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Joined 11 months ago

I do SEO as my day job.

I've only ever done white hat, and it's all about content relevance to user intent, creating a site that loads quickly and functions in an intuitive way, and is coded so that search engines can easily understand the site.

Of course the goal is almost always to get you to buy something, but all it really is is best practices for online publishing.


I think it's a cautionary tale against forcing women to have kids.

We need access to birth control, healthcare (including abortion), sex education, and quality education.

These horrible things cannot be hidden, just like war images shouldn't be hidden. This is reality and we can't turn a blind eye. We have to address real shit that happens in the real world to learn from it and get better. Or at least face the reality of the things we force people into.

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Drumsticks are superior

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Because no one agreed to pay that when they were ordering. Imagine being a on budget for a night out and getting this extra charge outta nowhere

If there was a way to do this, assault and rape survivors would have already used it to be able to come forward with their experiences (per your example).

This would have happened long before businesses had to worry about public perception on the Internet.

I def recommend a book called "so you've been publicly shamed"

It goes over how quickly things online get out of hand, how we used to publicly shame people 100s of years ago until we realized it was cruel and unusual punishment.

(Don't get me wrong, we should def shame alt right racists and push them back into their hidey holes)

Honestly we need more education and emphasis on critical thinking skills. Until then, we're all at the mercy of the dumbest among us with an Internet connection

“No bad mugshots,” Dedmon added in another text. The other deputies understood what he meant: They had the green light to use “excessive force” on areas of a person’s body that would not be captured in a mugshot, prosecutors said.

I agree with the person I'm responding to. It's worse than you think, go read the article

You're not supposed to eat any of those things on any regular basis. Those are def cheat meals to eat sparingly when you've planned to go a little crazy with your diet

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The argument I keep seeing against fast food being too expensive is "use the app! It's cheaper". Fuck that. I bought frozen junk food and an air fryer. McDonald's can keep their 15$ meals*

*Disclaimer that I don't actually know how much a meal is these days, but I know it's gone way up. Also, I do still buy from McD when I need to shit out a hangover. Sue me.

How many dudes on dating apps say they're "not into politics" because they know admitting they're conservative will diminish their dating pool?

Women know better than to only listen to words. They've been trained to watch for actions as well.

I fucking hope so? Tf else do these exist

It's heartbreaking to see happen with y'all. We're a mess, PLEASE LEARN FROM US!

religious right wingers are dangerous AF. Don't let religious folk skate by on some "we're persecuted" shit.

They know what they're doing, don't treat them with kid gloves like we did in the US

I don't think lack of SEO is the issue. There's just not enough content and brand/domain authority to get results from here high in SERPS.

There might be something fediverse related that would affect performance in search, but I'm not knowledgeable enough about this setup to speak to it.

I think it's just lack of content, general awareness/interest, and longevity that's keeping Lemmy low in search

I didn't keep up with this at all (I'm from across the pond) and I wondered why Brexit was even thought up in the first place.

It's so sad to see conservatives fucking things up over there too.

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And all the Trump kids

Jesus, it's like they want you to order online from a third party instead of paying them.

It seemed intentional

You want an argument in favor of not letting consumers repair things they've purchased?

Value in tradition? What traditions are these people valuing?

Is there an instruction manual on blocking/adding communities? I'm on Sync

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If the source of the article is suspect, where is the research by tech firms with a vested interest in cloud and communication platforms publishing counter studies?

Probably swimming in their Scrooge McDuck piles of cash since WFH became more widespread?

It's the landlords losing money and the owner/C-suites not being able to see their minions in one place that are pumping out these articles.

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As long as you're not trying to force others into the office to entertain you, enjoy the other in-the-office folk :)

Your inability to focus at home and need for forced socialization should not be imposed on anyone else

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Ha the shared kitchen responsibilities is such a good call.

Damn we were putting up with so much bullshit in the office

Where's the line drawn tho? So many things can be classified as politics

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It's the Trump supporters that are frothing at the mouth for any reason to shoot someone.

Trump is probably safe from vigilante justice

... States rights to do what?

You have to admit the language used in your last paragraph is pretty telling

You don't think it's weird that they've been wasting so much energy on this and nothing has come out?

I'd check his post history before engaging. He's trying to rebuild a spammy, dishonest right wing space in Lemmy.

He's free to do so, but it's just going to bring in trolls, bots, bad faith arguments, and extreme posting to sell shit.

I get that it's inevitable, but let's be careful what we're encouraging.

I could see myself doing the same, but I only browse mobile. Without a decent app, it's just not happening.

However, Lemmy now feels like the super early days of Reddit and I don't want to give that up.

Just real conversations, normal comments, none of the repeated Reddit jokes in every thread, and minimal right wing trolling

Please do this, for science!

That third one is just fancy talk for cancer

Can you do it at home? Or do you need to go to a salon?

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I'm not reading all that. Is it really a whole ass thing and not something simple like "he scooped pudding into his dumb face with his sausage fingers instead of using a spoon"

Do you really not see that's how women are typically treated in movies? They're just there to be arm candy to the men, don't have real personality or depth, and just exist to make the men feel good about themselves.

It's just funny to watch dudes get so riled up about how kens are treated, especially when at the end the Kens do get their own story arc. Unlike how women are treated in nearly all movies.

I don't think they're supposed to be "good guys".

I thought we needed to rewrite them instead of deleting for some reason

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When Kens ask just for a bit of equality at the end, they are shut down and given some unimportant appeasement as a joke.

The movie is calling this out on purpose. It's how women are currently treated in western society.

You still use toilet paper. Except now it's just for drying

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Thanks for the rec, this pod looks very interesting!

I went through the same thing, but I think it was multiple for 50. Total.

However, it was college loan money and I thought that would be too irresponsible to spend 50 on something like that.
