12 Post – 152 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Am I the only one who thinks it's rude to just ask someone for a hit off a joint like that? Been to lots of festivals and shows, and been offered plenty of things, but never once thought to go ask someone for a piece of whatever they are enjoying. Seems pretty presumptuous to me? Maybe it's more common in other parts of the world though.

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Is the law he broke stupid? Yes. Is he stupid for breaking the law on stage? Yes.

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This is absolutely horrifying to read about from so many angles. Perhaps most disgusting is the movie coming out. Props to the author for showing some insight and willingness to admit fault. So many people are seemingly unable to admit wrong doing.

Damn, i love beehaw

Thanks for putting this together and taking the time and energy to get our feedback.

I say no to bots. I see the utility in some of them, but beehaw is only one instance, and I'd love to keep it an instance that I know is full of actual people. Makes me want to engage in conversation much more. Besides, if you want a bot filled experience you can engage in one of the instances that allow bots. If bots are allowed, I want them to be very clearly labeled. I want to know in one glance if I'm speaking to a bot.

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Read the article before posting please. This is a serious and complex issue.

I have struggled this time to engage with some of my friends. I have learned that many of them are not as supportive of oppressed people as they claimed to be. Tribalism is a deep current in the human psyche. I think the author does a good job of laying out some of my thoughts. Particularly, about the pressure that social media engaged people feel to declare things as if they were tiny heads of state.

I love my friends, but the fact is, they are incredibly underqualified and undereducated on these issues, as am I, and most people. This doesn't mean we shouldn't have opinions on these things, but making these opinions in such absolutist "I'm going to end this friendship if we don't agree" way doesn't help. I have never once heard them speak about Israel and Palestine, and all of the sudden they can't stop pontificating. Social media makes some people so self obsessed they can't help themselves from seeking the validation they get from seeing their words on a screen.

In more aggressive terms, I don't need to know your opinions on geopolitics Becky. The last time I saw you, you were doing lines of what you hoped was coke that you got from a stranger dressed as a unicorn. I don't trust you to watch my houseplants.

At any rate, saying Palestine should be free is not antisemitism. Free Palestine!

You could hear this family coming a mile away

I'm all for voting in younger representatives but I would never in a million years vote for a 22 year old. Or a racist for that matter. But the most shocking part to me is his age. Like, 22 year olds have not been alive long enough to develop any kind of meaningful wisdom. I'm only 36 so my wisdom is only just developing and I look back on all the 22 year olds I knew when I was 22 and holy shit do not put any of those people in charge of important decisions.

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What a true badass. I admire not only her conviction, but her persistence and brains to shut down these fanboys of war.

Stay defederated. On top of all the great points already made, I don't understand people demanding instances behave a certain way. If you don't like the way this instance is handled go find another one.

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Beehaw is such a special effort. I am so regretful that people have to be subjected to the darkest parts of humanity in order to protect the beehaw project. I don't need images. If that is the necessary course of action, then so be it.

Most importantly, I am so sorry to you as one human to another. I'm sorry you saw that. I'm sorry humans are hurting each other like that. And I'm sorry that your good faith efforts have been taken advantage of.

I pay $20 to watch a mediocre rehashed superhero movie for 2 hours. I can absolutely pay $60 or $70 for something that gives me 10 hours of entertainment. And most games I pickup give me way more than 10 hours. So I find gaming to be worth it pretty much all the time.

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Prep ingredients before you cook, and clean as you go. Makes the whole process more focused and more enjoyable. And if you clean as you go, after meal clean up is a breeze.

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As a massive Destiny fan, I was around for all of that as it happened. So so so glad to hear this is how it turned out. These kind of people need to be made examples of, and I hope he has a miserable time trying to recover.

I'm part of that wave, stoked to be here! Thanks for all you and the team do maintaining a killer instance like beehaw!

Yay! We need so much more of this. Our local lesbian bar is one of the best places to be, period.

Had a busy weekend, my brother was in town with his family so spent the last 48 hours with them. Love them, but they are pretty exhausting lol. This week at work is looking to be pretty chill, so all in all, not bad. Hope everyone has a fantastic week ahead!

Read the article folks. This is very different from covid, and they had a similar outbreak in 2019. Sounds like it's something to do with their food sanitation practices?

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It's about as annoying as young people abandoning any and all punctuation entirely. The amount of people that will write an entire paragraph and not use a single period is obscene. If you can't bother to organize your thoughts in the most minimal way, I'm going to assume you have nothing of worth to say and just won't read it. And frankly, if what you're saying is so boiler plate you don't need punctuation, then you really don't have anything to add, so probably just shouldn't.

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Beehaw is wonderful and I will follow wherever it ends up. I have another lemmy account, and accounts on other sites for when I'm looking for memes and nonsense.

When people ask for source, it's usually in response to a fringe claim that is not well documented. This is not that. It has been well documented and discussed in the last 5 to 10 years and there are plenty of sources available with a little bit of searching. I have a hard time believing you are asking in good faith.

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Lots of voices saying the same thing I'm about to say, but I really want to pile on so you know many of us mean it...Please take care of yourselves mod team! You have created the best place on the internet, and deserve lots of time to rest and revel in your hard work.

I hope we as a community can do enough to make those bad actors feel like it is a waste of time to engage with us.

Im the sole IT guy at a non profit. I could probably have a movie playing, but if power shell is open I'm covered. It's hilarious and glorious.

I liked the article a lot and it made many great points. Especially about school lunch and public transportation allowing for a more active, therefore healthy, society. However, when I visited I noticed vegetables are not incredibly common, and those you find are not diverse. Dishes are rice heavy, and the vegetables are mostly varieties of cucumbers and seaweed. A friend of mine, who lived in Tokyo for a few years, confirmed my observation and mentioned it's thought to be a cause of persistent dental issues in Japan. Don't have a source or anything for that, but thought it might be interesting to mention. I think it greatly depends on where you live. In California, I have access to a huge variety of vegetables and many farmer's markets throughout the week I can attend. I imagine that i am an outlier though, and many areas have access to very few vegetable varieties. Food deserts are a very real thing and a very real problem. I'm mostly just musing, but I think I'm mentioning this because there is a trend in spaces like this to idolize Japan, and reality is much more nuanced than "Japan is perfect."

It's a pretty interesting scenario to imagine. What is bothersome is that I can't see a situation where it wouldn't lead to more right wing domestic terrorism. Which is just terrible, but almost seems inevitable next year no matter what happens really. Here is hoping we get through this with as little harm as possible.

That last bit about pardons only being available 5 years after serving the punishment is great to hear.

Cooking! I've tried to post in that community a couple times with a bit of success. I'm going to commit to posting more though. But you're so right. I love people nerding out over the niche things they love. Thanks for the encouraging post!

Thanks for everything you and the team do! And thanks to all users for contributing to this instance, and helping to make it as great as it is!

Lessons learned in school are often social in nature. Learning that queer people exist, and that they should be treated with respect is an incredibly valuable lesson.

Never. That is a position for the naive.

Most of what I have read has said that our need for protein is incredibly overstated, and most Americans eat way too much. From what I understand, it's fiber that we need to eat more. I guess it goes without saying, but the takeaway is that nutrition is very complex and needs can vary greatly from person to person.

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How on earth are people not totally repulsed by Altman? Capitalist to the core. Gross to see all his employees drank the kool aid too. I work in tech, but non-profit side, so I sometimes forget just how driven by money the tech sector is. Altman is a fucking bond villain at this point.

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Nice read, thanks for sharing! The NES will always be the epicenter of my lifelong love for gaming. I will always remember receiving Megaman 2 for my bday. We had other games, but as the youngest of three boys, it was the first game that was truly mine. And I will never forget the weird ass cover art it had lol.

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Glad your gato is doing well! Good luck on the job search!

That's a pretty spicy date. Mostly, I'm happy they didn't schedule it for 2026 like they've been asking.

Me too. I struggle to see why so many don't want to use this option.

Ok, I concede. This is the first logical argument I've seen for keeping giant cats off aircraft carriers. I've always seen vitriolic nonsense against giant cats, but this shows very clearly the damage they could cause. I'm changing my point of view thanks to this detailed graphic. Thank you for educating me.

Patience is the least we can offer for all you 4 have done to provide such a great space to be online. Welcome fellow newbies!

I'm super confused by this post. It's on everyone's mind and all over any media, of course people are talking about it. No doubt it will simmer down, or be replaced by the next huge geopolitical event. I don't see an issue, and am unclear on what this post is even about. What are you wanting to happen?

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