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Joined 1 months ago

Your honour, I asked her if she wanted to have it and she said no. I wasn't sure what that meant so I asked again. And to make things clearer I told her that "yes" and "maybe later" where the only options. She still didn't say yes, but after some time I decided that "later" had come. So I Azure you, I did nothing wrong.

Finally a reason to upgrade from my C64!

"Is your computer connected to a power outlet? Yes? Could you please unplug it and plug it back in for me?"

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I think you're correct. In South Korea at least 22 people died. The article you linked doesn't mention any casualties (or I didn't notice them).

You still need a volcano and charged clouds. So you probably don't see that everyday.

Imagin seeing that stuff a couple hundred years ago, without any knowledge about the mechanics behind it. Wild!

Wow, so the "x" on screen means I have to press the "x" on my controler while it's highlighted!?

Damn, thanks for spoiling that puzzle!

I mean, technically, I guess (insert Futurama technical correct meme), but with that defintion everything is a puzzle.

I just breathed in, what do I do next? I can't inhale more air. I have to think fast! Maybe if I breath out, I can then breath in again... It worked! Amazing!

Fear not! For God has told me what angered him and how we can be forgiven!

Right!? At least on Lemmy I can drink my Pepsi® in peace. Like for real, there's nothing better than scrolling through some funny memes with a delicious can of ice cold Pepsi®, my fellow [insert slang term; plural]!

No, no. You see, Recall runs locally. It's "edge computing". Which would imply to me that it runs on my router...? Anyway, it's not the cloud, it's edge and AI and surely super cyber, too (whatever that means). My point is, I could give you many more buzzwords, so don't worry. You won't need Wireshark ever again, just ask the AI if your network is secured. 👍

True. Still I think it is not possible to have too much public attention, when it comes to evil corporate stuff. Keep a light on these mf.

Are you seriously ill, but don't want to leave a ton of medical debts to your family?

Then donate your brain tissue to BrainCloud™! Instead of costing your family a lot of money, you might make them Millionaires* and also reduce CO2 emissions of world leading AI applications! Leaving a better world for our children!
And who knows, maybe you will even enjoy thinking about chat bot responses in weird nightmarish ways for the rest of what might seem like an eternity.

~*We offer a donation compensation of up to $1.000.000. Actual rates depend on brain capabilities, size and constitution. Payouts are determined by our quality assurance team. Payouts are not guaranteed. In cases of brain tissue with insufficient quality, compensational fees for testing, lab work, and services may be charged to the donor's family.~

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Thank you for being genuinely interested in the opinion of others and for explaining culture differences.

Let's take a step back from that provocation and look at the bigger picture.

  • This is intended to create division and make money (like Frank Reynolds would).
  • Neighbours shooting neighbours or rural folks shooting city people (or the other way around), that won't lead to any takeover or to any surrendering of power on a larger scale.
  • That's just terrorism and could (at most) cause chaos and terror.
  • If there actually was domestic violence on a larger scale, it would come down to: who controls the military or which part of the military is on which side.
  • I would avoid meaningless skirmishes e.g. in a suburb of Seattle.

I'm not saying succumb to bullies, but whatever you do, be smart about it.

Pretty cool move. If I come across one of his games that interests me, I'll gladly buy it.

I don't get that. I would rather be a Billionaire in a "moderated" democracy, than in a system where you can just disappear or fall out of a window, if a single more powerful person wishes so.

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Since women in modern politics are relatively new and this is a historic first, I think this is newsworthy.

However, I agree with you that gender shouldn't be the deciding qualification for the job. Yet I don't know nearly enough about Mexican politics to comment on that topic and to be frank, I haven't read the linked article.

You heartless bastards! The poor woman has to look at a rainbow flag and suffers. I mean there are photos and you can actualy see her pain, you animals!

COMEFROM is my go to function;

To play devil's advocate: You could argue that in this case, the entire nation holds a vote over reinstating the right to own the ultimate gun.

The problem with that is, spin doctoring has gotten too good for this jury and you don't even need the majority to win.

But don't worry those are one way mirrors

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But why? Did Intel make a deal with the board manufacturers? Is this tradition from the days when they build boards themselves?

I thought they just didn't care and wanted as little restrictions for their chip design as possible, but if this actually works without drawbacks, that theory is out the window.

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An API that unlocks DLC? That sounds like... wait what community is this? (looks around)
Is that a wooden IP address? Nice eye patch by the way. Cheers matey!

Don't be agitated by the headline.

Here 'harm' is meant in a diplomatic way. They put restrictions on the Spanish consulate. It is strong language, but nobody is talking about physical harm (just as Spain hasn't harmed Israel physically).

From the article:

According to these measures, Israel prohibits the Spanish consulate in Jerusalem from "conducting consular activities or providing consular services to residents of the Palestinian Authority", although it clarified that the measure does not apply to people with Spanish nationality.

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As a cringetologist I have to inform you, that you actually turned yourself into a black hole and emerged from a white hole in this mirror universe.
Congratulations, you are now extroverted and trust me, you will need all the friends you can find up in here.

To me the most interesting aspect of the article is kind of fuzzy, namely why she left.

There's a hint, but it remains unclear what her concerns about the finances were.

Swan has a different story. She says she raised concerns about the organization’s handling of finances, which the executives were unable, or unwilling, to address. In a 7 April 2022 email to former chairman Wiseley, Swan resigned.
“It is with deep regret that I feel the need to step down as deputy treasurer,” wrote Swan.

Later the article mentions her being slandered for defending a local library that displayed children’s books with LGBTQ+ themes. So maybe that topic contributed to her leaving the group, but all of this seems to have taken place after she already had left the group.

Am I missing something?

Sounds like a colony

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Bowsette confirmed!

So, if you write for those outlets, you are training your replacement?

Did the film makers advised him to wear a mask and did he actively decide not to?

Otherwise, I tend to blame the film makers still, at least partly.

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"I want my damages covered, your Honour."

"I see, so what are your damages?"

"Well, how much do you think I can get?"

"Are you driving a car right now?"

Or the reporting is just bad, as you said.

Only people with AC (or deep basements?) would be save... as long as they have electricity.

Makes me wonder what would happen in a mega city like Delhi, when the weather get's lethal. Will people storm places with AC or will they be apathetic (like starving people).

I hope we won't find out! But at least heat shelters will probably become normal.

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Ah! I just realised, Steward was channelling Stallone when he said: THERE. ARE. FOUR. SHELLS.

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Oh yeah? And what if the AI hallucinates stuff like self driving cars within a year or I don't know, wants us to colonise another planet before we are even able to preserve Earth...

or maybe it suddenly wants to pay a random amount of money for another entirely unrelated company.

I mean, sure it could "run" multiple companies, but the decisions would probably be completely random, like renaming Disney to xXx or something similarly insane.

Nah, I think that makes it pretty clear, that we absolutely cannot afford to replace CEOs with AI!

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There are radio stations, financed through ads. And they check if people are listening by calling random persons to ask them what station they are listening to.

So this is a viable business model and nobody is stopping anybody from putting plain pictures and links on sites and just estimate the page visits, but online advertisers want to know more. They always want more.

At the same time, a browser is the essential software to browse the web. So this is as if your TV was like:

Yo, many people mute their TV during commercials and don't pay attention, which kills the poor networks. So I made a deal with advertisers and will check what your doing, while I provide unmutable ads , but don't worry, your privacy is very important to us and we only care about providing to you the best TV experience possible.

AI sounds reasonable, but isn't. They are reasonable, but no good sound.

You are trying to reach neo. Please select all the pictures with crosswalks. In order to contact an AI agent instead, you must agree to our data policy.

This should be better with /e/OS or lineageOS, but you have to jump through several hoops (and often lose your warranty) when you install them instead of your default Android OS.

Unfortunately most devices block them completely, but the Pixel phones are supported (as far as I know).

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I can assure you that my van and my basement are totally save! So come right in stranger.