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The beach, I couldn't give less of a bother about going to lay on some burning sand, occasionally dipping my toes in some freezing fish piss water, and getting pelted in the face with sand as a bunch of kids run by kicking up every speck of sand they touch while their parents are getting shitfaced and blasting music no one else wants to hear.

Put me in a secluded lake in the woods with some shade near by and I'm all in though. I guess more specifically my issue is with the people at the beach, but still.

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I don't see how this could be legal at all and how any of those terms could be applicable. My 2 year old found the remote today and he loves buttons, so naturally he pushed every button on there. I thought nothing of it but saw something pop up and then disappear, I assumed it was an error or something from the button mashing, but I guess my 2 year old agreed to rokus new TOS.

I've noticed that I get the same amount of work done working 5 days a week as if I plan to only work 3/4 days and know I'll have some free time to enjoy life. My work is really project based so as long as it gets done no one cares.

My wife has also noticed that I'm a lot more stressed when I work 5 days a week and need pretty much the whole weekend to recover.

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One concert I went to that didn't let you bring water in ended up getting shut down because the only water available was bathroom sink water or tap water in a plastic cup for $8. And they didn't let you bring your plastic cups into the bathroom to refill them.

Probably about a third of the people there had to leave from passing out/dehydration and a bunch left in ambulances. And this was a concert where probably 90% of the people there were on drugs, which in my eyes makes the whole water situation even more irresponsible.

So legal, yeah probably, but also entirely fucked.

It used to be various substances but now it's making sure my kid has all the happiness and love that I wish I had growing up and the smile on my wife's face when she sees how happy I've become

Cutting a piece of your baby's junk off for no other reason then everyone does it is a really weird thing that I've never been able to wrap my head around.

I'm not religious but I at least can understand if it's for religious reason, there's a point to it, even if I don't agree with/understand the point. But people seem to just do it for no reason aside from it's what people do. It's forced genital mutilation anyway you look at it.

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I got a job that doubled my income and gave me the free time to do things like start a garden, learn macrame and spend a lot more uninterrupted time with my family. It was really life changing.

If I could undo this year I might though. I had 5 family members die including my grandma who raised me, my wife and I had a devastating miscarriage, my causing got hit by a car and may not be able to walk, I was diagnosed with a heart condition and put on lifelong medication and still might need open heart surgery, my deadbeat dad got out of jail and has been harrasing my mom and sister, and the icing on the cake, last week our best cat died.

As a clean shaved man who doesn't shave because he can't grow any sort of facial hair I feel personally attacked.

I don't even have any regular friends and wouldn't even begin to know how to make one.

I used to have a lot of friends, then I got clean.

I'm just not good at talking in that perspective. I can talk about specific topics but seem to lack the ability for small talk that making friends seems to require. In the past 6 years I thought I made a friend once, we worked together for a while and would talk a couple times a day, I was a little more advanced in my career so I would often help her with projects/teach her stuff, I even opened up a bit and let out my weird thoughts occasionally. It was good, then one day she just stopped responding.

I'm very content with having my wife and son as my best friends, but an actual friend would be nice.

I had to go to urgent care the other day and the only way to check in was to scan a QR code and fill out a god awful, half broken form on a random third party website. There were no error messages. The site would timeout if you spent too long on one page, so you'd have to start over. The amount of people who had all sorts of issues is nuts.

This was "an upgrade"

I don't know, it doesn't seem far off.

When my title changed from web developer to software developer I got a 60% pay increase, but my job hardly changed in reality. I still only make just enough to do doordash on the side as an extra safety net and not as a necessity to afford food.

But when anyone asks what I do for work and I tell them, they immediately assume we're absolutely loaded and I'm picking up the check everywhere we go.

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One night a while back I ordered some food from a place about 10 minutes away after a long day with a sick baby and tipped ~30%.

While the drivers at the restaurant I got like 5 messages asking for a better tip, I didn't answer because why would I. Then my foods on the way and on the app it looked like the guy parked down the street for 10 minutes and continued to spam me with messages asking for a better tip. I didn't respond because why would I. Then the food gets here, I'm hype. I have very simple delivery notes on every order "Please don't knock or ring the bell" and always do leave it at the door. I pulled up my security camera to see this guy just going in on my doorbell (which is disconnected anyway), then he starts slamming on the door yelling variation of "come get your food". After a few minutes of that he just puts the food on the step and starts yelling a bunch of stuff out front of my house at like 9pm, including again asking for more of a tip. In this time he set off my dog who's now losing his mind and woke my sick baby. So naturally I put my dog on the leash, grabbed my crying baby and in the most redneck b horror movie fashion I could muster flung the door open and just stood there on the step with a crying baby, a 100lb dog going nuts and the defeated eyes of a father who just wanted a cheesesteak after a long day.

I said all that to support, how I didn't get to eat my food until hours later because now I had to soothe my baby back to sleep. Their response was something along the lines of

'Hi ***, sorry about that. Here's a 4.63 credit as an apology. That's 20% off your order total!'

Moral of the story is now I always keep a few quick meals in the house that cook in the toaster oven. It's cheaper and the toaster oven never woke my baby.

Years ago when I was on Medicaid I spent about 2 weeks in the hospital. They took my appendix out and after looking at it and running some tests found out that I had some rare parasite. I was in excruciating pain at the time, throwing up blood a few times a day and just withering away. There was a pill that I was waiting to get that would've killed the parasites which could've been given to me after my 4th day there when they confirmed what I had. I spent the rest of the 2 weeks being doped up on morphine and an array of fluids until I couldn't take it anymore and left the hospital 'AMA'.

I went to a different hospital and got the medicine I needed almost immediately.

I did throw up again though when I got a ~$60k bill from my 2 week stay at the first hospital. Again they took out my appendix, ran some test, and pumped me with opiods for 2 weeks without treating my actual issue.

I grew up below the dirt poor, like oodles and noodles were a treat poor, with no adult supervision for a good portion of my childhood. My mom was on basically every government program that existed, that didn't mean I got anything out of it. The only reason I survived was by people looking the other way as I fed myself.

As I got older I had no life skills whatsoever and couldn't hold down a job, friends, or any sort of meaningful relationship. So again, dirt poor, a little better off than I was before because there were a few ways to make money. But still I only ever got food at a store, and probably would have starved if too many people said something, or had to do even worse stuff than I was to feed myself.

Hell even when I got myself together a bit and held down a shitty job for a while I still couldn't afford to feed myself after the bills hit, it was even worse when I started making just enough to get kicked off state insurance and stamps.

There are a lot of people out here just trying to survive, they shouldn't have to steal to eat but they do and in my eyes that's a human right.

Side note: food stamps are a fucking joke. What they're giving to a family of 4 wouldn't feed a single person, from my experience at least.

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I put up a bird feeder and few months ago and now we constantly have at least 20 birds all around our yard. My son likes to throw bird seed all around now so its really cool to see them just walking around and pecking.

I absolutely fell in love with morning doves

I love cooking and I've gotten pretty good at making a lot of stuff completely from scratch. But my rice has always been awful, it seems so simple.

We got a $20 rice cooker a few months ago and its been a game changer. Perfect rice every time.

Also I just recently found out your supposed to wash rice before you eat it. Apparently its covered in a lot of heavy metals or something.

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I may get a lot of hate for this, and I wouldn't say it was a huge disappointment because I actually really liked most of the movies but, Star Wars.

I thought they were great moviees, but when watching them after years of everyone telling me to and all the hype I was kind of disappointed even though I enjoyed watching them all. For me they just didn't live up to the hype I guess.

My wife was telling me a story about her friends friend, who lives in an HOA neighborhood and had a big tree that was rotting in their yard and was causing concern about it falling over. Apparently they went to the hoa for approval to cut it down and they said no for one reason or another, then started fining them for it. Then a while after they collected a good deal of money off the fines said they could cut it down but they had to use a specific company who happened to be owned by a relative of the head of the hoa and charged them a lot more than they should have.

This story was passed down the lane and I don't even know the couple, but it doesn't sound far fetched.

Ahh I think I had it mixed up, in the states at least rice contains a lot of heavy metals so when my son was young we avoided giving him too much rice, which was difficult since basically every kid snack is rice based.

A quick google search says washing it 'could' get rid of some of those metals, but not really. Makes me feel a little better about not ever washing my rice but it does cook a lot nicer after washing which makes sense.

Hope your pipe situation got resolved easily.

We had a pipe burst right at the entrance of our crawlspace a few weeks ago and it took a bit to realize. It was a nightmare and now we have to get some foundation work done.

Professional but even if I wasn't I'd still be coding for fun. Since having my first child I haven't done many side projects but my day job satisfies most of my development passion.

I develop/maintain a mammoth of a Frankenstein application that used in the trucking/shipping industry. The main bones are built in perl/mysql but there's some PHP, Python, React, and for a reason no one knows, an ASP/C# portion.

I personally love the wide range of tickets and languages I get to mess around with. I'm currently taking elastic courses to get certified paid for by the company which has been great.

Ideally, in the middle of nowhere on a decent size farm with a water supply, raising my son to be a self reliant 2nd generation farmer. Hopefully another kid or two. I like growing vegetables, it makes me happy. My 1/8 of an acre doesn't give me much room to work with but I do what I can on it.

Hopefully at least, in a slight bigger house with another kid and a couple acres to work with. Doing some farmers markets and able to freelance/do side jobs to supplement my income so I have time to manage those couple acres and spend time with my family.

Most likely, still living on the same property, working the same job doing the same thing.

Those people stealing carts to sell them on the street are a god send.

We had a guy in my old neighborhood who would come around once a week with various necessities that most people couldn't afford otherwise. Sure he made decent money, but babies got fed, pantries got replenished, feminine products were given out if you bought stuff from him regularly.

That might seem grimey to you, but that's fine.

If you don't mind me asking what do you do? I'm always curious since truthfully the $200k/y fang jobs sometime make me think I'm the odd one out who's not gonna retire by 40. And as primarily a perl developer on a team of 2 I feel like were in our own world most of the time.

You could always just boot up a windows VM and set up a shared folder to code on Linux/test on windows if your application has issues running on Linux.

Yeah, I get the sentiment that you can't avoid bugs and I think to an extent they are inevitable at a certain point. But something like this is just negligence.

My company isn't medical or anything life threatening if something goes wrong, but a bug could cost someone a nice heap of money, in turn costing us a nice heap of money. So we have a rule to treat and test our software as if it were used in the medical industry. Although it seems like we should be aiming for a higher standard at this point.