1 Post – 90 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

In the end they all are Arch, Debian, RedHat

and CI/CD goes "f*ck you, no deployment today, Linter is unhappy"

Hm, just a moment, I'll put my telephone handset into the acoustic coupler real quick so I can post my contact on the bbs

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Because of excessive RAM I symlink ~/.cache to /tmp. Additionally installing zramswap helps for this scenario.

Benefits are faster access, automatc purging between reboots and no wear to the NMVe drive.

Yes, this is a single user scenario.

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sudo chmod -R 777 /

Edit: don't do this, it will allow everyone and everything to read and modify all files of all mounted filesystems, this includes your personal files, system wide passwords, config files, everything and might break the whole system as not all files are meant to have these permissions, e.g. mapped hardware settings or your ssh key store.

sudo comes with immense power, do not, under any circumstances, enter commands you found on the internet without an intense look about what they do and what their implications could be. Never sudo or doas, etc., without a strong and valid reason.

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because people might feel uncomfortable sending unnecessary personal information to another party, especially if it does not change often, like the telephone number?

If you do any code work, read this:

Robert C. Martin - Clean Code

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Don't buy trash in the first place. Better for the environment, better for your workflows.

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Open Source and Open API or bust. Simple as that for me.

Start with Debian stable (rock solid, well integrated packaging).

When you feel comfortable and have achieved some experience, switch to Debian sid (rolling release, updates very often, be a bit cautious).

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I'd be happier if they release on GOG

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Once in a while I check the installed packages for a possible dependency on GTK and when I find a program which has one, I look for an alternative to have one dependency less.

The last time I replaced simple-scan with skanlite and it is a much much better scanning program and with a more pleasant ui on top.

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"This shouldn't be necessary, but in case you got this wrong, ..."

Tics. What's their use in nature anyway?

Not OP but I switched to a FairPhone 3 as soon as it came out after my Samsung experiences. Also wanted MicroSD and Dual-SIM, replacable batteries, easy to fix, longtime support.

Still loving it ❤ FairPhone️ 3.

Back then it shipped with Android 9 and recently got Android 13. That's support.

Try Kotlin

Sorry to ask, but what is a "Microsoft Recall"?

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Why has been explained below, different drives have different capabilities regarding read buffer, error correction, etc.

There are (were) very large comparison sheets and articles where different drives and manufacturers have been compared with each other.

I chose my external USB CD-drive on the premise I could flash custom firmware to it so to keep the option of new features and enhances functionality, in case someone would do this. Like how OpenWRT came to be.

If you want to enhance the ripping quality or consistency even more you can try the program "Exact Audio Copy" (EAC) or any other sophisticated CD grabber software. It is already around for aaages, that should give you an idea how tricked out specialized software was already decades ago.

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I chuckled more than I would like to admit about that spelled out USB name, dunno, it's funny

well, 666 would '-_-'

Won't they suffocate? 🦀

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Or just use Debian sid, which effectively is Debian in a rolling variant. 🚀

apt-get install qbittorrent why would I visit their site for any reason?

And just to add - why is torrenting associated with shady stuff? Linux isos are available and download much faster over it, same for some monolithic applications like LibreOffice and other regular stuff.

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I would have chosen Debian with KDE Plasma (or with Cinnamon if you prefer that) but... close enough :)

Welcome to the herd!

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I use Sidebery and am content with it so far.

Yup. Have been running an FTP server on my Kobo Touch over its WiFi. Kinda neat.

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<:3)~ squeak

Holy Shit. And here I am, hosting my own messaging, automation and syncronization services to be independend on providers, run AI locally, do not even leave emails on the server and they pull that stunt.

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Like I said it's a cheap solution for a single user system. Ofc tmpfs would be better but has to be done for every user again

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To change all the directories to 755 (drwxr-xr-x):

find /opt/lampp/htdocs -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;

To change all the files to 644 (-rw-r--r--):

find /opt/lampp/htdocs -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;

from the article: "The DeLorean features a number of unusual construction details, including gull-wing doors, unpainted stainless-steel body panels, and a rear-mounted engine."

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Ah, "Remarkable" is a brand, never heard of them and never would have guessed as the "R" is uppercase at the start of a sentence

Check, check, check, check. Wow.

That's nice.

using systemctl poweroff adds a bit of extra round trip time...

Sooo, we heard you like plastic packaging, so we put a bag in a bag so you can oil while you kill fish and pelicans and the rest of the ocean witnessing the Great Pacific garbage patch and gulp fresh microplastic raining down from the clouds

When a "star" is actually a planet... I don't know if this is a quote but it hurt to read. Sorry to shitpost.

On content: Earth does read as the best of the four options

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FairPhone 3 user here. It's true, just updated to Android 13, came with 9.

Additionally: Micro-SD, Dual-SIM, replaceable battery, can be repaired by myself at home, cheap/fair priced replacement parts and ethically sourced ressources.

It. is. possible.

Wow, I've never seen something like this.

Is it" allowed"? I mean, there are quotas for user homes.