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Joined 12 months ago

Lurking around!

Where can i get this waste .my linux pengiun will love it🤩.but it saddens me that people relay on windows so much.

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Buddy i am here to avoid the lizardman and dont want him anywhere near me. Free software always has been an alternative to corprates and never a replacement. In the name of evangalic fediverse we should not give up our freedom. And above all this whill become like the trade agreement between Hati and the US.

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He's just asking for a friend. Dont bother him and awnser the dammn question👽👽

Bro is there a fediverse alternative to discord with voice chat and msging etc pkg

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Hope the CIA has a plan to support the assination of putin cuz these bois arent gonna stop here. Give them hell

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I am an Indian and right leaning at that. I still think he is a Bad choice both for the US and global stablity and peace

Man i love floris board. It has so well thoughtout features .the only thing that i am missing is the suggesitons <-

Good thing for the children but we all know why its being done XD. Anyway the Chinese will not allow any outside companies to get a foothold in china but want all free markets for themselves. And their neo-nazi expantionist policies( one china policy why not one english empire policy? Or great mangolia policy)

Dude am typing this on my neighbors wifi XD. Btw they left the 5ghz band public so have been using it for the past 1 year or so. Lol its quite fast too!

TSA:what are you hiding sir.
Me:nothing : o.
TSA:(Boink! Boink!)sir stop resisting! This is standard procedure.(Boink! Boink!)

Context please (Not American)?

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Noice! Btw isnt there a invinceble webseries on prime? Wouldnt that be a copyright infringment as the names are way too similar

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ads are really annoying arent they. What do you use on ur mobile device, the experience is quite limited there(hate those redirects to ad sites when you try to click any thing)

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The fediverse isnt a competition and nor we we should try to replace gaint companies(even tho that it would be great) rather stay as a free alternative to those platforms.

Man! I dont know what our IT ministry is smoking but Censorship has become their goto to ruin their reputaion and show of their lack of IT knowledge.

This is the way!

So its an anti-corperate protest by the people by vandalising their ads . Thanks for the answer :)

Am getting the all ads(but skipable) on brave too

Hoxx vpn for those spicy and not allowed sites

I know that facebook will not rip you off your freedom just as windows wont stop you from removing or uing your computer. None the the less they will have significamt impact on the fediverse for good or bad and their influence might affect in someway we cannot predict.

Kid u havent seen the naxalites. How do u think they work in india and dont worry china isnt usa to stand on ideals the support pak for a reason. First know the geo politics from diffrent perspectives

Ya see op is a leftist too XD no wonder its a leftist propaganda in here.

I don't know about google but being a free used doent change that you are a coustmer and that you will be affected by it. If you go to a public collage and you are getting a free education ,then arent you allowed to question the authorities?. Other than that the journalist is in the wrong too.

One can argue the morality of a governement but a mob who are protesting aganist oppression oppress andd kill one individual.. now thats animilistic behaviour in their mentality

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That doesnt make me wrong leftie

Dude its not just the CCP man even the nationalist party of taiwan have similar policy for expantion but we may never know they would have done if they were in power

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Definetly worth the collatral and the casulties. Hiering a hitman doesent make you inoccent.

Buddy I wanna ask where do you live? Probably in a first world country, if so u havent seen nothing in India in reality. Terrorist from terror house pak, hive of afgan, militants trained and supported by china and not to mention the internal religious divide. They use anything and everything. U leftist fucks dont shit and repeat the same headline as the biased news channel in ur suburban house 0?

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