at 1440p.

I'd also very much recommend a high refresh rate monitor, preferably 1440p, which has either GSYNC or FreeSync with a good variable refresh rate range. It really helps with maintaining a smooth presentation as you aren't forced to keep your game running at a fixed framerate anymore.

A nice grid lined notebook and a mechanical pencil is still my favorite.

If only my default font wasn't so bad that it causes data loss.

Looks this is a refresh for those who were on the edge of buying one or those who really love OLED.

Personally, I would've instantly sold mine and upgraded if these also had VRR. Hopefully the proper next generation of these devices comes with it.

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I'd guess that it might be related to how you've set up the virtual network adapter. This depends on the specifc virtualization software you use, but the adapter for HA should be be set to something called bridged network, meaning the VM gets its own IP on your home network, no routing or NAT in between. HA will struggle to connect with devices otherwise, as all these protocols weren't designed to work across multiple networks.

Same. I've been slowly adding more and more smart devices to my Home Assistant instance and seeing it all interact is super neat. That said, the search for products that work 100% local and don't depend on the cloud is a total pain, outside of some products using the Zigbee standard and such.

Pro: My two biggest annoyances when using Wayland got fixed, which were no color temperature adjustments (Night light) and no G-Sync.

Con: Games now display frames out of order, making them unplayable.

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Despite the warning I skimmed the "article" and the website, which seems to be owned by OP judging by their post history, and can agree. Just a bunch of disconnected rants written in a condescending tone.

No examples or statistics, or any attempt to source any of the claims either.

Considering OP is also trying to sell their services, that makes it quite possibly the worst attempt at disguised advertising I've ever seen.