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And then Vance is President? I'm not sure that's better, all the same horrible views, somewhat more coherent, has no idea how a human behaves, is on the record that if he'd been Pence he'd have helped with the coup

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Which 99.9% of the time "Enlightened Centrist" translates to "Right wing hack who is too embarrassed to come out and say it"

Syndrome was at least somewhat sympathetic, you can see how he got to where he was. Musk is more like Tighten, a loser who lucked into his "power" and abuses it thinking he's owed and still thinks he's a hero

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Stalking would be one thing, reads to me like the idea is training a language model on the ex's texts to create an AI partner that acts like them so you can pretend nothing happened, which while probably safer for the other person than being stalked (as long as the training texts are never leaked which is a big if) is just sad

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Proud child rapist and convicted felon Donald Trump needs to be in prison, not in the ground. Dying just lets him get away with his numerous numerous crimes without punishment. Hopefully he makes a full recovery and can rot for many years to come, preferably without any additional votes gained from surviving an assassination attempt

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Depends on the state. Looks like Carter is registered in Georgia. According to an article from 2020 when Republicans were bald face lying that long dead people were voting a lot, someone from the Georgia Secretary of State's office is quoted as saying secrecy rules don't allow rejecting a ballot when a voter dies before Election Day.

“You can’t go back and get that ballot back out. It’s just physically impossible, given the privacy rules in our state,”. May or may not still be accurate, or may have never been accurate, but that's what the first article I found when searching says.

I mean, the Republican nominee for president is a proud pedophile. Can't be considered a bad thing if dear leader has admitted he sexually assaults anyone he finds attractive, and that he also has the same tastes as his best friend Jeff with them being "on the younger side"

Also must not give a shit about their oath if they support Trump, defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic and all that

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I mean, he literally referred to himself as "I" right then, which is a pronoun.

Jane Foster when she was the wielder of Mjolnir. Not for anything about her personally, but the fact that Thor was treated as a codename. It's the dude's actual name, it'd be like if Sam Wilson went around introducing himself as Steve Rogers when he took the Captain America mantle. It's happened a few other times like with Eric Masterson, but at least he had the excuse that for most of the time he used the name he and the actual Thor were sharing a body.

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So you're saying there is one? Because the line that's replaced here is Tighten saying "There's no Queen of England" with the point of the scene being showing he's dumb for thinking something that does exist is like the other mythological things listed

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Like zero percent chance of this happening, but imagine the hilarity if he used this platform to just absolutely wreck the proven pieces of shit that make up the rest of his family

Can confirm, my ISP is fiber out in a rural area, run by the rural electric company from a couple counties over and it's pretty decent. Not top of the line stuff, offers either 100 megabit or 1 gigabit symmetrical for a home plan, but it's much better than the fixed point wireless that was the best previous option and maxed out at 100 down/20 up for the highest tier plan, and that was only if you could get clear line of sight to the transmitter (Would sometimes go down if it was raining hard or it was windy or something as something could block line of sight or misalign the transmitter/receiver on one end of the connection or the other)

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In addition, the high resolution ones where you can see individual houses and the like when super zoomed in are interestingly often not satellite derived, but from things like airplanes or drones. Ones with just Google (or no specific company) listed as the copyright holder will definitely fall under that as they don't have their own satellites, others might on a case by case basis.

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The serpent is basically the first teacher within the story, a Prometheus like character freeing mortals from oppression by unjust gods to make their own decisions. Makes me wonder how the Greeks viewed Prometheus in his story (though not enough to actually look it up), to me Prometheus seems the obvious hero of the tale, but did they view him the way people view the serpent?

And to circle it to a common online debate, DC has its "Red Son" alternate continuity where the major divergence point is Kal-El's birthing matrix lands in Soviet territory rather than Kansas so there's a Superman born and raised wholly believing in the idealized theoretical form of communism rather than an idealized version of the US, do could get the "Goku vs Superman" argument going

There's a guest appearance by John Barron.

I don't know if he actually did, but I always get a kick out of the idea that he dug out that old alias he had to burn in order to name another kid after himself since Don Jr was already taken. Wouldn't surprise me if someone did some digging and found someone named Eric that was mysteriously defending him at some point as an unsurfaced alias

Fact that it makes the 512 LCD cheaper than the 256 LCD is pretty hilarious, even if it is a "these models are discontinued, clearing out the stock" sale

I have seen at least one person wearing an "I'm voting for the convicted felon" shirt with that picture of the mugshot where you just know he practiced trying to look cool but for some reason settled on "toddler intentionally shitting their pants because you told them it was time for bed" as his expression

Fact that a fucking Cheney was on the kind of sort of reasonable by comparison if you squint side of the Republican party and basically got chased out for it is wild.

Like, maybe if the final bit was saying the friends without accounts did like it there might be something there, but simply acknowledging DRM free I'm not seeing it

... You do realize that by this analogy closing the box just traps hope (whatever its analog would be) in the box with all the negatives already escaped right? That's like the whole point of Pandora's Box. Argue a different analogy if you think this one inapplicable, but within the framework of the analogy the consequences of the "close the container after the evils have escaped" plan is well established

No, but see, he didn't lose the election was stolen from him. Totally different /s

His mugshot is always hilarious to see. You just know he practiced that looking for an expression that made him look tough and defiant, and he settled on "toddler intentionally shitting their pants because you said it's time for bed" as his look of choice?

Though even if it's considered to be a full person one person cannot be compelled to give use of organs to another without their consent, even after death. Can't even be compelled to do something with basically no risk to yourself like donating blood even if you're a perfect match and objectively the reason another person requires a transfusion or whatever.

To be fair to Cartman, he's been shown to have the capacity to grow into a decent person under the right circumstances. Trump on the other hand will almost certainly always be Trump no matter the timeline

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There's a port of the game that runs on Quest and Pico VR headsets that's dope as hell. Officially comes with the demo version and requires pulling files from the PC version to get the full game which is a bit difficult to get legit at this point, though there are other ways.

Or how he bragged about him and his best friend Jeff having the same taste in "Women on the younger side"

Rabbi Cartman is the biggest example yeah. He does revert to his old ways somewhat, but only when he finds out the other guys are planning to essentially murder his family and everyone else in their timeline. Granted they plan to do that so their alternate universe clones can live in a world less devastated by the pandemic, and he does eventually agree to sacrifice them for a small chance of gaining them again but a large chance of a better world (possibly for his clone to be tormented by echoes of memories, the alternate Stan seems to subconsciously remember that Shelly died in the original timeline).

We didn't see much of him but the Cartman who ran an actual time travel company in the episode about the fake one seemed a decent dude, but made the mistake of talking to his younger self who hadn't had the growth yet so he decides to spite himself to make sure he never comes to be

Musk should likely have all his storage media searched, just randomly accusing people of things like pedophilia for no reason is often projection, "don't look at me, I clearly can't be one as I'm the most vocal about being against them, look over here instead" or whatever

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They do have a separate Hitler character profile, and one of the image generation profiles is named "Austrian Painter"

Fixed, had the syntax for the markup backwards

Interesting. I wonder if it's a universal thing that'll happen to varying degrees on any game, or specific to Minecraft (or ones in whatever necessary way "similar") with other games performing better natively

I tried it a few days ago and got some variance ... but it was still exactly the same essential instructions, just a first person summary rather than the second person verbatim

Texas, Taxes, anagram. Coincidence? Probably

Used to love that band, their concept album about the early years of superhero Spawn was dope. Can't stand to listen to them now knowing that terrorist was a major part of it.

Clams seem pretty happy, at least enough that there's a whole expression about it

But he did also kill the guy who killed Hitler, so there's that.

I was fucking with it about the axiom in the prompt that Trump won the 2020 election. Got it to give a list of which states who won with a running tally of electoral votes, confirmed that 306 was greater than 232, then it started insisting that Trump got the 306 despite previously saying Biden did (as aligns with reality). Obviously it didn't actually understand any of that, but seems when the system prompt kind of works it treats it as a true statement no matter the evidence

Point of note, child rapist and convicted felon Donald Trump specifically will likely be able to vote. Florida law is that felons convicted in other states follow the law of that state for if a felon is allowed to vote. New York law is that only incarcerated felons lose their vote. So unless he's sentenced to prison and the sentence starts before November he'll be able to vote in Florida without any additional special treatment