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Joined 12 months ago

Ever seen or listened to 1 Giant Leap?



Bersuit Vergarabat


Mulatu Astatke

You can find lots more in my playlist library.

How could I forget Cesaria Evora?!

Very, very nice. Thanks.


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Best delay announcement ever.

The same Bayer of IG Farben that tested drugs on unwilling human subjects under the Nazis & elected "Fritz ter Meer, convicted of war crimes for his actions at Auschwitz,... to Bayer AG’s supervisory board in 1956, a position he retained until 1964."

I've had the displeasure of using a Roku TV while put up by insurance since a truck drove into our garage in January, after a couple hotel stays.

I'm sure it's a few years old but there can't be more than 8mb of RAM.

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Pass me my towel.


I... nevermind...

Note, Perplexity is less than objectionable without subscribing.

Boom! Boom… boom… BoomkaBOOM… Kaboom… BOOM!… boom.boom.BOOM! KABOOM! KABLOOEY! boom.. BOOM!…BOOM!…BoomKABOOM!…boom… *Continues for 8 minutes Boom… boom… boom… BOOM! *Fire crackle

Not yet but it’s on my list.

Have you heard of Earl Nightingale’s The Strangest Secret?


Unfortunately all but feeed, which is not terrible, are subscription based & therefore banes of existence.

Crazy. What are the odds?

Either Combat or Pitfall on Atari 2600.

Blew my toddler mind. Which happened again the following year when Santa delivered an NES for Christmas with Super Mario & Duck Hunt.

I have a minor in religious studies because belief in things outside science seemed ridiculous.

Then, a couple years ago I was walking my dog with my wife talking about Huitzilopochtli & a hummingbird flew from the top of a giant redwood to about a foot from my face, flew in a perfect square 7 times, then back to the top.

Then I was under a sycamore tree at the Rosicrucian temple in San Jose meditating on Hathor & inadvertently copied a statue of Plato when I tried to clean a cobweb off it with a walking stick & a single leaf fell gently to the exact middle of my feet.

Then I was driving & thinking about getting a tattoo of Horus when a falcon began flying next to my head outside my driver’s side window for about 5 seconds, flew past my windshield, perched on a freeway sign & watched me drive off.

I could go on but the gist is I always said I couldn’t believe unless I had concrete proof & now I have concrete proof.

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