2 Post – 98 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

My head canon for the kids anime film Penguin Highway is that the plot is about a visitation by >3 dimensional beings. Adventures in flatland, but we’re living in flatland.

Gonna need you to take about 20% off the top there Dashie.

DMs containing the identities of spies and assets.

He also managed to wriggle away from multiple rape charges in Sweden by waiting out the statute of limitations.

Heroes and villains alike have complex legacies.

But the slaves' emancipation was right around the corner in 1865, approximately 124 years prior to the release of Belgian techno anthem Pump Up the Jam.

A high quality version of the map can be found at the bottom of this PDF:

And here's a screenshot of the high-res map:

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I have no earthly clue what world economists are living in where the labor market is great.

I've been looking for a job for over a year (in tech, over a dozen years as an SDE, a dozen more as a TPM, lead role in both titles). Whenever I can get an employer to actually respond to the hundreds of applications I send, their salary offerings are a joke.

Are people just out there taking 20% - 30% haircuts on what they make?

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I worked for Akamai for 7 years.

This is why, if your CDN infra is core to the operation of your business, you make your systems accommodate multi-CDN integration. Cutting one CDN off shouldn't be significantly difficult, and it comes in handy during contract negotiations. All the major players work this way.

Three cheers for Evergreen for taking the protest demands seriously and saying "Yeah, ok, that sounds fine." So everybody went home.

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These are legitimate challenges that activitypub faces. I’m glad that they’re popping up like this so they can be observed, mitigated and planned for in the future.

The original photo is here is a pale imitation. The OG you're looking for is The Rollercoaster by Anatex Enterprises (of Los Angeles, CA).

Five unique, color differentiated wires of balls out, rail-riding, gravity-driven wooden bead mayhem. Though the blue wire barely counts. Its banal path is curt and uninspired; clearly an afterthought in both design and execution. F-tier. Green and orange make the entire experience worth it though.

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The current generation of the ford mustang Mach-e has its mobile telemetry cellular antenna wired to an isolated fuse that you can just pull out to kill it. I was astonished to learn how straight forward the process is supposed to be.

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citation needed

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NPR does maintain a number of good RSS feeds ( ), which are being simulcasted onto Mastodon by They are doing this for a ton of news organizations:

I suspect this was a "do it or we'll categorize Mozilla products as malicious software" situations. But some transparency from Mozilla would be nice.

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Pretty much everyone in this thread needs to go read Ryan North's book "How to Invent Everything: A Survival Guide for the Stranded Time Traveler".

Or, if you don't have time, just print this out and keep it with you at all times:

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Here’s what I could pull off that dumpster fire of a website:



Rachel Maddow said that the Republican Party is the only institution that can pull the plug on Trump, which is why the former president is testing them by invoking Hitler.

Maddow said:

There’s no bar association to yank his law license. There’s no radio or TV network to say we’re not hosting your show anymore. What is the institution here that decides this is on their patch? What is the institution here that decides that you can never espouse things like this and also be part of them and also represent them?

There is only one. It’s his political party. Which when he is running to be the Republican nominee for president of the United States, means he’s contending to lead that party. While promising he will build camps it hold millions of people in this country and use the military against American civilians at home in America and his political opponents are vermin who will be crushed and exterminated. That is the test here. That — he’s not running as an independent. He’s not running as the trump for president candidate.

He’s running as the Republican, he wants to be the Republican nominee for president. So that is the only institution, the institution that is be tested here. This is him testing the political party that he says he’s going to lead. Testing them now. One year out from the election, to see what they will tolerate as an institution. Which means every single member of that party will now have to answer whether this is who they are, whether this is hot they stand for, whether this is the cause of their party.

We know from history that a country under threat does not stand up for itself with some kind of civic objection that just redounds to the country at large. In real life, a country under threat stands up for itself when the institutions that make up the civic and political life of the country stand up and say what they’re for and what they can no longer stand for.


Rachel Maddow was correct. At this point, Trump is intentionally invoking Hitler and Mussolini because he is testing the Republican Party to see if it will go all in with him on his fascism. Trump is trying to find out if he can transform one of the two major political parties in the United States into a fascist movement. In the fall of 2024, Democrats could stop Trump and his fascists from taking over the country, but there is a very specific reason for why Trump is using this rhetoric now.

Donald Trump has taken over the Republican Party. The next step is to turn the former party of Lincoln and Reagan into an anti-democracy authoritarian movement,

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I’m genuinely disappointed that Asbestos Cafe is basically forbidden now. That’d be a solid name for a hardcore alcoholic vegan bar. is here to save just a thimble-full of the magic:

Read the article.

Machine learning and interpretative output are tools; just like the automobile, the spreadsheet and photoshop.

The introduction of new tools means there will be fewer people manually doing the things that machines can do more efficiently. The introduction of digital spreadsheets decimated the market for paper bookkeepers, but the need for accountants (people who could utilize the new tools) exploded.

I don’t know enough about modern animation production to speak authoritatively about this, but I’m imagining Katzenberg is talking about jobs like inbetweeners and other kinds of admittedly skilled labor that can be lazily farted out by machines. No QA for lazy productions, QA and varying levels of tweaks for high production value work, and all-by-hand for only the most rare auteur works. And most animated works are in that “lazy production” category. It’s gonna look like shit, everyone who cares will notice, but most of the people buying won’t care.

What this also means is that money will stop flowing to high-manual-effort works. The real creative, ground breaking stuff is going to come from either people utilizing the new tools in new ways, or old established artists who refuse to change (Miyazaki, Bill Plympton, Yuri Norstein & Francheska Yarbusova, etc).

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  1. He does not walk free. He’s also been convicted of rape and other charges in California, which the judge ruled his time served in NY wouldn’t affect. So he goes to California prison.

  2. The appeals court ruled that he gets a new trial in New York. That will take a while, and cost a lot, but he’s not getting away scott free (yet).

In all, this is yet another symbol of the multi-tiered system of justice that the rich and powerful face vs the rest of us. We all get as many shots at freedom as we can afford - and the rich can afford a lot more than most.

The power of our justice system can be measured by how resilient it is at withstanding a perpetual assault by a well funded criminal.

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What’s most interesting to me is how Oklahoma! is an utterly poisonous production from the get-go. Every character is a self-absorbed jerk. Judd Fry asks a girl to a dance who only agrees as a ruse to punish the protagonist, who then literally tries to convince the dude to kill himself. The entire show is fucked up.

Any director who isn’t doing something subversive with the content has their head up their own ass. But hey, it’s Texas. 🙃

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Yeah, tech. Updated my original comment to clarify.

Honestly, the bit from the article that rang most accurate was this:

Lastly, it's possible that many Americans think the Bureau of Labor Statistics's job opening figures are overstated. For example, some job seekers have reported encountering "ghost jobs" — listings on job platforms that companies are no longer actively hiring for.

I've been keeping track of the roles I've gone after (well within qualification for) and I'm seeing a lot of re-listings for roles that closed out my application (with no outreach) and just relisted the req after a few weeks, over and over again.

I'm not saying the listings are fake, but if they were fake, this is pretty much what it would look like from the outside.

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I was a Hey user from the beginning until I learned about how they treat their employees.

I ditched my account immediately.

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Better make sure we party extra hard, then.

Looks like it was in an episode of The Leftovers, which is absolutely a fine show to have oneself a credit on. Damon Lindelof getting his groove back.

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…and now it’s his turn in the box.

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Gender affirming care is professionally administered interventions that help a person live an affirmed life as the gender they most identify with.

In practical terms, it's a giant-ass flow chart with a bunch of different questions and options that end in a wide array of care options that properly guided individuals and either partake of, or not. Everything from talk therapy, to puberty blockers, to hormone replacement therapy, to physical surgeries on their genitals, to adding or removing breast mass, to changing the configuration of their face. Whatever makes sense to the individual.

I started paying attention to this stuff back when Dolby Pro Logic was new, which was a pretty clever way to get surround effects using only left and right audio channels. Left and right channels went directly to the front left and right speakers, but it also compared wave forms coming from the left and right channels. Any wave forms that matched got sent to the center channel (like most on-screen dialog) and any that mismatched got sent to the rear surround speakers (noise, ambience, etc). It wasn't perfect by any measure, but it was a pretty clever hack.

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What methods are being used to measure browser market share? Are those methods inclusive of Firefox users utilizing privacy-forward tools and ad blockers? If not, then Firefox market share may not necessarily be dwindling.

Then again, if Mozilla's revenue stream is aligned with the world of advertising, Firefox users who strive to make themselves invisible to advertisers are being written-off outright by Mozilla. The population of browser market share is only counting those who advertisers can influence - nobody else matters.

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No shit… these are like old Chuck Norris facts:

the priest of Apollo gave Pythagoras a magic arrow, which he used to fly over long distances and perform ritual purifications

A fragment from Aristotle records that, when a deadly snake bit Pythagoras, he bit it back and killed it.

he once convinced a notoriously destructive bear to swear that it would never harm a living thing again, and that the bear kept its word

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Should I just be like surprise me and provide a rough understanding of what I want.

I would advise not doing that.

Start poking around on Pinterest or some other sites. Find a photo of what you want, show it to them and ask “can you make it look like this?”

Photo references are 100x better than verbal descriptions. And it’s wise to not say “surprise me” to a stylist you don’t know very very well.

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I feel you. I genuinely do.

In my experience, most people making online content (youtube, tiktok) are simply showing-off techniques that work for them. That's MUCH different than teaching a technique. Teaching would involve understanding of how other faces are shaped and showing/describing how one given technique can be applied in other use cases (or when it's not advised at all).

I'm still a struggling beginner, but the thing I'm focusing on right now is getting a firm handle on the fundamentals: good subtle foundation application, simple eyeshadow/eyeliner combos, brows, blush and lips. Contouring comes later. EVERYTHING else comes later.

One resource that I really liked was the online classes that Melissa Murdick runs, . I'm not sure if she's still running her beginners classes, but these were legitimately helpful for me, taught at the right pace and sticking to core principles that work for trans femme faces.

Good luck!

This article does not make clear whether or not the new board will remain committed to its non-profit position.

I presume that’s what this whole sordid affair is all about, but no one is saying it.

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Come on, Artax!

Either a deviated septum or nasal polyps.

Depending on how the original poster gets their health care (either by referral or direct outreach), they will want to find a good Otolaryngologist.

I had the same issue. The problem got so bad that I temporarily lost my ability to smell. Two surgeries later and I’m a-ok.

This very much calls for a TV series rather than a film I think.

Call up the people who made Hilda.

The hypocrisy never seems to really land: “There are two genders” is a tough pill to swallow from someone who believes in Hinduism.

Fun fact: In Hindu society, people of non-binary gender expression have played important roles for over 2000 years.

Thin steel frame, no air bags, no crumple zones.

Check out the crash tests:

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Show me your “There is no war in Ba Sing Se!” face.