3 Post – 23 Comments
Joined 10 months ago openpgp4fpr:f9e70878c2fb389aec2ba34ca3654df5ad9f641d


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just use frontends like invidious - for mobile there are tons of apps for these frontends, i recommend newpipe if you dont care about shitty recommendations

thats what I call "perfectly cut"

it is but if 20 years later there are no apps that support xorg... well, you wont have the choice of running xorg

  • /boot and root partition: i dont use swap (i dont need it, i have plenty of ram) and i usually encrypt the root partition with luks

  • ext4: ppl keep telling me btrfs is better and all that but idk shit about filesystems and ext4 just works

  • any x11 wm: currently im using qtile and ive used bunch of wms in the past

  • alacritty: its fast and it has easy config with great doc

  • firefox with arkenfox userjs, ublock and tor proxy configuration

  • (neo)vim

  • qemu/kvm/virt-manager

  • doas

  • fish shell

and whats the plan when they say no

security? I don't think systemd vulnerabilities are that critical, a vulnerability in systemd will provide a way to privesc at most, which means that the attacker must have initial access to exploit it. And considering that most linux servers are using containerized systems, a direct systemd exploit is not possible in most cases

also, more people using systemd means more devs working on systemd, so more security issues will be found and patched

As a Turk, Fuck you.

pretty sure you can get him fired but going to police would be little too much (imo)

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artix: adding arch repos to artix results in bunch of package issues, after using it for a while it gets to a point where you have to specify 50+ --assume-installed flags just to Syyu

i switched to arch just because of this


turkish: "karıncalanmış"

picom doesnt support wayland and as I far as I know qtile doesnt have any compositor effects

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Yes that's illegal

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I dont want to switch to another wm just to use wayland

also I dont understand why people are rushing to wayland, there are still bunch of issues and half of the shit runs on xwayland anyway - just give it a couple more years

whats the problem with IPv4?

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arch + qtile + some random dark gtk theme

  • we already have enough IPv4 addresses thanks to stuff such as NAT and CG-NAT, these devices also protect the end-user by not directly exposing their IP to the internet
  • what's the problem with broadcast? also afaik IPv4 also supports multicast
  • what's the problem with IPv4 subnetting?

open source ppl likes shitting on free software ppl so yeah

xorg letting a malicious program to record keys is not a security issue, its a weakness

having that malicious program on the system, thats the security issue

if you are implementing a display protocol that aims to replace the xorg, the focus should be compatibility not fixing security weaknesses especially if you dont have any better solutions, and wayland does not have a better solution for global keys, compositors are just implenting it on their own hacky way

ğ moment

its not like he put a gun to his head and forced him to watch it, also what do you even tell to the police? "officer this guy sent me a gore video and then made fun of me - arrest him!"

not going to school would be the best option