3 Post – 39 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I believe Lula and his government appreciates anything that reduces the influence of the US.

yep! I laughed when I read that. GPL working precisely as intended.

right, since blender 2.8 it has been way more accessible for users to get into. I've always really liked blender's unique approach to design though. The Blender Devs work in the same building as their in-house animation studio. This kind of synergy has always come up with unique workflows that are crazy powerful and useful once you get behind it. right-click-select is one of these things. The devs at the Blender Institute are always surronded by artsists who have tons of ideas on how to make things faster to use for the artists.

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its true, but Autodesk's walled garden approach is starting to crumble. FBX is on the way to be replaces by USD, Rendering is on it's way to be streamlined by Hydra Delegates, and there are a bunch of projects by the ASWF that work on new open source standards for the industry.

Grassfed Cattle needs an infeasible amount of land. The only efficient or environmentally 'friendly' way would be substituting them with plant-based alternatives. Cows obviously are not the problems. It's us humans who breed them for the sole purpose of exploiting them when there are other, greener and more eithical alternatives

Edit: here a very informative video addressing most of the arguments in favor of grass-fed livestock

Edit 2: Another one by the same creator about regenerative grazing

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GPL or MIT is mandatory for any code-based product on the Blender Market.

All scripts, add-ons, and other code-based products may be licensed as either GPL or MIT. No other licensing options are currently permitted for code-based products.

Assets don't have to be free the same way code is, so there are mostly royalty-free products when it comes to assets.

It is true however, many addons charge more money for a "studio license". I've been confused about it too and I assume it wouldn't be enforcable with a GPL license. I don't mind it too much though as I think it fair to charge companies that generate more revenue a bit more than individuals

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it has been truly wonderful to see it flourish throughout the years!

I definetly think they should dump twitter. especially democratic institutions

thanks. Sure, let me hear them! they might not work for me, but it certainly won't hurt reading them

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hello, I'm not a native english speaker and I know two distinct meaning of the word "gag" and neither of them make sense in this context. so what does "gag order" mean?

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I love Vital (Vitalium) and Zyn-Fusion. Surge and Odin are great too. all of them are open source and work great with bitwig.

oh I use blender so much I have to put effort into associating the word with a literal blender

I don't really want to argue in detail as I don't feel like your critizism is constructive or specific. You're right though, the blender devs aren't the good guys.. they are the best!

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oh wait that was episode 666 releasing on friday 13? đŸ˜±

I don't know. I tend to just try to live and hope I come up with an idea at some point.

thanks a lot for your words!

Happiness is 80% a choice and its easier to make with medical assistance

it feels like it is so much labor and I am exhausted. it never really sticks, it keeps slipping away. I wish it was easier

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I wonder what the fediverse's answer will be to this problem once it gets popular. Will instances that has a lot of bot content be defederated? some kind of fedipact against bot (unlabled) content?

the post I quoted from is pretty much 10 years old - except for the license blender changed a lot since then. Both Corona and V-ray have some kind of 'bridge' implementation, but they are not nearly as well integrated into blender as cycles is, and therefore their userbase is quite small.

they give you stuff for free. Send them money if you want them to have more resources to manage all the contributions, or give money to someone who you think knows better than them. Calling them egomaniacs is absurd, wrong and rude, and will get you nothing but downvotes on Lemmy

ahh okay, thank you!

Not even the Nazis would kill children as reprisal.

the nazis absolutely killed children for all sorts of despicable reasons. Could you at least make your point without relaitivizing fucking Nazi crimes?

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Someone told me once they used ChatGPT as a tool to practice a language. I thought it was quite invovative

probably - I think most studios would be okay with paying more, the prices are pretty fair compared to what's common in the industry. And on top of that they'd probably have to do without tech support from the devs which is quite important for studios

I guess discourse in software development is very normal (and needed) and in the case of free software, it is generally held publicly. Well they still give away their code for free. Everyone is allowed to do the same thing the blender foundation does - aquire resources to fund blender's development and sharing the product with everyone who wants to use it.

edit: reading the thread on blenderartists.. that developer seems to be a bit of a drama queen.. I can't comment on the technical things as I know close to nothing about it, but him being rude like that is not good for any working environment.

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I see your point, makes sense to me - it gets bloated and meaningless when there are so many of them

that “anti-semitism” dog-whistle is just pure racism

ahh alright, calling out anti-semitism is racist now? You're watering down the definition of both of these issues. Comparing Israel to Nazi Germany is antisemitic. That's not up to debate for me.

(which only a racist would think), hence Israel represents all of them, hence criticism of Israel is anti-semitism.

okay, typical Motte-and-bailey. you compared Israel to Nazi Germany. I called you out on that. Moreover, I called Netanyahu "full of shit" and said "IDF is committing reprehensible war crimes". I'm criticizing Israel. Doesn't make me an Anti-Semite. This kind of stuff always happens. "Israel is like Nazi Germany!!1" (Motte) and "Oh I'm just criticizing Israel" (Bailey)

but it even has already exceed the rate of killing of civilians of pretty much everybody but the Nazis

You're making this up. Please have at least the decency and give me sources.

but in terms of the rate of civilian deaths it certainly has already exceeded everything else but the actual Holocaust

The hamas killed 1200 people in a single say. that would be 108000 in 90 day, exceeding the "rate of civilian deaths" of the IDF bombing. Is this a shitty argument? yes, it is awful, and so is yours. It is a fucking tragedy and it needs to end. But why do you use these numbers to desperately frame Israel as Nazis?

Important to note: between May and July 1944, the Nazis killed over 400 000 Hungarian Jews in Auschwitz.

Again: Comparing Israel to Nazi Germany is detached from reality, and antisemitic. You are not helping anyone by doubling down on claiming it is.

Think a second about those who are actually affected by the conflict, who understand how complex and twisted it is and who genuinely look for ways to find peace. People who oppose the war, the occupation, Netanyahu's government, Hamas. These people are drowned out by westeners entirely unaffected by the conflict, claiming to know better what is going on, and resort to simplistic, tribalistic and hateful language.

I haven't found a FOSS Ableton/Bitwig replacement either, but the FOSS audio world has many wonderful synths a effects.

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will look into it. thanks!

fair point - noone on reddit buys awards so that they can contribute to reddit financially - people do that to draw more attention to the kind of content they like. So I thought you could use that to get more money to people who can make use of it. So to the donors it wouldn't primarily be a donation. if is doing well for now - that's great for them, but there are many groups who can make really use it.

well liberapay pretty much exists to give people a way to contribute to the FOSS they support. What I was thinking of is not much more than a way to do just that, just in a way that is more engaging than the typical donation system

the Nazis mudered around 70000 french jews during the Shoa, many of them children. what's your point?

I really don't get why it is so difficult to shit on Netanyahu and his fellows without resorting to insensitive/antisemitic language. He's full of shit, yes, and the IDF is commiting reprehensible war crimes. But no, there is no comparison to be made with Nazis. The Shoa stands for itself.

It is sickening to see how there are so many pro-palestinan voices for peace who avoid this sort of language, only to drowned by so many westeners who think relativizing Nazi crimes is somehow helping palestinians

edit: just to expand a little: around 400 000 French civilians have been killed between 1939 and 1945 It's just ridiculous. I have no idea how people can upvote made up shit like that. sorry, but this is just fucking enfuriating

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thanks! As you work with computers - how do you manage working from home (in case you have experience with that) It is something really hard for me to deal with when I don't have the spacial separation thanks again for you answer :)

certainly not everything is about money. but servers do cost money, and if we want to keep lemmy servers independent they'll need some source of income.

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From this source:

Many of the Israeli hostages, according to interviews with family members, returned “malnourished, infested with lice, ill, injured and deeply traumatized,” the Times also reported.

Also important to note, it is likely that some hostages are treated under "acceptable" conditions for propaganda purposes. Also, many hostages' family members were murdered on october 7. So that unto itself very much contradicts with the absurd claim that they were "treated well".

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yet again, the grayzone is not a reputable source. Also, just because there is some incorrect information about the october 7 attacks, it doesn't invalidate widely documented, independently verified evidence of the crimes commited.

Do read the rest of the article it completely demolishes that rape IDF fanfic.

There Was No Cover-Up of Hamas’s Sexual Violence on October 7 .

You are literally backing rapists who documented their own crimes. It's beyond disgusting if you ask me.


good! reporting helps, too.

no, they just foribly impregnate cows every single year of their life, take away their calves the second they are born to take the milk from their overloaded udders until they collapse or stop being comercially viable. Then they are killed. Just like their male children a few weeks after being born.

The milk industry is arguably more cruel than the meat industry. We should reject both

A few people commit crimes

They murdered 1200 people.

and most kids were killed by israeli tanks

disinformation. debunked here and here.

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Furthermore plenty of witness testimonies from israelis that were that say that the IDF tanks shot children in kubbutzes.

There is no reputable source backing this up. It is disinformation.

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