1 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

In Europe, the Dada (1916) and Surrealist (1920) movements began as a response to WWI. The atrocities committed during the war devastated humanity to the point where artists couldn't (or wouldn't) depict the human form, let alone realism.

Source: Art History nerd 🤓 The thing your post is trying to disparage, haha.

If this is true, the end is nigh. What kind of content do they think this will encourage? Bots and low-quality rehashings will flood the place further.

Though I guess they'll get some juicy income from requiring this information:

email addresses, personal details, and tax and bank account information.

Good riddance!

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Probably be better to refrain from slurs. There are plenty of other, better insults to choose from :)

I like that the S is a $

I'm a woman and I don't have any social media. I just don't see the value in it when the cost is tracking and ads.

Honestly, it's not great to assume that someone is "arrogant and judgmental" because they don't fit in your boxes :|

Firefox is open source, non-profit, and you can run Ublock Origin on Android. That's what made my decision for me.

Damn OP, these are hilarious-- thanks :)

Don't do drugs! Join a cult instead!
Fucking Y I K E S

"But of course, in Bedford Falls, it was always Christmas Eve."

(If there are any Red Dwarf fans)

Edit: Its probably rude for me not to leave a summary: Red Dwarf was a phenomenal BBC sci-fi comedy in the 80s. I'm referencing the book Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers wherein a game, Better than Life, leaves people festering and wasting away in reality as they're hooked up to a headset living a virtual utopia.

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Only one of those is physically addictive, and the withdrawal can kill ya.

When I was a kid, I thought the lyrics "there's a bad moon on the rise" were, "there's a bathroom on the right".. 😂

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I am also trying DDG app tracker out. This is what I got after opening Simcity Buildit. Not really surprised, because Fuck EA, but some of the requests might be the linking of account. Still, 930-- damnnnnn.

excruciatingly long list with many corporations

I believe it happens on mobile b/c they are trying to force people to use their godforsaken app. Clicking desktop view bypasses the tomfoolery.

Oof, source shit OP!

Ugh, really? I hate the reboot/sequel cashgrabs of Sacred Eighties Shows 🥺 I'm scared to look up who will befoul the legacy of Keaton, Ryder, and Davis.

A non-USian, even I was dismayed when the results said Boebert won by 546 votes. Hopefully that's a motivator for next time.

Edit: It's Keaton, Ryder, and O'Hara. Fuckin Burton playing to my nostalgia; still feels like impending disappointment.

We are considered a micro-generation they have dubbed Xennials 1977-1983

Xennials are described as having had an analog childhood and a digital young adulthood.

I'm super tired and thought for a millisecond that was going to say CLIPPY.

Haha, but if we do, they will follow in a gross and painful fashion: In Canada, 83% of the population received at least one dose. I believe we are 39M 40M now (lol, I was sleeping).

So 6,800,000 gonna keep the electricity going; grow and process food; and perform medical procedures? --Oh wait, all the medical people are dead. Speaking of dead, there aren't any firemen to dispose of the 33,200,000 bodies! Damn, biohazard everywhere. I'm assuming their edjumacashun didn't be gud, so I'm not hopeful of their prospects for rebuilding, but I suspect rage will take out who is left before it gets to that point anyways.

Edit: Math is hard

Stoned me read boob light and was like, 'oh ya'. But I gotta make sure, we mean like image of a dome light cover with a protruding "nipple" at it's highest point-- making it breast-like in appearance.

(image of a dome light cover with a protruding "nipple" at it's highest point-- making it breast-like in appearance.)

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But for people using YouTube to follow textile patterns, photoshop tutorials, repairs, etc. needing to pause frequently while still seeing the full screen is a big deal 😬

I use Ublock Origin and Firefox/DDG's "view here", so I think I'm safe..

Edit: Also, Google is greedy af, so it's def cumulative with existing ads; the article doesn't say otherwise.

You are really good at giving a bollocking

Sync coming to Lemmy was announced on the 20th. I was on Kbin, but I came over here when I saw that, so maybe that was a wee push?

Definitely. I mean if there's a threat of death by going out, I'll likely pee my pants. Good to know where the bathroom is!

My understanding is that they aren't enforceable. Also, Ontario has a ban since 2021.

While I agree lootboxes are shite, and was dismayed when they brought them in, you can have them turned off in PoE if you have a compulsive/gambling issue (email support and they disable the purchase). Also, anything in a lootbox goes to the shop after the league ends, so you can just purchase the item. They also give a crap tonne of skins as challenge rewards for leagues, so you always be stylin'.

As for difficulty-- it has a steep learning curve! But once you get your sea legs (and later, Path of Building; free, community run) it's impossible to go back to something like Diablo, imo. The intricacy and constant new leagues are the only reasons I'm still playing it seven years later :)

Thank you. I left Twitter when the petulent child took over, but I lament not being able to read local emergency info. I'll check these out.

It's cyrillic. Makes the sound "j" or "dz".

It only happens when you access a reddit link from mobile without a default app to open reddit. They are trying to force the shite app on everyone, which is amusing b/c all it does is make me give LJ more energy

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

It should just ask if you want to continue in [browser], but I think reddit flagged any posts about apps to have this popup/last ditch attempt.

PSA: get past it by clicking "desktop view".

Don't you have to ^add ^^more ^^^carets?

Edit: Damn, that's small 😂
Edit, edit: or did I just get old?

It's more comedy.

Thanks, I'll have a listen :)

Thanks, I'll check it out :)

I will have a listen, thanks :)

I'll have a look at your link/list, thanks :) FF clears everything when I close it (intentional) and I have YouTube history off. I really don't know how I lost my bookmarks, haha.

It was June last year, and I was high, so I just know it was instrumental from this channel's playlist, sorry: (I think the twitch account is defunct now.)

Image: Twitch profile: Reddark_247

I have to mention the single game I know of that doesn't follow the model. Path of Exile is completely F2P, all microtransactions are purely cosmetic. Some argue you need to purchase more stash tabs than the base four the game comes with, but I think if you're playing enough to need more tabs, it may be worth it to buy.

For me, I wanted to supports the devs, so I have a ridiculous amount of skins, pets, and portals from supporter packs, which have no bearing on your character's power or progress.

And there is a new league/expansion every three months for free. That's why it's been kicking Diablos arse for quality for years.

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I found out today that Sync for Reddit developer, LJ, is making an app for Lemmy, so I made an account here. (I've been on Kbin since the strike started.)