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Joined 7 months ago

The USSR was evidently state capitalist.

Fucking disgusting.

That's not even funny. Exposing yourself to kids is... Not right.

Idk the slavery, the goblins, the blatant love of all the worst parts of 19th century high British society... The world is pretty wild.

And she doesn't really set those things up to challenge them in the books, you're just supposed to accept that they're there and be fine with them.

Notion acquired Skiff('s Dev team) and now they're shutting their project down as stated to continue their own work.

It is always in the favor of states to not only claim to support their people, and even represent them, but to encapsulate their identity. Authoritarian after authoritarian has learned this.

Criticize the CCP , you're a sinophobe. Criticize the Iranian or Saudi governmenta and you are demonstrating Islamophobia and antiarabic prejudice. Now with Israel. Plenty have done and it damn works, that's the worst part.

I have no idea what your budget is, so don't take this as me shoving this in your face.

A used Nissan Leaf or Chevy Bolt can be around 10k depending on which year you're looking at. I have a Leaf and I love it.

For those of you coming in to say that ChadEMO sucks, it does. But Nissan recently publicly recognized the need for an adapter to CCS. So hopefully they start making those.

It's genuinely about giving the ruling class wage slaves in the future. They hated seeing the plummeting birth rates. That's always been the reason. These politician's owners and donors have no need for petty ethics or morals (of any kind). There is always a material, political, class reason for these decisions

Literally my first thought too.

Genuinely yes. I was just saying that I'll get a used cheap pixel 6 for Graphene OS and then get a nice flagship when they add desktop mode.

They're terrified by the birth rate collapsing. They don't give two rats asses about pro life or morals. They just want workers.

This was always the reason. Sure, I'm sure there are many politicians who support banning abortion based on morals, but many of them just go with it because their donors and owners told them too. Always, always look past religious reasons, past moral reasons, and find the class reason. It's always there, but it may be hard to see.

Again, I'm not saying that there aren't those whose only motivation is controlling women and being genuinely pro life, but so many of these quacks don't give two shits about petty things like morals (even from their perspective, I'm pro choice not saying that prolife is the moral thing). The ruling class always has its reasons, and you just gotta find it beyond all of the given reasons

1 more...

Hail Darkseid

Do you need to be able to post and upvote?

If not then install libredirect, go to the reddit settings, and ping instances until you find the lowest latency front end.

There you go. How you can read and the ui of most is pretty clean.

Fuck Disney. They're gearing to buy the show when the Tories axe the BBC even more.

No not everybody does understand that. When we cry genocide they really don't understand that is EXACTLY what is happening. We're not just throwing the word around. They are killing and ousting a people group, that is two forms of genocode

We have very little idea how plastic is affecting the human body. But I wouldn't be surprised if like lead or some brain tumors it increases aggression, causes anti social behavior, and falls into a paranoid fear spiral.

But then again, gen z would be some of those most affected by it and we're seeing a lot more progressive attitudes in gen Z and millenials than older generations.

Do you really think that they are minority? I'm concerned they're not

The contradictions of capitalism are always eating at itself. The blood machine just has to crush enough orphans for that paradox to stay quiet.