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Joined 1 years ago

No matter where an election is coming up - people tend to vote against their interests. This meme popped up in my head when I read this thread:

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Never been a Twitter - or "X" - user, but:

Isn't it the whole point to show everyone your blue check mark that you have been approved or something like that? How else would one know that you are the real deal?

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I noticed two things, along with all the good answers in this thread:

  1. There is no such thing as Karma, and I hope it will never be implemented into the fediverse. The reason is that on Reddit Karma was handled like a currency, an in order to obtain Karma, the general quality of the content declined, as a result of Karma-farming. Also it was used as a threshold for posting comments in certain communities. Imagine you could join an instance only when you have a certain ammount of a Karma equivalent. That is something I don't want to see.

  2. At this moment there are mostly tech savvy users (former heavy Reddit users) here, who are interested in creating content and participation. Also these folks are helping each other. It feels like a little community. I think, the threshold to join the fediverse is still too high for the average mainstream user. Maybe it will be easier to get started when there are mobile apps.

The car as a device to transport one from A to B has been developed to completion. Any car is capable of fulfilling that task. The next stange of developement is that the comfort features in cars are being replaced with a universal control unit: a touchscreen (-computer).

All physical buttons (air condition, radio, etc.) are being phased out and are accessible over the central touchscreen, hidden in menus. This way it is easier to get customers into subscribed services (e.g. for the ability to lock your car remotely or to use the heated seat feature you have to subsribe to this particular service in order to use it).

Also, when features are controlled over a software interface like those touchscreens instead of physical buttons, it it easier to give access to users - or restrict them from it:

IIRC at the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Tesla remotely enabled their cars by allowing free supercharging as a helpful measure to help people to escape from Ukraine. Pretty nice of Tesla, isn't it? Well yes, in this particular case, but this kind of remote software interference from the manufactor can also work in the other direction. They can easily restrict the functionality of your car. Functions your car still would have if they weren't controlled remotely.

Cars become a Software-As-A-Service product.

Edit: spelling

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You might be right. Take a look at the save icon in Blender.

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"I'm sorry that you..."

... feel offended by my point of view.

Someone in the Fediverse (I don't know where and who) posted that you have to add the following filters into U-Block Origin. When done you shouldn't see any anti-adblock-warnings :,yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel,false),Object.prototype.adBlocksFound,O),ytplayer.config.aras.raw_player_response.adPlacements,[]),Object.prototype.hasAllowedlnstreamAd,true)

I might add that I haven't experienced any anti-adblock-warnings yet, but I added these filters in advance. I might be worth a shot!

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I'm currently modelling my car using Blender. The screenshots show the progress of approximately 2 weeks (entire weekends and a few hours after coming home from work). Some parts are created rather fast, and some parts take hours to get the shape correctly. Worst part in that matter ist the front bumper with its fog light. It took almost the whole weekend. The hood was made within an hour, since it has a simpler shape, compared to others.

For reference I use photos, where I do the details by eye measure. To get the general shape I traced the views (front, back, side, above) from drawings of the cars manual using Affinity Designer beforehand. This alone took me over one week, beause I only could do it after work.

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I think this is because it is pretty boring to film a computer in action, because it does noting - it doesn't move for example. So beeping sounds were added for every action a computer would do: opening or closing windows, transferring files to a disk, calculating,...

These sounds were added at a time computers were not that common in every household and to emphazise that the computer is doing something. In recent movies, computers are more silent.

Another thing film makers did to show interaction with a computer is the constant usage of the keyboard. Every thing is done with the keyboard. Open a window: type 5 sceonds on the keyboard. Transferring a file onto a disk: type the whole bible on the keyboard. This was done because it would be pretty boring to show someone use the mouse or drag-and-drop files.

It its somehow compareable to the movie trope of constantly reloading a gun. You can see this often in older movies: the protagonist is going inside a building and he is reloading his gun. Then he stops a the corner of a hallway and is reloading the gun again - despite no shot has been fired. This was also done to show the audience that a gun will be involved.

This will have a huge impact on free speech in Russia. Also, information we receive from Russia may not be genuine after this measurement will be implemented, as it will be politically in terms of Russia - as we know it from China right now. In order to spread the REAL things that are going on, people will need to risk their freedom.

This brings back some good memories! Thanks for posting!

Thank you for clarifying.

"At the same time, I think we really need to understand the fact that we are living in a different era and animals are making use of what is available to them."

They just adapt. If the supply of snail shells is declining - probably because of the pollution of their enviroment - those shells become scarce. When there are plastic garbage shells availiable, the hermit crabs will utilize them instead, since it probably is easier to obtain them. They serve the same purpose to them.

Since the lifespan of a wild hermit crab can reach up to 30 years, it probably will effect their health. When plastic disintegrates and becomes micro- or nanoplastic, those particles will cumulate in their bodies. These plastic particles are suspected of being silmilar to hormones, which can have effects on the ability to reproduce, among others.

It should be rather concerning than cute.

Here's some insightful view into the topic of gamer aesthetics:

The video is in German, but you can toggle the subtitles into (auto-generated) English.

I think those who are not satisfied with the direction Reddit is going are already here and found a new home. Maybe some will come here after the thrid-party-apps cease to work (if they aren't here already).

The vast majority (the "bulk of Reddit") doesn't bother. As long as they can use Reddit the way they use to they will not leave. It possibly has to do with the fact that these users are not tech-savvy enough in general. I don't mean it in a negative way. They just don't care because they just focus on other things. And with this in mind these users probably checked out Lemmy already but because the buttons are green and their favorite subreddit is not here yet, it is not appealing to them. So they rather stay on reddit.

"Combat Footage" implies NSFW content.

I think it has someting to do with allowing NSFW content. Many instances do not want to host NSFW content, as it is too much effort to moderate. You should look for an instance where NSFW content is not restricted (I believe allows NSFW content) and try to create the community there.

It's probably just a precaution measurement or for liability reasons (like don't put your hamster in the microwave).

Here's more to read: The rumour of cellphones not to be allowed at gas stations has proven to be false.

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Years ago, Opera has been my main browser and I really liked it. Back then, it was the only browser (to my knowledge) that had tabs. It was a novelty back then. Over the time they added more features, like the conversion tool. Then they added more features I didn't need or want, like the side bar, and it quickly became bloated. I switched to firefox, which offered a greater variety of add-ons. I still use firefox as my main browser. The only thing I miss is the conversion tool. There is nothing comparable like the one Opera has built in. I later learned that the original developers sold it to a chinese consortium. In hindsight, that explains the constant changes to the worse, which pushed me to another browser.

What stood out the most to me was when everybody left Reddit and came to Lemmy that everyone helped each other to get settled into Lemmy and the Fediverse - at least where I settled. Knowledge was passed down. More tech savy users answered the questions of new users patiently. Everybody was (and still is) polite in general and it is a pleasure to participate in such an enviroment.

I experienced (and I still do) much more "adult" behaviour within Lemmy, compared to Reddit. I barely have to downvote comments due to bad/ malicious behavior. I think I have had to downvote 3 times within the last 8 months - and one downvote was dedicated to a bot which summarized some news content wrong. Here you can have nice discussions and most comments actually contribute. Less "This"-comments.

I like that Lemmy in general is more left leaning, and also more tech savy. Also, I experienced less gatekeeping than on Reddit - at least, within my home instance. Your experience, however, may differ.

Before there were blue LED, the indicator light for full beam was a blue tinted incandescent bulb. My parents had a Volkswagen Passat from the 1980s (?) where the usually blue indicator light for full beam was a green LED, since blue ones were not invented back then.

When a website features an (embedded) video at the top and you need to scroll down to read the text unterneath the video:

If not disabled by your browser, the video playback starts. You stop the video. You beginn to scroll down to read the text unter the video, because you don't want to watch the video. Now the video pops out and begins to play and hovers over the area where the text is displayed.

News websites are prone to this behavior.

When I was a student I had almost everything pirated, because of the lack of money and unreasonable pricing. Back then it was easy because in most cases I knew someone who knew someone who already had pirated the program.

Meanwhile I switched for alternatives (for instance I used to have Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, now I have purchased Affinity Photo and Designer) as the trend leads into the direction of subscribed software (software-as-a-service). I prefer software to be installed locally and not dependent of a stable internet connection. Also, I have no problem with paying for proprietary software, given it is priced reasonably.

We do have these signs (crossed cellphone) also at gas pumps where I live (Germany). As I stated above, I think these signs were introduced with the beginning popularity of cellphones and serve mostly as a precaution measurement because nobody knew 25 years ago if cellphones pose a harm to gas pumps when both are in use simultaneusly. In the same fashion that cellphones had to be shut off during the entire flight in an airplane. Gas pumps were there before cellphones. I personally witnessed people pumping gas and use cellphones at the same time and nobody cared. Depending on where you are from, your experience may differ.

Edit: typo, spelling

MrBallen is a guy who retells storys in a very compelling way. Stories of murder-cases, odd occurences, sinister events, etc.

This channel is really worth listening/watching (and also binging). I discovered his channel two years ago and follow it ever since. The videos length unsually varies between 15 to 30 minutes. Although the video's thumbnails and titles appear like it is clickbait, each video is well-made and worth a watch! Almost every Sunday a new video is uploaded.

  • not having children
  • not buying obviously useless crap (i.e. does one really need a motion-activated, LED illuminated salt-and-pepper shaker?)
  • use things as long as possible, including repairing things
  • combine errands when using the car instead of doing these errands separately - this saves time and gasoline

Regarding your edit: This might be the reason, why people tend to vote against their interests. To weed out competition. For instance, people would happily vote against free school lunch - even if the option of free school lunch would benefit them - just because some different ethnical and/or political group would not receive that benefit either.

I see a very similar behavior in German politics right now: The right-wing party (AfD) is gaining popularity and the conservative party (CDU) is going to lose voters towards them. In order to appeal to voters they want to (very oversimplified) alter social welfare benefits to the worse and keep minimum wage from rising, all while claiming that immigration (among other things) is the issue. But those who are voting for the right wing party and the conservative party as well are the ones who clearly would benefit from better social welfare an a higher minimum wage. These people would rather decline any improvements regarding social welfare and minimum wage, so that others (immigrants for example) would not benefit from them either.

Edit: typos

Thank you. Why am I doing it: I re-discovered Blender a couple of months ago and followed the famous Donut-Tutorial. After that I made some minor things, then I modelled and animated my Laptop, and now I'm challenging myself with a bigger project with more complex shapes. And boredom.

I'm working in the Architecturial field, so I know how to work in 3D in general. In architecture, however, I need to consider all kinds of measurements correctly - that is someting I dont't need to do in Blender for an extent. I just enjoy the build.

I tried Blender before (I think it was Version 2.x) but in the end it didn't work out for me. Meanwhile the software got better.

Back when I still studied (couple of years ago) I did some renderings using Cinema 4D, since we had it on some universities computers. But I didn't model anything in C4D. I had a CAD Software, which wasn't that capable of 3D back then, but one could draw precicely. For the 3D stuff I used Sketchup. I could interchange the files (mostly dxf files) between the programs. For renderings I imported a 3DS-file into C4D and put textures on it. Our software at work is capeable of creating rendered images.

My goal is to import the car model into our architecture software at work and sneak it into a rendering.

Until now I thought this Whassup?-Sketch refers to that scene in "Scary Movie" from the early 2000s. I never would have guessed that this was a beer commercial for the Superbowl.

That is a true statement. You can't have both securtiy and wireless (convenience).

Every wirelessly transmitted signal, whether it is your network signal or bluetooth, can be intercepted from afar. It is even possible to encrypt the accoustic signal emitted from a needle printer and determine what has been printed because every letter/word emits a specific sound pattern. Sound travels wirelessly. This link from 2009 refers to that. Unfortenately it is written in German and I didn't find anything in English, but you could translate it.

Edit: typos 2 nd Edit: Addition: Needle printers are still in use - at least in Germany - for printing prescriptions at doctor's offices, among other things. The paper used for that provides a (physical) carbon copy.

Actually, someone already came up with the idea of anal fingerprinting, albeit in another context:

Virus Shark ( (

This movie is really really awful. ALL of the actors and actresses are so bad, it's not even good ironically. Just awful. I really don't mind B-Movies with a limited budget, as there are some out there, which are not bad. But this one in particular? The (badly made) rubber shark is a more convincing actor than any of the other protagonists of the movie. This movie is acted out so poorly that any movie you can watch on Sci-Fi are Hollywood quality in comparison. I dare you to watch the whole movie!

what are yall doing with your time?

We use our time more efficiently. Since you can stream everything from the internet, you don't need to work your schedule according to the time, a show on TV starts. You don't need to be at home at 7 because a new episode ist airing. With streaming you can decide on when you want to watch something.

Another benefit of not having (classic) TV is, that you barely see any commercials or ads (given you use an adblocker). When I have the chance to watch TV (when staying in hotels or visiting friends wo have TV) I'm astonished how many ads (even in the TV menu) and commercials get thrown down our throats. It's like a stream of ads interrupted with shows.

And after thet, they will turn the lighter socket into a subscription model.

Try velcro zip ties. They are reuseable. For example:

I have a simailar strategy: I bought a mouse, considered it good enough to work with, bought the same mouse again to put it away for when the first-bought mouse is failing.

I do the same with shoes since I wear the same brand and model for years, so that an internet purchase is without any risk for me.

A cheap phone last about as long and does 90% the same stuff

This is true. You can get an almost equal performance out of a cheap phone. But I learned that more expensive or high-end phones recieve more software updates than cheaper entry-tier phones.

For instance, I own an LG K8 (Model LG-M200E) from 2017. The battery still holds enough charge (although it is designed to be replaced), the camera works, the touch display still responds properly - but it only recieved one update (Android 7 --> Android 8) in 2018. I wouldn't consider it secure and I certainly don't have my online banking on the phone. Meanwhile it gets very hot and slow when I use Google Maps. Unfortunately, there is no way to replace its operating system with an alterntive OS, linke Grephene OS or Lineage. None of the many alternative operating systems offer suppert for this specific model.

My next phone will propably be mid-price ranged.

Edit: typos

"Saturday" references to the planet "Saturn".

Here is a video about the origin of the weekday's names in different languages:

I addition to that, here is a video which explains how the months got their names: This channel has very interesting videos about the ethymological origins of different things. It's worth watching.

Edit: spelling

I think programming can be a pretty dull task, where you spend hours over hours copy-pasting fragments of code from former projects and/or from other sources, adjust it to your needs, run it, remove the bug, run it again and find the new ten bugs over and over again.

But you get to wear a black hoodie and a mask.

Things I do what give me a percieved sense of privacy/ security:

  • use Firefox with Add-ons (Ublock origin, Idontcareaboutcookies, Istilldontcareaobutcookies, Consent Blocker)
  • browser set up to block third party cookies and to delete any cookies after closing
  • not allowing to store any credentials in the browser
  • using different passwords for different services (not one password for all)
  • using Two-Factor-Authentification on services which are connected with banking account
  • not using freemail providers for email
  • using a temporary email where possible if registration is required
  • encrypted hard drive and encrypted backups
  • do not use cloud storage (I rely on old school portable hard drives and thumb drives)
  • using an additional firewall to stop certain not-quite-legally-obtained programs from phoning home (these programs can't be replaced through FOSS at the moment, or are too ridiculously overpriced to buy them right now)
  • restrict/ forbid operating system to collect anonymous data and to phone home (as if that helps...)
  • don't do online banking with an android 8 device

The password storage thing sometimes seems to be a hassle. I have stored my passwords in a physical moleskin, written with a pen, like an old person would do. When I have that book not availiable (when travellling), I have to guess my credentials.

At work I have the browser stored all the credentials. It's so much faster and easier. But since it's at my job I don't have to worry about my own private stuff.

A Bronx Tale

A father becomes worried when a local gangster befriends his son in the Bronx in the 1960s.