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Joined 1 years ago

u/nexusband on Reddit

Don't forget, he was a very well known actor and comedian before.

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You could be spending it in Ukraine.

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Neither is he the sole leader of Ukraine, nor is he a dictator or something the likes, Ukraine still has a parliament that needs to ratify such decisions.

They led to over 150 cases of severe consequences in Germany. Beginning with very high tax "recalculations", company closures, heads rolling (firings in some of the affected companies or the end of some political careers, like Bert Meestadt or Nawaz Sharif's dismissal from office) to actual imprisonments. 71 Million Euros of "additional" Taxes have already been payed, Mossack is wanted by Europol, and many many more.

Many cases are still open - justice takes time.

To say nothing happend due to the Panama Papers is just blatantly misleading and utterly untrue.

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It's definitely not helping - especially since Russian planes are quite difficult to fly. Most of them have zero automation

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Basically, China pumps incredible amounts of money in to companies, so they can undercut prices from EU companies crazy - forcing the EU companies to give up. EU wants to level the playing field.

Edit: With taxes for Chinese companies that want to sell something in the EU, like China already does as well on the Chinese market.

There also another thing at play here: China has laws, so that foreign companies need at least 50% Chinese "shares" (it's not just shares), basically neutering these companies and also giving away the technology to Chinese third parties. Wich further erodes the playing field, because now Chinese companies not only can produce stuff dirt cheap, they can also do it with "high-tech" stuff, without having to pay and/or do the development.

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Smaller corporations have it easier, IF they took IT Security serious. For the simple fact, that there are just a lot less entry points and way less whack amole playing.

And Microsoft never took security as serious as they should have.

Edith: And I highly doubt, we'll see a substantial change on Microsoft's side. 1.: There's less Money to be made. 2.: In some ways, their hands are tied because of the still ongoing Patriot Act/USA Freedom Act (which is a bullshit name) or rather the safe harbor stuff.

"AI" is probably simple machine learning?

reads article

Yes, it is.

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This is going to be a serious issue in the future - either society changes and these things are going to be accepted or these kind of generating ai models have to be banned. But that's still not going to be a "security" against it...

I also think we have to come up with digital watermarks that are easy to use...

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Yeah, let Russia walz right through Ukraine and then Moldova - what could possibly go wrong! Apart from that, Russia is the one loosing hundreds of thousands soldiers. The difference in the way Ukraine mourns their lost ones is such, that calling Russia "Civilized" in any way is just a blatant lie. Russia is utterly disgusting.

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First thing is him being bankrupted to hell and back. Then he gets to suffer until his sentences are official. And THEN you'll see him die eventually in federal custody.

A little corner of my conscience has pity for him. Then I remind myself that he's one of the shittiest human beings alife and that corner is suddenly very vocal of him getting what he deserves...

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There's a slight difference in wanting the fediverse having the same usability as Reddit and it actually being Reddit.

That's pretty much the case for all missing workers. The pay in some jobs is utterly ridiculous here in Germany. And that's not because of the Taxes.

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THE reason i got a Mazda, after many years of Mercedes and BMW...

Before i got my Pixel 6 Pro, i've been running Custom Roms on everything. The Pixel 6 Pro is probably the first device, i'm actually okay running Stock. It just does what it should. And i'll be honest, the hassle of getting it to work properly (Banking, Netflix, etc) is just too much for my everyday phone...Google really did a number on that one, both positive and negative. I kind of hate it...

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I just hope he just crashes and takes that whole far right shit with him. Unfortunately, looking at the Netherlands, it doesn't look good.

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It's a fun escape

Yeah, I think my definition of escape is VERY different.

Yes, it would and I will never understand why someone would use the web interface.

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Doesn't change the fact, that Hungary or at least the politicians have to actually disprove the suggestions, Orban wants a dictatorship - because pretty much all he talks about is exactly that in one form or the other.

Summoning the Ambassador and calling the accusations "lies" doesn't do shit in terms of disproving it.

Why are these Temperatures only since 1979?

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Other countries like Singapore, sure. Countries where you've got to go 20-25 km just to buy basic groceries, fuck no.

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You do realize, many of those "forever chemicals" have no alternative? PFOA for example is essential for modern production, because there is no other material known to withstand the temperatures and pressures needed in the production processes? So the alternative is either not to use them at all, with ALL the consequences - or we have use a proper way to dispose them.

Purification Plants are the same argument analogy.

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Casualties, but apparently the deaths are more than 50% confirmed - in the end, it doesn't matter though, because russian field medicine is such a shit show, I highly doubt a single one of those 450k+ will ever fight again. So they are the same.

Unfortunately, due to ASUS being based in China, we are unlikely to get a response until next week.

So, Taiwan is now China for Android Authority? Good to know, another one to ignore and not visit anymore...

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IF you go down that route, there needs to be a warning: Do it properly, use a VPN if you are torrenting, get a usenet account if you want fast speeds that encrypts the connection and so on - basically, teach it correct. Because some countries or rather law agencies WILL hunt you down if they even get some hint of your actual IP-Address...

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Yeah, I only got the Pixel 6 Pro because of the zoom lense...i would not have chosen it otherwise. It's too big...

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I mean, Russia was pretty shit overall and they've been trying to change history books and inventions for something in russia. Computers famously where made in Hungary, Rockets and basically anyhting that properly flew in ukraine...and so on.

I hate this timeline. I hate it so much...

“And while he thinks that sucking up to Putin and other dictators will make him strong, the American people know him for who he truly is: a coward and a loser.” I simply do not understand, what kind of complex disability/disorder you have to have, to give Trump your vote. I simply cannot grasp how deranged someone has to be.

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That's just a plain wrong assessment of the original German story, that broke a few days ago. Macron, Scholz and Putin (Edit: Putin wasn't in at that point in late February - at least that's the original story) wanted to exchange Nawalny for Krasikov, but since his death, the whole thing is basically done, because there is no one else to exchange for Krasikov.

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I finally switched my gaming rig two weeks ago. Been great so far, except VR and I'll admit, the Xbox Game Pass missing...I wish gog or someone would come up with something like it, because there have been a lot of games I started and didn't finish because they just haven't been my cup of tea...

Now if Autodesk would get their shit together as well, things could be happening at work as well.

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That is incorrect, because salt water electrolysis is a thing - actually so much more efficient even, that they salt fresh water because it takes less energy. Not only that - the plant which I indirectly work for uses grey water. You know, that stuff that you flush down the drain?

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It is that simple, because with b), they will never truly leave you alone. With a) there is at least a chance it will get better. The consequences with a) however also include punishing all those people that propped him up and helped, as there are other laws and articles that have been broken and not prosecuted

Why would you even try to negotiate with a terrorist (and whatever else attributes Putin has attributed to him)? For a war to end, there needs to be a winner and a looser - Russia HAS to loose this, because they have been disregarding rules set by most international communities for over 100 Years.

Apart from that, Putin is not willing to negotiate - they are willing to dictated terms. That may just a be a tiny difference to your pea brain, but it's a pretty huge one in reality. How cynical and fucked up does one have to be, to be willing to negotiate with terrorists? Not only that, how utterly depraved of any civility, intelligence and decency has anyone be, to accuse Ukraine of being "the bad guy" here?

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1933 started the same. Unfortunately, the U.S. has nukes...I find it even more depressing that the future of everything lies in the hands of some general's simply not following the launch order. (And that scenario isn't as far fetched as I'd like it to be)

400k Russians are not in the fight anymore. That number has been confirmed. Even doubling the Ukrainian numbers makes this whole thing utterly staggering...that would be 1 to 6. But the 31k? 1 to 12....12!! For every dead Ukrainian, Russia pays with 12 of their own...

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What a load of bullshit, Voters that don't turn up are the most dangerous of them all, because it lowers the percentage and skews the votes. If 40% go voting and make their vote invalid, those 40% still get counted, meaning the percentage for other parties is overall lower.

That's a pretty daft conclusion, because JCB has been making Hydrogen machinery for quite some time now and power made for all the equipment on site can also easily be made with hydrogen.

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But America also deserves someone better than Biden.

Actually, it doesn't.

Germany is too wound up in internal stupidity contests right now. I wouldn't be surprised if after January 2nd everything is grinding to a halt because of farmers and the new laws...