1 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 5 days ago

Well of course those perverts are ok with this.

This chinless taint stain looks like a canned ham got dropped on the floor of a merkin factory.

And he didn’t even get paid. Bahahahahahahahaha. Get fuuuuuuuuuucked Rudy.

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Lol. This guy put on a hard hat to move an empty box with a dolly. That’s a flag right there that the guy has never done any kind of hard physical labor in his life. Charge his ass with felony election interference and fire his ass.

Ask him what are his sources and if he’s still friends with his college futon?

Well the guy is a grade A clown. If his fan base wants to be treated like garbage for a chance to eventually get sexually molested by mr beast or his inner circle of douche bags….🤷‍♂️

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Everyone relax. Republican governors got this labor shortage figured out. Why do you think they’ve been rolling back child labor laws? Arkansas and Iowa are leading the nation on replacing adult labor with child labor and they can even pay them less and shield the companies that hire them from prosecution in the very very very rare chance one of these laborers dies from work related accidents!

You libs need to chill out and let the free market decide who get to keep their limbs or not!

Weird racist motherfuckers. The entire lot.

So they’re traitors AND cry babies.

Ughhhh….. it kinda does.

There’s no dick this guy won’t suck for money.

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Well his music is terrible but I got no problems with the causes he supports.

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My work here is done!

Oh No…. Anyways, how about them cowboys.

Chop shop that shit up!

Money laundering. That’s what this is.

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Thank you. That’s the most insulting part. It’s a mediocre cookie at best.

I don’t order these and I can’t talk shit about them at home cuz I trying to be a better partner, so I do what normal people do and go vent on the internets.

I apologize to those who I have upset.

She’d never do that. An illegitimate Trump baby, real or not, is her golden ticket.

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Wait till she drops a fake pregnancy on them.

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Lol. Why are we still pretending to give a shit about W?

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They have no souls.

Crumbl cookies shops are popping up everywhere. Lines around the block.

I can absolutely confirm this. Always joked about it until we found ourselves out in the PNW and that joke became very real very quickly.

Lol. The guy got a cease and desist order from The Tom Petty estate for illegally using the song Won’t Back Down, yet here he is doing the exact opposite. That’s some 5D chess moves.

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I wonder where he got that genius idea? What a waste of carbon.

It’s the flour.

It is if someone from outside the US, who can’t legally donate to Trump’s campaign, buys 100 of these.

Well she needs all kinds of treatment, that’s for sure. Psychiatric should be at the top of the list.

Taking everyone to the poor house with him.

Touché salesman. Touché.

Foreign investor buy dozens of these coins. People that probably shouldn’t be “donating” to American politicians cuz they want something in return.

One fish please!

Lol. What’s truth social stock worth today? 12 cents and a bucket of chicken wing bones?

Pretty much exactly this.

Shopping at BJ’s?

They’ve been literally saying this for months.

It’s a ridiculous business model.

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