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we just need to make sure that we don't rely on their instance(s) too heavily so we only have minimal losses when they eventually do drop support.

just a reminder that IQ tests may have the goal of measuring intelligence, but that says nothing of their precision and accuracy

what if it needed just one more second to complete?

I think they're referencing this song

i looked into revolt and pretty concerned with these two stances of the project

We don't think federation is beneficial to Revolt


We have a variety of monetisation ideas lined up internally, with these, it is not my intention for us to paywall features and I find it unlikely we would ever do that considering it would contradict what we're trying to achieve.


like, to me it seems they want to get communities invested and then later monetize in ways those communities don't yet know about?? idk that sounds extremely sus. especially when competing instances will fight against network effects with no federation.

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i learned about GNU Taler the other day from one of the OS communities

not that i don't think you could ask about them here, but there are a number of self host communities that you should check out, here are two of the bigger ones:

! !

they may be able to read certain data from another instance but their current platform allows complete surveillance of what you looked at, how long, every click and scroll, etc while also being able to feed that in to manipulating what you see.

imo it will be basically impossible to have that kind of impact on people from instances not controlled by them, particularly if the other instance defederates so they don't see meta instance content.

my take is white-washing. if they actually wanted to make a change, they could stop selling plastic bottles at any time.

Facebook could just create fake users that post ads as content

Not quite what you're asking for, but during WW2 the US employed Navajo speakers to use their language for certain verbal communications because it was so different from popular languages and hard to decipher. There's a lot written about them out there. I would also recommend checking out The Code Book by Simon Singh, it's a great recap of the history of secret codes and breaking them.

we probably need to transition to bringing our own reusable packaging/bottling for that stuff.

while I agree they are probably doing this and we should have better data privacy/ownership, the scope of the data they can pull from the fediverse is substantially less than what they get from their platform.

when you're on Facebook, they control and track everything. which posts you see, which you don't, and in what order, how long you looked at a given post, whether or not you scrolled through comments, every movement of your mouse, everything you typed and deleted in that text box, where on the screen you touched while you dragged to scroll, what text you highlighted, absolutely everything.

the only data they can probably pull from the fediverse is posts, comments, and like/dislike. maybe which posts you clicked into if that's public and I'm pretty sure they can't get which posts were shown to you without owning the instance you're on.

that's all very fair, i guess i was just hoping federation was at least on a long term roadmap

yeah, i agree that i don't think federation of something like this would be through ActivityPub (matrix has its own). i guess it just feels unfortunate that if users want to access communities across multiple instances, users will have to have separate logins and identities for each one.

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only types 1 and 2 are really recyclable and even those can only be recycled once or twice before the polymers are basically ruined and can't be used again

the problem occurs when most of the content comes from Meta (they will likely have the vast majority of Fediverse users). especially if major communities exist on their instance. when meta decides to no longer support fedi integration, those in the fedi are forced to decide between staying with their communities by ditching the fedi and moving to threads or having many of their communities ripped away.

meta will do this at some point as a play to draw users to them, but we can decide if we want to be affected when that comes to pass.

i think another factor is that we are reaching or have maybe surpassed the earth's carrying capacity for humans, which is only going to get worse with climate change. in the past, more kids also meant more labor and there was still lots of land to colonize and spread into with those extra people. but we already have more than enough people and no realistic places left to expand.

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hmm that sounds really interesting! if you end up remembering it and also remember to respond i'd love to know lol. yeah i hope if something good enough comes along two platforms will implement and then others will just follow suit.

it may be more comprehensive than trying to scrape other platforms, but the data that is available is absolutely nothing compared to what they collect on their own platforms. they're almost certainly not very concerned with collecting our relatively mild amount of data.

i totally agree, i didn't quite state it but was basing my comment in the status quo. without being able to personally change the world's economic model, one has to make decisions in the context of the current one.