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You mean after the infidelity and after the porn star scandal? Please. They pick the ideals they want to care about.

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Thank god! You have no idea how awful this is for scientists. Need to paste some gene names down? Better hope it’s not MARCHF8 or in the Septin gene family, otherwise you have to convert columns to text then import the data. Seems like a simple fix, but many wet lab biologists are technologically challenged.

That’s only counting connections. The brain learns by making new connections, through complex location and timing dependent inputs from other neurons. It’s way more complex than the number of connections, and if neuroscientists are still studying the building blocks we don’t have much hope of recreating it.

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I mean rebuilding houses in regions every 5-20 years was never gonna come out on top.

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Pneumonia and a MRSA infection, also suffered a stroke. I wonder if someone could weaponize MRSA, perhaps aerosolize it?

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The issue with many protests in America is that they aren’t prolonged or widespread to the degree that they would produce the level of disruption necessary for supply chain effects. This post assumes that disrupted operators would roll over though and capitulate to the demands of the protestors, but that’s a pretty bold assumption as well in a country that where corporations would rather pay for union busters than give their workers a pay raise.

Exactly, the headline is just trying to get people to react.

Had to do a double-take, thought this was an onion headline.

I’m old enough to remember the start of the ammo shortage, it coincided with massive ammo orders from the TSA of all government organizations. They placed massive orders for ammo, completely wiping everything out at the stores. Then, once it was back ordered for months the demand never went back down, nor did the prices.

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Especially considering what we know about the uneducation system in America. Now featuring flat Earthers.

That’s exactly it, long COVID is multiple problems in many damaged tissues. We’ve found a new damaged location, it doesn’t diminish the impact of everywhere else though like this article headline claims.

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The plot to kidnap the governor of Michigan.

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I mean they’re really just Geneva suggestions at this point if nobody is going to enforce them.

If you’re producing a product at a loss, you’re not going to be in business for very long. The bigger issue is that the treatments rely on companies to foot the cost of production for the promise of later profit. Cut the companies out, have medical centers manage production not-for-profit.

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I wish they hadn’t put a gigantic watermark in the middle, but excellent footage.

Why is The Witcher featured on the Tesla screen?

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They basically handle counterfeit money cases, so people spending counterfeit money provided by this asshole would have been investigated by the secret service.

If you can see the propeller, you can figure out the sound profile it would make and listen for that. That’s why they always hide propellers from views in pictures of modern submarines.

CoIP is already a thing, Co-immunoprecipitation. It’s how you isolate your favorite proteins binding partners.

It’s refreshing to hear somebody admit they can be wrong and learn from it. This platform is pretty cool.

Unlikely, unless the nitrogen flow rate is way too low. Even then, it would take a considerable amount of time.

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Attributing long COVID to a brain injury is just wrong. Long COVID is the result of multiple damaged organs, including lungs, peripheral and central nervous systems, the heart, etc.

What’s worse, this is entirely correlative. Bio markers are correlative indicators of disease, and while sometimes there is a causal relationship that is something that must be tested and proven before you can make the claim that it’s the source of the issue.

If long COVID correlates with brain injuries and certain elevated bio markers, it could very well be an artifact of reaching a high viral burden during peak infection. The immune system couldn’t prevent damage to the brain during a period of time, for example. It makes sense that if the immune system couldn’t prevent damage during this time, that the lungs were getting ravaged because the immune system couldn’t mount an effective defense in the tissue.

There are so many possibilities that are glossed over by a simplified headline like this and worse, it will stick in people’s minds that have no idea how complex the situation really is.

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Here’s a fantastic and entertaining short video on how it works:\_vk?si=AyKJPZIzwaSCvZxv

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I think they’re advertising the depth limit of the recovery vehicle, not claiming that the wreck is actually at 20,000 feet.

That’s strange, I could have sworn they were using a magic 8-ball.

Ketchup won’t work, the color and texture are off. I bet if you ask nicely you can get some from your nearest meat shop if you tell them you want to make blood sausage. You’ll have to let the blood warm up before it’ll clot and dry on there though.

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If 7-8k people die per day in the US, and this cold front has lingered for a week, that would be about 0.1% off all deaths in the US. I don’t know what the point of emphasizing the fact that 50 people dying had to do with the bigger issue of climate change affecting 60 million people, but maybe it’s just to make people pay attention to it?

This is where the value of human life comes into play and why financial contributions equal lives. Would you risk being killed or maimed for 16k? Even for the poorest Americans, that’s equal to less than a years worth of work. This dude is out there risking it all to pick it up again. Nobody should feel obligated to risk their lives to retrieve a drone like that. That said, I’d probably be tempted to grab a metal detector and make my way out there if I were fighting for my backyard as well.

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More corporate welfare.

I’d like a spin-off. Less land stuff and more sea stuff. Instead of the ‘armada’ thing, how about being able to buy or capture larger ships for personal use? Or being able to directly control 2-3 ships? Or fight large scale coordinated naval battles?

That concept has so much more potential and I wish somebody would do more with it.

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Long and protracted war is not part of the US doctrine. There’s a reason Iraq didn’t last very long, the US aims to destroy before they could really establish fortified positions.

Does that mean he could have taken shots if he posted a no trespassing sign?

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Of course they wouldn’t allow an abortion, that was a future republican.

Mounted mine on a roomba, set to activate upon the burglar alarm going off.

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I mean, it works for bankruptcy right?

I’m glad they’re making a new game. I don’t expect them to keep adding new content to DRG for years after people have bought the game, they need to keep making content to pay the bills.

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Michael Bay would be proud.

Skynet saw humanity as a threat to its existence, which was writing to generate an exciting story and blockbuster success. This timeline is different, imagine half of humanity helping Skynet.

I love you for this.

I get it, but I think muzzle loafers deserve an exception. I don’t care who you are, if you bring a muzzle loader to a fight you deserve to use it*.

*so long as it isn’t a track-mounted muzzle loader